Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 194 The Wild Wizard’s Apprentice

Avada didn't intend to blame the Ministry of Magic guys who were forced to work during the holidays - he knew how sensitive the identity he made up for this body was: no identity, no documents from the Ministry of Magic of any country, and no way to find out anything. Traces of life, even using the Apparition and Traceless Stretch spells without a license right from the start...

But there is no way. If he wants to obtain a legal identity in the British magical society, the above are basically the only way to go, unless he can hack into the Ministry of Magic's entry and exit records, wizard identity files, and Apparition certificates at the same time. Directly enter your own information into a large number of records such as files, and then modify the memories of all the people who manage these files to let them "remember" what happened when they reviewed it for themselves...

This is an extremely terrifying workload, and its level of trouble is countless times that of the current process, and it is completely unnecessary.

In addition, he had just decided not to abuse mental magic anymore, so it was naturally even more impossible for him to do such a thing.

On the contrary, he was glad that these guys did not handcuff him and install a lot of devices to prevent spellcasting as soon as they arrived. Instead, they simply searched him after collecting his wand and luggage, and were arrested directly. Brought into the Magical Law Office of the Department of International Magical Cooperation.

What's even more fortunate is that, as Old Tom said, almost no wizards will choose to go abroad for business during the Christmas holidays, but the International Magical Cooperation Department still leaves officials on duty as usual. So he didn't have to suffer the torture of long queues that Old Tom said - but the rent for those seven days was not in vain. After finishing the things here, he still had to stay in the Leaky Cauldron for a while.

"let me see……"

Sitting opposite him at the moment was a slightly fat and balding wizard, with a droopy face that was exactly the same as that of the staff just now. On his hand was the luggage that had been sorted, and in front of him was a piece of densely written parchment: "Except for the box that illegally cast the Traceless Stretching Curse, there are no other illegal items in your luggage. The total value of The scale is not large enough to constitute smuggling... Very good, let’s do a simple registration first.”


"Crew Imprey."


"Twenty-seven years old."


"Twelve inches, applewood, ptarmigan feathers."

"It's consistent with the inspection results."

The wizard nodded and relaxed a little - generally speaking, wizards who have applewood wands are not bad at all.

"Is it related to Muggles - ordinary people without magic?"

"I don't think so."

"Very good, this means that the workload is reduced by half. The next one is...graduation school?"


Avada shook her head: "I have been studying with my teacher before he passed away. I have never been to what you call a magic school. My wand and these magic items were all made by the teacher or myself..."


The wizard frowned: "Can I understand that you have never received any formal education officially recognized by the Ministry of Magic of any country, and you cannot produce any certificates?"

"...That's right."

"Ha, I have to take that back - now I have a large group of people working overtime with me."

He snorted in amusement or annoyance, then pulled out a file from the drawer and searched: "The reclusive wizard apprentices entered the magic society to register, and there were also foreign wizards without official status who entered the country... This happened last time The case occurred..."

"We need to know the identity of your teacher and the type of magic you learn."

After a long time, he raised his head with a tired look: "You have to go to the Auror office to take a test later, but now you need to describe the information about your teacher... What is his name?" "

"Uh... Gandalf, Gandalf Maia."

"Sounds like a Nordic...how long have you been following him?"

"As long as I can remember."

"Where do you live?"

"In the Victoria Desert."

"You mentioned before that he passed away?"

"Yes, because of an experimental accident..."

In the end, the image of a standard hermit wild wizard who was independent of the world and obsessed with academics was completely recorded on the parchment in the hands of the wizard. And Crewe Imprey is also described as an apprentice who has been trained by his teacher as an assistant. He has almost never been exposed to the magical society on his own, only after his teacher and most of their property were swallowed up by an explosion. Headed to a more prosperous Britain...


The wizard put down his pen and rubbed his stiff wrist: "Next, you have to go to the Auror office for inspection to confirm that you are not a dark wizard. After that, we will return your wand and luggage, but the illegal box needs to be kept. Here, you can’t return it until you complete the paperwork for it.”

"Got it - thank you."

After Avada politely thanked her, she was taken to the Auror office by the wizard beside her, but she didn't see Rufus Scrimgeour, the office director who was off duty - what followed was a lot of mess. test.

Test whether there are traces of black magic on your body, whether you carry infectious diseases, whether you are a werewolf or have undergone human body transformation, whether the wand you carry belongs to you, the strength of your spells, whether you have knowledge of high-risk magic and control...

Fortunately, he was careful enough when making his wooden body, and the Animagus technology was high-end and unpopular enough, so that he did not reveal any flaws in this large number of complex and comprehensive tests. The unlimited endurance of the wooden body also made him suffer a lot less - if he had stayed like this for several hours, he would probably be exhausted before the test was even halfway through.

"Apparition, broomstick control, traceless stretch spells, and knowledge related to space science... All of the above require you to take exams and apply for certificates. Otherwise, if you use them without a certificate, you will face warnings, fines, or even imprisonment."

The unlucky Auror who accompanied him through the entire process and worked intensive overtime during the holidays seemed to have been reborn, and even his wrinkles had softened a lot: "But that's all for the future. At least you can get it now. I took my wand and luggage and got stranded in the wizarding colony - except for the box, you have to get a new certificate to get it back."

"You can take the Knight Bus to the Leaky Cauldron, and they will help you carry the luggage that has lost the traceless stretch spell..."

He looked like he no longer wanted to see anything related to work. After packing his luggage and stuffing it into Avada, he read a few procedural lines and waved people away. He didn't even tell him how to summon the Knight Bus. , so much so that he had to ask other staff for a perfect disguise. Only then did he return to the Leaky Cauldron with two loud noises, and struggled to carry a bunch of luggage into the room that belonged to him. .

"It went smoother than expected."

Although there was no feeling of fatigue in her body, Avada still habitually slumped down on the bed as soon as she entered the door, and was thinking about the next thing in her mind.

"Those certificates are not difficult to obtain. They can be completed in about two days. The only thing that is a little difficult is the space-related control knowledge. That is the focus of the next action..."

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