Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 192 New Customers at the Leaky Cauldron

December, Christmas.

After the terrible incident last Christmas, the students at Hogwarts can't wait to enjoy a real, wonderful Christmas. The most intuitive manifestation is that an unprecedented number of students chose to stay in school for the holidays this time, and most of them were Muggle-born students - they were terrified this time last year.

As the heroes who ended the conspiracy between the basilisk and the school board, Avada, Baron, Harry and Luna naturally attracted much attention on this memorable day, and Hermione, the twins, etc. also participated. The members of the incident are also very popular - their achievements have long been spread through Gryffindor channels.

So early in the morning on Christmas Day, Avada, who had just slept in after completing the placement of Crewe Imprey overnight, woke up and found that she was buried directly in the pile of gifts, and buried under him It was only a small part of the gifts. Most of the gifts sent earlier had been sorted out by his roommates...

After checking the number of gifts, Avada conservatively estimated that most of the Muggle-born students in the school had brought Christmas gifts for themselves, and there were also a lot of half-bloods and pure-bloods, and there were even many from those who had never met before. The parents of the students he met...this was no longer a scale where he could return the favor one by one.

So, in the end, he could only go into the kitchen with Harry, Balon, Luna and others who had the same experience. Cooperating with the house elves, he tried his best to prepare four large tables for the students who stayed for the festival. A Christmas dinner as a gift in return, which almost drained all the recipes from Avada's memory...

During the dinner, some students even performed a basilisk dance with sticks, which aroused the students and professors' admiration - it is said that it was Qiu's idea.

All in all, Hogwarts was lively and peaceful this Christmas, without any disturbance.

Meanwhile, London.

"Dong dong dong."

Outside the door of a small and dilapidated building, there was a young man wrapped in an old coat and a cotton hat. He was carrying a suitcase in one hand and knocked it carefully and rhythmically with the other hand. Door……

No one agreed at all.

After knocking on the door several times without getting a response, the young man gritted his teeth and directly tried to reach out and turn the doorknob - and then after hearing a soft "click", he carefully opened the door, and then was suddenly pushed out of the door. He was startled by the loud noise coming from the gap. He quickly walked in and closed the door behind him. After briefly looking around the surroundings, he walked straight towards the old man at the bar who was quietly wiping his wine glass and occasionally joking with the guests.

‘Why is Old Tom so restrained? Oh, by the way, his granddaughter Hannah is back for the holidays...'

"Sorry to bother you."

The young man stepped forward and had to raise his voice in the noisy environment. His pronunciation was in standard American English: "Excuse me, is this the entrance to the British Magic Society?"

"From the United States?"

Old Tom glanced at him in surprise: "This is the Leaky Cauldron, one of the gathering places for wizards. I'm the boss here, Tom - I thought no one would go abroad specifically for business during Christmas."

"Actually, I'm from Australia, and I probably can't do anything..."

The young man smiled shyly: "Do you know where the entrance to the British Ministry of Magic is?"

"You're going to the Ministry of Magic on business? At Christmas?"

Old Tom raised his eyebrows: "Don't your Ministry of Magic have a holiday over Christmas? But at least here, the Ministry of Magic will only maintain a small number of staff on duty during Christmas, and most of the energy is spent on preventing emergencies. Go on... Do you dare to imagine how efficient they are now?"

"So when will they get back to normal?"

"At least another week."

"It's a bit difficult. I can't wait too long... Can you tell me the location of the entrance to the Ministry of Magic? I'm afraid I have to get there as soon as possible."

The young man hesitated for a moment with an embarrassed expression and then asked Old Tom.

"……All right."

Old Tom didn't ask any more questions. He squatted down and rummaged under the counter and pulled out a crumpled map. He unfolded it and pointed to a small red dot on it: "This is the location. The entrance is disguised. It becomes a phone booth. You need to walk in, dial 62442, tell the receptionist the reason for your visit, and then he will give you a silver badge..."

He took the trouble to explain the method of entering the Ministry of Magic in detail and then added: "But I still suggest that you don't have too high expectations. During Christmas, there are always some stupid wizards who will show off their feet in front of Muggles after getting drunk, and magic There are only a few people on duty in the department... By the time you get in line, the Christmas holiday will be almost over."

"...Are there rooms available here?"


Old Tom's eyes lit up, and he nodded with satisfaction, and his voice became more enthusiastic: "Wuxi can stay for one night, plus a breakfast. Don't worry, the room here is very spacious and the environment is clean... You Is there any currency here? If not, you can go to Gringotts to change it - it's right behind here, they don't have Christmas off."

"I have some gold...what do you call it? Galleons? Gallons? And I heard that your conversion method is a bit...uh, weird?"

"It's a little unfriendly to foreigners."

Old Tom curled his lips: "One galleon is equal to seventeen siekos, and one sieko is equal to twenty-nine knuts... To be honest, it is not friendly to the locals, but you will get used to it gradually - seven nights? "

He neatly put away the two Galleons and one Sickle that the young man put on the bar, and took out a key from under the counter and handed it over: "Your room is on the third floor. If you want to buy something, you can go to the right Corner Alley, the entrance is in the backyard. Count three bricks on the wall above the trash can, then count two bricks horizontally. Use your wand to tap three bricks... Do you have a wand?"


The young man was amused: "I'm not from Wagadu."

As he spoke, he took out a black wand from his pocket and sprayed sparks.

"That's fine - what do you call it?"


The young man put away the wand and keys and smiled at him: "Crew Imprey."

"Thank you for your message, boss. I'll have another drink later, but I have to go to the Ministry of Magic now...see you later."

As soon as he finished speaking, Crewe Imprey suddenly spun his body and disappeared with a soft sound. Old Tom was startled and he muttered: "Disapparating in a tavern? This is really unacceptable. Know the rules…”

"I guess he's a fool."

Some drinkers who heard the conversation between the two lazily complained: "And Australia is not a good place - I heard that there are a lot of wild wizards and dark wizards hiding in the desert over there, plus The scale of the magic society there is small to begin with...and there is not even a magic school on this continent, so anyone can appear in that kind of environment."

"That's true...but no matter what, it's the people at the Ministry of Magic who should have a headache..."

"But then again, why was there so little movement when he apparated just now?"


There was a soft sound in the air. After confirming that no one was around, Crewe Imprey removed the disillusionment spell and walked out of the dim alley. Then he saw the shabby old man at a glance. phone booth, subconsciously squinting his eyes...

"It's about to begin."

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