Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 214 The werewolf crisis is spreading

"...Baron Shafiq?"

Baker was stiff for a while before he gradually recovered: "Mr. Shafiq's son? The one who studies at Hogwarts??"


Avada also nodded slowly: "You were a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts for a year, and he was your student, wasn't he? He told me about you and showed you The gift of prophecy ball - to be honest, I was shocked when I first found out that it was actually a Horcrux."

"And you are Johnson Shafiq's man? Are you also investigating the werewolf thing?"

He tried to preemptively drag the topic into his own rhythm, but the other party didn't seem to catch it——

"you are lying."

Baker's eyes suddenly became sharp: "We have tried our best to investigate your origins, but we have not found even the slightest clue. Of course Mr. Shafiq knows this. If you know him, then why doesn't he Tell us, and even suggest that the principal arrange for me to monitor this place?"

"Because he doesn't know I'm here - calm down and hear me out..."

Avada had to lower her wand to make Baker's rising desire to attack subside a little: "I am more familiar with Baron, not Old Johnson. I don't know that you are related to him, and I don't know that you are either. I'm investigating the werewolf thing... I entered the magical society this time just to investigate pure-blood families and make some money on the way - who knew I would encounter such a thing!"

"We shouldn't be enemies, unless you are the murderers who turned that child into a werewolf - so can you ask those two invisible guys to put down their wands?"


Baker was silent for a while, and then he waved to Avada's back with a gloomy face. Suddenly, two wizards with wands in their hands appeared out of thin air - they were both in Avada a few minutes ago. When Vada was talking to Baker, he appeared under the Disillusionment Curse.

"Long time no see, Mr. Trimble...and this strange gentleman."

He tilted his forehead slightly, smiled and said hello to the two wizards who looked surprised behind him, and watched them give up their position behind him at Baker's greeting, and instead walked to Baker together, while whispering with some doubts. : "Are you sure you want to give up like this, Benjamin..."

"Don't be too alert for the time being."

Baker turned to talk to his two companions, but his peripheral vision was still focused on Avada: "He knows about my Horcrux."

The bodies of the other two people seemed to shake slightly.

"Good, this at least means we don't have to fight for the time being."

Avada smiled and spread his hands: "Your doubts about me are unnecessary. You can even take me to confront Old Johnson in person to see if he recognizes me."

"However, what I need to know more now is, what exactly did the werewolf do? Why is it that the society has obviously fallen into panic, and everyone with the ability is rushing to install anti-Apparition restrictions, but there is no news at all in the society Didn't it come out? What happened recently? What are you doing?"

"This is not a secret."

Baker nodded, but there was still some caution hidden deep in his eyes: "The werewolf—to be precise, most likely Fenrir Greyback, has been making some big moves recently."

"They don't know where they got a magical technology. If planted on a werewolf, it can simulate the effect of the full moon and directly induce the onset of the werewolf curse. In other words, if an infected person is planted with that kind of technology, he can basically... It is possible to transform into a werewolf anywhere, but the right to choose to transform is in the hands of others..."


Avada's pupils shrank in shock - he finally knew what the magic mark attached to the werewolf curse on the child was!


Baker hadn't finished speaking: "Then Fenrir Greyback gathered a large number of werewolves, and with the support of someone unknown, he received a large amount of funds and resources to refine wolfsbane potion on a large scale... …And then there’s what you see next.”

"They began to secretly attack the children of people in various fields of magical society, turning their children into werewolves, and planting that kind of magic - and then threatened them to secretly work for werewolves, and promised that if they were willing to help, they would Free wolfsbane potion is provided before every full moon to stabilize their children’s condition.”

"On the other hand, if someone chooses to report their conspiracy to the outside world, once they find out that something is wrong - for example, if a companion loses contact, is being followed, or something else, they will simultaneously detonate the werewolf curse on all those who were attacked. , let them go crazy at the same time."


"No one wants to see their children turn into monsters, and no one wants to be responsible for the misfortunes of countless families - so before the werewolves made any excessive demands, this threat was unusual. It works. In addition, the group of werewolves specialize in picking weak persimmons and avoid people related to strikers and Aurors when selecting targets, so this matter has not been revealed to the public until now... We It was also because some members were almost attacked that they used Legilimency to learn the truth.”

Avada was silent.

He has been studying werewolves for some time, and naturally he also knows the current status of the werewolves. So after Baker fully explained the plots, he was not surprised at all that this seemingly clumsy plan could succeed.

Becoming a werewolf is extremely unfortunate in magical society. It means being cut off from almost everything normal in society - work, friends, lovers, money, trust, and even basic rights... all just because of being a werewolf. And turned into nothing.

No one wants their children to face such a future. Therefore, under the premise of having wolfsbane potion, those parents will even actively cooperate with the werewolves in order to conceal the fact that their children have become werewolves.

As for why they didn't ask the Ministry of Magic for help in obtaining Wolfsbane potion after making the facts public - just kidding, does it look like the Ministry of Magic can provide Wolfsbane potion to a lot of people for free? If they were really so kind, would they have introduced so many draconian bills that restricted the rights of werewolves and caused their current social status?

What's more, those werewolves have the technology to go crazy at any time, which will mean that the time when the madness occurs will be extended from "when the full moon" is to "any moment" - if you want to prevent this phenomenon, it means You must take wolfsbane potion every day! Who can afford this money?

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