Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 230 Dumbledore’s final test

Hogwarts, eighth floor, in Dumbledore's wonderful principal's office.

The room that was supposed to be relatively empty has become slightly crowded with several figures. They are all students who have finally stood out after going through numerous selections for more than a week and were able to finally participate in Dumbledore's unprecedented experiment. . In other words, they have written their names into history in advance.

In addition to Avada, who has already made an internal decision, there are also seven or eight sixth- and seventh-grade students standing here, who are the best and most determined people in this school - and among them, There were only three people Avada was relatively familiar with.

Percy Weasley of Gryffindor - Needless to say, as the only student in the school who can get twelve consecutive O's, coupled with his meticulous, rigorous and serious mentality, and the burden of Gryffindor Given the name of Findor Academy, it would be a surprise if he didn't appear here.

It is said that after knowing that he was admitted by Dumbledore, his younger brothers and sisters almost brought him to the Gryffindor common room - but he himself was uncharacteristically not rejected.

In addition to Percy, Avada also knew Rolf Scamander, the senior of her college, and Penelope Clivat, the prefect of Ravenclaw, who was introduced by Cedric on the train. It is said that Also Percy's lover...

Oh, by the way, speaking of Cedric - Avada thought reflexively at first that he would definitely participate in this experiment, but when he asked Cedric about the results with a natural look on his face, , only then did he realize from the resentful look on his face that he was only in fifth grade this year, and he was stuck just outside the standard line.

He now particularly regrets why he didn't stay in school for Christmas last year, get a diary assist with Avada, and then go through special channels this year to get this opportunity that he is now jealous of. And Avada has little way to comfort him - she can only hope that there will be less trouble in the possible Triwizard Tournament next year, so that Cedric can have a good time.

But then again, the Triwizard Tournament in the fourth grade in the original book was originally part of the Death Eaters' plan to bring Harry Potter to Voldemort. But now Voldemort has been completely defeated, and the pure-blood family has temporarily become a tortoise. The Death Eaters hiding in the dark such as Barty Jr. are also dealt with by Peter Pettigrew, who he sent out, and there are even more hidden secrets. Noblic University is a behemoth with astonishing strength...then next year's Triwizard Tournament will be held?

It's impossible. Those officials in the Ministry of Magic really just came up with a sudden idea for no reason and just reinvigorated an ancient sport that has been suspended for centuries, right?

However, if this is really the case, then wouldn’t the most glorious item on Cedric’s resume be cut out of thin air? ? ?

Forget it, let's see if there are any episodes in this summer's Quidditch World Cup.

"Okay, everyone!"

Behind the large table, Dumbledore still maintained a smiling face, looking kindly at the young faces in front of him: "I can probably understand your current mood. And to be honest, I am almost happier than you are. ——If it weren’t for this assessment, I wouldn’t have thought that there would be so many outstanding students in Hogwarts who could perfectly pass the test I set. This is the greatest recognition of our educational work. I almost found it. There is nothing more joyful than this..."

"Then, I won't say much else - I remember reminding you when I called you here that we will be out for a long time this time. I also told the professor in advance so that they don't have to worry about it. Your classes and assignments. So get your supplies and wands ready... everyone should be following that, right? That's good."

"Are we going to start the experiment now, Professor?"

Someone asked in an excited whisper with a voice that could no longer suppress the trembling.

"Oh, that'll have to wait a while."

The corner of Dumbledore's mouth under his beard raised a mysterious arc: "We are going to conduct a test this time, the final test... Don't worry, it has nothing to do with whether you are qualified to participate in the experiment."

"But I can reveal one thing, that is, how quickly you complete this test will determine the start time of our large-scale experiment-so if you plan to leave some good impressions on Nico, Newt and Babajid, It’s best not to relax too much…”


Avada understands - is this asking them to deal with the institutions installed by Voldemort?

But considering the danger and bloody nature of those institutions, Dumbledore wouldn't just let his students face those things... there should be some links that he didn't know about?

"Then what are we waiting for? Professor!"

Luofu said carelessly: "Maybe we can set off now!"


Dumbledore smiled and summoned the phoenix Fawkes from a ball of flames ignited out of thin air: "Then, everyone gathers in a circle and holds on to each other, and two more people hold my arms - this will be the current point from that location. The only way to get back and forth, so please make sure not to fall behind, otherwise you will probably have to spend a few days writing letters to the school and waiting for support... Are you ready? Then, Fox, let's go!"


The dazzling firelight once again filled Avada's vision - he had already flown on the Phoenix several times, but this was probably a new experience for most people here...

The fire only lasted for a moment and then dissipated immediately, and then a cold, damp and salty sea breeze swept over, making many people shiver unexpectedly.

They came to a dark and narrow cave.

‘It is indeed here. ’

Avada's eyes narrowed - he had noticed a dangerous and powerful magic on a stone wall.

"This is the first place where you will be tested."

Dumbledore let Fox jump onto his shoulders with a smile, and combed his feathers that were a little messy in the wind: "The ruins of the magic experiment are hidden behind this stone wall, and your task is to get there as quickly as possible. With such speed, we can permanently crack it without harming ourselves.”

"Don't you have a phoenix? Professor?"

A student asked in confusion, which elicited a dissatisfied cry from Fox.

"Phoenixes get tired too - not to mention that in the next few months or even years, we will be in and out of this space frequently."

As Dumbledore explained, he took out several tents from nowhere and distributed them to everyone one by one: "This is your next residence. Don't worry, the space in the tent is very comfortable, ensuring that you can be busy while you are busy. Have a good rest after the day. I have also arranged adequate security measures outside. I will also ask Fox to deliver food regularly, which can ensure that you don’t have to worry about your life at all. And the only thing you have to do is to work together to achieve the fastest and most efficient Crack this stone wall safely."

"There are some things I left behind in the tent, which may be helpful to your mission. So everyone, come on!"

After saying that, before the students could react to the situation and say something, Dumbledore disappeared again with a bang, leaving only a few people in the cave looking at each other...

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