Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 174 The Principles of the Marauder’s Map

The tracking spell on Peter Pettigrew can last for about ten days - which is already plenty for Avada. If more than ten days are not enough for him to complete his plan, it can only mean that he failed completely...

"I've got the Marauder's Map, but there are still a few final steps left to do. Mix some potions, plus..."

After saying goodbye to the twins, Avada went straight to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor and opened his own exclusive room - except for those few Horcruxes that were of great importance and needed to be carried with him, most of the other miscellaneous items needed for his research were He has put all the items that are difficult to carry into the house.

Compared with the small room when it was first opened, which was not as spacious as the toilet, the exclusive room now has become a spacious, comfortable and well-equipped laboratory - several tables are neatly filled with various items. The bottles and cans are clearly classified according to their labels; there are several large instruments next to them, most of which he assembled himself or built with his own hands; and the black disappearing cabinet is also placed in the corner, with the two It has been a lot tidier a year ago...

Avada closed the door, opened the drawer on the side, and took out a large stone basin and placed it on the table. It contained a liquid that exuded a white light, as if it was a flowing mass. Like light.


This thing is actually quite popular among wizards, especially wizards with relatively long lives, so it is relatively rare on the market, and the price ranges from high to low, ranging from one that can perfectly preserve memories, has a lifespan of nearly unlimited, and costs hundreds of galleons. There are cheap items that can only be used for a few years and cost only ten galleons - this is what the boss of the spiritual prop manufacturer that Baron recommended to him told him in the letter.

The Pensieve in Avada's hand was the cheapest one, and he only used it for a few months anyway - this was because he was afraid of equipment problems, so he didn't directly go for second-hand products, although he didn't know the comparison of Pensieves. It just depends on whether there are second-hand goods for high-end items.

"One last check..."

He carefully used his wand to pick out a ray of light in the basin, and then flicked it gently, so that the end of the ray of light connected to his temple. He closed his eyes and realized it for a while before gradually breathing a sigh of relief. That memory was put back in the basin: "There is no problem, all the details are correct. As long as you polish it appropriately when using it, there won't be any flaws."

In order to construct this memory, he spent a full semester and more than half of the summer vacation - after all, although its content is not large, it spans a full twelve years intermittently. It is easy to detect problems. Even a spiritual master like Avada had to put in a lot of effort to weave these memories perfectly.

"Then I also need some potions and fixtures..."

He took the wand and tapped it on a piece of log beside the table, and the piece of wood immediately transformed into an instrument that resembled a mousetrap and at the same time a bit like a miniature hospital bed. Then he picked out some materials from the bottles and jars on that table, went to another table filled with various utensils, and mixed the potion. It didn't take long for a bottle of light silver, still The slightly shiny potion swirled on the violet flame.

"It's in good condition."

Avada nodded with satisfaction, and then began to calculate: "It will take about two days to complete this potion. It happened to be a weekend at that time. Ron should go to Hogsmeade, and then I can take the opportunity to Peter Pettigrew started. If nothing else happens, the entire process should be completed within an hour as planned, depending on how long Ron can stay in Hogsmeade..."

"Fortunately, with the help of artifacts like the Marauder's Map - I only cast a tracking spell on Peter Pettigrew, and I didn't cast it on Ron..."

He took out the neatly folded parchment from his pocket again, looked at the dense magic structure on it and sighed: "What a genius design..."

"Although there must be some help from the hidden knowledge of the Potter family and the Black family, it still cannot hide their talents - if those four guys had put more effort in this area, they would definitely become top alchemy masters in time. of."

"But considering the amount of work that went into making this map...how much effort did they put into breaking school rules???"

In Avada's perception, this map is directly linked to the entire Hogwarts Castle, so it can so accurately display the true name of everyone in the castle - except for himself.

If he walks out of the Room of Requirement, his corresponding location will only show an ink stain on the map. This is probably the same reason why the "name curse" cannot be effective on himself, and it has to do with the special nature of the spell.

And the way the map is connected to the castle is astoundingly exquisite - the four guys back then somehow discovered the context of the main structure of Hogwarts Castle, and then used an extremely ingenious method. In this way, a modified positioning spell and a true name manifestation spell were implanted without affecting the operation of the castle, and then connected with the parchment made of special materials, directly allowing the castle itself to locate them, This is how the "Marauder's Map" was born.

Those spells have been buried in the main structure of the castle to this day, without any impact on the castle, and at the same time, they have not been noticed by anyone - the magic in the castle is regularly maintained by professors!

Although the magic in the castle is indeed a bit old - this is evident from the disembodiment restriction that only prevents humans, it still cannot conceal the talent and efforts of the map maker.

As for why Avada didn't build another one after figuring out the principles of the Marauder's Map, the reason is also very simple - the workload is too huge.

If you want to reproduce such a product, just making the map materials will involve the use of more than ten kinds of magic potions and alchemy materials, and implanting those few spells into the main structure of the castle without any trace will be even more difficult. It took several months of work - this was the best solution he came up with when he could sense magic. The four guys back then would only have spent longer... but the benefits were equally huge. This thing paired with the old Potter's invisibility cloak is simply an artifact that violates school rules.

"...So, Peter Pettigrew, who witnessed the birth of this map with his own eyes, fell on the product left by the friend he betrayed. Isn't it very dramatic?"

Avada shook the parchment, made a rattling sound, and then put it back into her pocket. After one last glance at the bottle of potion that was being brewed, she turned around and left quietly. Room of Requirement.

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