Darkness fell over the land a little earlier than usual, aided by thick dark clouds.

Along the way, except for the darkness and rain, the train kept running calmly without any twists and turns - and there was no trace of the so-called dementors at all.

Think about it - everyone originally thought that Sirius Black escaped from prison in order to hunt down Harry, so the Dementors naturally had to guard Hogwarts closely, waiting for Black to fall into the trap (in fact, they also It was indeed a mistake); but this time Black's escape from prison was sudden, and he did not say "he is in Hogwarts" in his sleep... No one knew where he went.

People like Dumbledore, Snape, Lupine and others who know the truth may be a little wary of Black, but they will certainly not take any too obvious measures before he rushes into Hogwarts and destroys the portrait of the Fat Woman.

However, some people speculate that Black escaped from prison for the "Voldemort's dark magic item", that is, the Horcrux diary. At the same time, everyone knows that the diary is now the same as Voldemort's main soul, in Dumbledore himself. in hand.

So this year's Hogwarts will probably take some precautions, but they will definitely not let the Dementors directly in. At most, they will restrict entry to Hogsmeade, or have a stricter curfew... These are all very important to Ava. It has no impact.

So just like last year, after the train arrived at the station, Avada and other senior students entered the auditorium first in the Yeqi carriage, and witnessed a group of people who had just come by boat in the rain and were already soaked in the rain. After the freshmen completed this year's sorting ceremony with a doubtful look on their faces, Dumbledore, who was sitting on the principal's seat, stood up again with a smile on his face.


He said loudly and energetically, his beard shining brightly under the candlelight: "Welcome the first-year students to Hogwarts! We also welcome the old students to come back to school! But before everyone's favorite part of the meal, I have a few things to tell you all, and one of them is very important - so I thought it best to get it out before your brains get muddled by your delicious feast..."


Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued: "Due to some special circumstances this year, we need to adjust the criteria for going to Hogsmeade - in addition to being in third grade or above and obtaining the signature of a guardian, it was originally open on weekends Hogsmeade will be off-limits on Saturday mornings - prefects please help monitor this, while Saturday afternoons and Sundays will be open as normal."

The students in the auditorium looked at each other, but after seeing Dumbledore's more or less serious expression, they suppressed the more or less doubts in their hearts and prepared to discuss it after dinner officially started...

“Other than that it’s been enjoyable conversation – and I’m delighted to welcome two new professors to our lineup.”

Dumbles finally no longer had a sullen face, but gently reached out to the old face in the classroom seat: "Professor Remus Lupin will be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year."

"Believe me, he is an excellent wizard with rich practical experience. He once personally withstood an extremely powerful black magic curse without getting hurt. He has also dealt with dark creatures for a long time and has quite advanced knowledge in this area. ...Please everyone must study with him seriously, such an excellent professor is rare."


Applause as warm as fried chicken nuggets crackled in the auditorium. The students all looked quite happy, after all, Professor Lupin looked very convincing: his weathered face, deep eyes, humble and gentle smile, and the tattered wizard robe - very similar to It resembles the kind of powerful wizard in fairy tales who lives in seclusion in the deep mountains and forests and is indifferent to the world.

Especially compared to the two from last year and the year before that, this professor named Lupine couldn't be more perfect.

Avada also took a special look at Snape, only to find that his somewhat reflective face did not show too much hatred. Instead, his hatred was mixed with a bit of contempt and pride.

Indeed, he is much more prosperous now than before: he has almost completed the mission of annihilating Voldemort and avenging Lily, has sat in the position of principal, is also an academic leader well-known in the magical society, and holds a bunch of things in his hand that make all researchers envious. The hateful basilisk material...compared to the impoverished Lupine, they are simply on two different levels.

The werewolf who almost killed him was now not only crushed by him in all directions, but also had to drink the medicine he made in a humble voice - which was not very satisfying to Snape.

"And as for the second new professor,"

Dumbledore continued: "After everyone's favorite Professor Kettleburn retired, our original gamekeeper and keykeeper Rubeus Hagrid has passed a series of tests and officially took over as Professor of Care of Magical Creatures. Position!"

Amidst a burst of warm applause from the Gryffindor table, Hagrid stood up helplessly, his thighs almost bringing down the entire professor's table. Fortunately, Professor McGonagall had quick eyesight and quick hands - he bowed repeatedly in front of the students. , the mouth under the thick beard is almost raised to the sky...

"Well, I should have thought of that!"

Rolf Scamander, who was already in seventh grade, clapped and shook his head in a funny way: "Other than him, who would recommend "The Monster Book of Monsters" as a textbook? The creatures in it are all his favorites. , and he probably didn't realize that the book was actually biting him..."

He has the most say in this regard. Rolf has been working with Hagrid as an assistant to Professor Kettleburn. Last semester, they also studied basilisks together - he has spent more time with Hagrid than Harry and the others. .

"Professor Hagrid is Professor Kettleburn's personally recognized successor."

Dumbledore glanced at Hagrid and said with a smile: "He has unparalleled practical experience in the research of magical creatures, and has been making great contributions to the ecological balance and species research of the Forbidden Forest... Trust me , he will definitely open your eyes in his class!"

Avada's eyebrows twitched sharply.

"Okay, there are so many important things."

Before the applause ended, Dumbledore signaled Hagrid to sit down and immediately waved his hand: "Let's start dinner!"

Rich and exquisite food once again filled the long table, and the sound of clinking knives and forks and enthusiastic discussions once again filled the air of the auditorium - people were enjoying the food while talking about why Hogsmeade was there on Saturday morning. Could it be that the lack of openness has something to do with Sirius Black who has recently escaped? What is the origin of Professor Lupin? And what method will Hagrid use to teach...

"By the way, you guys probably still don't know how to read that monster book, right?"

As soon as Luo Fu said this, he immediately attracted countless heads to look forward to it. It seemed that everyone was tortured: "As long as you gently touch the spine of the book, the book will quiet down and you can read the content inside normally. But it’s not a permanent effect. The effect of a touch can only last two to three days, so it’s best to seal it with a belt or a freezing spell.”

"Actually, I have a simpler plan..."

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