Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 189 Blake in the Wardrobe

"Okay, kids, it's time to get up."

The old voice, which was not loud but extremely clear, appeared out of thin air in the minds of every sleeping or waking student in the auditorium. It gently wiped away all their sleepiness like natural light, allowing them to get out of their sleeping bags in high spirits one by one. Got out of it...


Avada rubbed her eyes vigorously - he had hardly slept since sneaking back last night, so Dumbledore's little trick had almost no effect on him, so he would probably have to do it later. A bottle of uplifting potion.

He managed to get out of the sleeping bag, put on the wizard's robe next to him, and looked up at the teacher's seat - except for Dumbledore, only the deans of the four major colleges were still sitting in their seats. His expression looked very indifferent, even Snape didn't seem to know what happened last night.

Lupine's seat was also vacant - I guess he must not have slept very well last night.

"It seems everyone had a good sleep last night."

Facing the students in the auditorium, Dumbledore still had a smile on his face, acting as usual, not like he had been busy all night: "But, after everyone starts washing and enjoying Before breakfast, I have some good news to announce."

"You got Blake!"

Someone among the Gryffindor students immediately shouted excitedly.

"To be honest, it's better than this."

Dumbledore's smile seemed to freeze for a moment, but luckily it was covered up by his silver beard: "The good news is - from the beginning, there was no drama about the criminal Black invading Hogwarts."


The students below were all confused: "Then who destroyed the Fat Madam's canvas last night? How did you confirm this?"

"You can't just search the castle and find no traces of invasion and then conclude that Black didn't come, right? He can escape from Azkaban!"

"Okay, quiet, quiet."

Facing the noisy students, Dumbledore made a downward gesture to calm the scene down again: "If I have to say this, I have to mention our unexpected gain last night..."

"An unexpected gain?"

Everyone cocked their ears and listened with bated breath, even Avada was no exception - he was also very curious about what excuse Dumbledore came up with to comfort someone who was attacked in the lounge while still sleeping in the auditorium. After spending the whole night, the students were able to hide the news about Black so as not to attract the dementors.

"Then let me tell you the conclusion first..."

Dumbledore looked at the students' expressions amusedly, and stopped trying to make excuses: "The 'Black' who shocked everyone last night was actually turned into a Boggart."


The auditorium fell silent for a moment.

People thought about various possibilities - maybe the Fat Lady was cast a confusion spell, or maybe a Slytherin bastard dressed up as Black and attacked the lounge in order to disrupt Gryffindor... but they never thought of it. The reason for such an explosion.

There is no other reason. The Boggart is so weak that even third-year students can easily deal with it. Besides, if the Boggart wants to transform, there must be someone next to it who can read it. Is it possible that the person didn't even react?

The whole school was so frightened by a Boggart that they stayed in the Great Hall all night - this kind of thing is a disgrace to Hogwarts!

"And the reason why this is called an unexpected gain..."

Before everyone started yelling, Dumbledore spoke again in time: "It's because this Boggart is a little unusual - the way it scares people has changed."

"After analysis, I found that it is not like other Boggarts that can only read the fear of a single target, but can read it over a wide range within a certain range to find what everyone in that range is afraid of. The object, and then transformed into its appearance to scare people... I have to say, this is quite efficient. When I found it, it was almost bursting with fear it had harvested - for a Boggart That was a full meal.”

"In addition, the Boggart will really show a certain attack ability after transforming, which is something that most Boggarts in the past did not have - this is why the portrait of the Fat Lady was attacked 's sake."

"Such a rare mutant sample has high research value, and its ability to read fear in a wide range is also worthy of study - I think maybe after a while, Hogwarts will be able to develop a brand new function. The unique Boggart colloid will make new contributions to the progress of magical society, and at the same time make some money to enrich everyone's dining table..."

As he spoke, Dumbledore stood up and took out a large cabinet as high as one person from his pocket and placed it next to him: "The Boggart is here now. Let me show it to everyone - but according to the Judging from the current atmosphere, it will probably turn into Sirius Black, so you have to be prepared and don't be scared."

As he spoke, he pointed at the cabinet and let the cabinet door snap open.


There was indeed a Sirius Black inside - he looked haggard and had red eyes, just like the photo in the newspaper. At this time, the "Black" was still grinning and waving his arms, while slowly walking towards Dumbledore with a grin, as if he was really a crazy murderer who was delirious...


With a casual gesture from Dumbledore, Black immediately put on a set of women's pajamas, topped with a fluffy afro, his eyes became cross-eyed, and started dancing dizzy. The students below naturally burst into laughter after seeing this look, and even the professors on the side almost couldn't stop laughing - except for Snape, whose brows hadn't relaxed since he saw Black's face.


Dumbledore also smiled and threw the "Black" back into the cabinet and put it away: "There is no danger now - I will repair the Fat Lady's portrait in a while, and the Gryffindors can return to rest normally. room."

"Everyone can leave the auditorium now. This place will be used to feed you later!"


The students dispersed happily.

Avada, who had witnessed all this, was still stunned. It wasn't until someone tugged beside him that he came back to his senses. He slowly walked towards the Hufflepuff common room, while still rubbing her head in confusion. Close your eyes.

"Just now, the Blake in the cabinet, if I read it correctly..."

"Maybe, it seems, it should be me???"

The corner of his mouth twitched: "He's really big-hearted, and Dumbledore is actually willing to play with him..."

"But it seems that their problem has been solved, and I have to continue with my plan."

"Before Christmas, assemble those two devices completely, and then... go to the magical society!"

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