Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 221 Professor Yingprei

"...This is just your wishful thinking."

After thinking for a moment, Avada raised her head again: "There must be at least hundreds of thousands of wizards in the world now. How can you think that everyone will have the same idea as you? Ever since Grindelwald raised his arms With so many fans gathered in just one call, it is not difficult to see that a considerable number of wizards still want to rule Muggles in their hearts..."

"What's more, according to your statement, you want to make the magical society more advanced and powerful than the Muggle society, so that the Muggles can coexist with you willingly... In other words, all you have to do is not oppress and dominate the Muggles. It’s the wizard’s conscience, and no force can effectively restrict the wizard—you should know how unreliable this kind of ‘coexistence’ is, right?”

Avada could intuitively see that what Professor Baker told him just now was completely true, so he was willing to tell these questions. Of course, this did not mean that he trusted this strange organization, at least he had to wait. He could only draw a preliminary conclusion after seeing all the other senior leaders of the organization...

But it is undeniable that deep down in his heart he hopes that everything will be as Professor Baker said, that this organization is really dedicated to improving society, spreading knowledge, and eliminating dark wizards.

And this magical society does need a university to spread and utilize more knowledge - as Professor Baker said just now, the current magical society is developing too slowly and inefficiently.

"Of course I understand what you said. In fact, the professors basically understand it."

Professor Baker smiled nonchalantly: "But I have to correct you - not to oppress and rule Muggles depends not on conscience, but on actual laws and Auror's wand. In fact, according to our blueprint , the magical society will not only surpass the Muggles in technology and strength, but also usher in innovation in ideas and social atmosphere. We will clear the soil for the survival of dark wizards in advance, and drive out the ideas of discrimination and lineage theory from most people The mind must be fully prepared for the coming integration... all of this will probably take decades."

"In this way, coupled with laws, supervision and early control of dangerous magic and items, we can at least ensure that the overall attitude of wizarding society towards Muggles is friendly. And if you have to mention the individual extreme wizards, If it’s harmful...then I can only say that even the Muggles themselves haven’t solved this problem, so how can we solve it?”

"All we can do is ensure that every wizard who actively tries to harm Muggles will pay the price. Besides, don't look down on Muggles too much. Their own strength cannot be ignored..."

"And I think it's probably too early to talk about what will happen after wizards and Muggles coexist - it will be dozens or even hundreds of years from now at the earliest."

He watched with great satisfaction as Avada's expression gradually softened: "So, no matter how perfect and detailed the current discussion of this matter is, it can only be a fantasy that cannot be implemented...at least at this stage, and in the future. For a considerable period of time, our goals and behavior have been logical and moral, right?"


Avada nodded—Professor Baker was also a senior member of this organization after all, and had always told him the truth, so for the time being he was willing to believe that this organization was really as Professor Baker described.

As for the real situation... If his guess is correct, he will have plenty of opportunities to confirm and supervise in the future.

"Well, Mr. Ken,"

Professor Baker suddenly supported the table with his hands: "I have to add to what I said before: What I said to you earlier was not about 'enrollment,' but 'recruitment.'"

"Are you interested in becoming a professor?"

He pulled out the chair and stood up, took out a piece of parchment from his arms with a smile, and handed it to Avada.


Avada took the parchment with little hesitation, and then read it carefully - it was an employment appointment letter with a magical contract attached.

He couldn't even imagine the reason for refusing to join this university - to a certain extent, this school had already taken over everything he wanted to do in advance: fighting against pure-blood families, improving magical society, and promoting the progress of magic. , and even finally abolished the law of secrecy, allowing wizards and Muggles to merge...

And what they did was excellent, as is evident from the giant black book.

Therefore, if everything is really as Professor Baker said, then Nobic Ridge University is simply a base sent by God to him; and if there is any shady inside story hidden underneath...it is really a Can a magic contract restrict him? Just put some effort into stamping the contract, and then just play it by ear.

The magic contract in front of me is perfectly written, and there are no tricks hidden between the lines or in the parchment - the content of the provisions is clear and clear, the responsibilities and obligations are fair and reasonable, and although the salary will change with the current situation, even the minimum The basic salary is also quite generous... This makes Avada trust this organization even more.

So, after carefully reading every word, he quickly pulled out his wand and signed his real name on the parchment, letting the magic imprint be engraved on his mental power along the conduction of the disappearing cabinet—— It's not too strong for me, and it would probably take me a few days to get rid of it, but for those who can't see spiritual power, it's almost impossible to get rid of it.

"very good."

Professor Baker put away one of the duplicate contracts with a smile, and left the other one with Avada for safekeeping: "Then, welcome to Noblic University, Professor Crewe Imprey! "

"It's too late today. You can go see the principal tomorrow and decide on the courses you want to teach, or take on other tasks... Fortunately, you met me. Most professors really don't recruit new professors. The power. We have an empty guest room here, you can move in first, and we will arrange your own office for you tomorrow. And..."

His smile suddenly faded: "Aren't you investigating those werewolves? Now that you are a professor, you are qualified to know these things... But we still have to wait until tomorrow."

"After you finish the procedure tomorrow, you can go find Professor Damocles Belby. He is an expert on werewolves. He is also responsible for tracking down the recent werewolf incidents... He should be very happy to see someone willing to help him. .”

"...I understand, professor, thank you."

Avada nodded numbly - at this time, a strange feeling still lingered in his heart and was difficult to dissipate.

On one side, he is a fourth-year student at Hogwarts, still preparing to participate in the world's top magic experiments; but on the other side, he has become a professor at the only magic university in the UK, waiting for Nobic Ridge University to take over in the future. After knowing the truth, his identity will also become one of the most famous people in the UK... So what will happen to his future?

The main body also has a lot of achievements and reputations, and his future achievements will definitely not be worse than this status. But if the future magic society can really eliminate threats and get on the right track, it seems that there is no need for him to maintain the state of controlling two bodies... Which side should he give up?

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