Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 248 The Secret of the Elder Wand

"When I was young, a fragment of a prophecy suddenly broke into my mind, revealing to me the existence of the Deathly Hallows and telling me how extraordinary they were... From then on, I began to do my best. Try your best to pursue the clues of the three sacred artifacts and explore their clues from countless historical materials and relics."

"For this reason, I didn't even care about being expelled from my alma mater, Durmstrang. Instead, I thought it gave me more time. Oh, speaking of this, I was still on a wall before I left school. I left a symbol of the Deathly Hallows. Now that I think about it, I was really young and frivolous..."

"Um, Mr. Grindelwald?"

"Ahem, that's too far off topic."

Grindelwald promptly escaped from the memories of his youth: “After leaving school, I spent quite some time traveling around the world to search for clues about the Deathly Hallows, and combined with the information I obtained at school, I concluded reached a conclusion that was quite close to the truth——"

"The Deathly Hallows are the Elder Wand, the Cloak of Invisibility and the Resurrection Stone. The former has left many legends in the wizarding world, but there is no news about the latter two. They are closely related to the Gaunt family, one of the pure-blood families. Qian, its makers were probably the Peverell Brothers... The most important point is that at that time I firmly believed that as long as we collected three Deathly Hallows, we would have the power to dominate death."

"But that's fake, right?"

Seeing that if the conversation continued, Avada would have to talk about those embarrassing topics in Godric's Hollow, so she quickly interrupted Grindelwald's immersive memories: "Then what made you change your view later? "


Grindelwald snorted unhappily: "Okay, you probably know what happens next, so I won't say more... The reason why I changed my previous view was a study by Noblic University. "

"About the soul?"

Avada immediately thought of the content involved in the book given by Professor Baker.

"About the Elder Wand, to be precise."

Grindelwald did not deny Avada's question. He nodded and continued: "This research was started when Nobby Ridge himself was still alive, and he often came to me for this purpose. Ask for the information I have related to the Deathly Hallows, especially the memory of using the Elder Wand as a reference... I have to admit that Nobby Rich is indeed a capable person. If he could have joined me twenty years earlier, he would have been born twenty years earlier. , Albus may not be able to win... Of course, with his personality and character, he definitely wouldn't be attracted to me at that time."

"At that time, the university had already started to hunt down dark wizards around the world. And those they captured were far worse than me, beasts without a trace of humanity... Don't look at me like that, I know The number of people who died directly or indirectly because of me is estimated to be many times more than their combined total, and I am not going to defend myself for this. But at the beginning, I really thought from the bottom of my heart that I was doing something great and capable. Something about saving the world..."

"For the greater good?"

"For the greater good."

Grindelwald nodded without hesitation, seemingly not noticing the weirdness in Avada's tone: "It's still the same even now, but the way of doing things has changed a bit."

"Okay, there's no point in dwelling on this topic now, so if there's nothing else, I'm going to continue talking about the Deathly Hallows."

He suddenly waved his hands impatiently and spoke faster, not as slowly as before: "Where are you talking about... Oh, at that time Noblic University was in the process of hunting down dark wizards. Troubled by the lack of manpower and combat effectiveness, they planned to launch a research to crack the secret of the power of the Elder Wand, mass-produce this secret, and send it to every professor. Then I don’t know where in the research. During one session they came to the conclusion that the secret of the Elder Wand was related to the soul."

"It just so happened that they obtained a large amount of research information on souls from the hands of those dark wizards, and those beasts could be used as experimental subjects without any psychological pressure... So, in a game that integrated almost all the resources of the entire university, After lengthy research, they finally reached a further conclusion."

"The power of the Elder Wand comes from 'love'."


Avada blinked, wondering if she had heard the wrong word.

"From what?"

He couldn't help but ask again - he knew that "love" seemed to have a special magical meaning, but did the Elder Wand, a murder weapon that had to be inherited through bloody battles, really have anything to do with the word "love"? ? ?

"Doesn't it feel weird?"

Looking at Avada's stunned expression, Grindelwald couldn't help laughing: "When Nobby Ridge brought this news to me, my expression was exactly the same as yours now."

"But another way of saying it may be helpful for you to accept...the powerful principle of the Elder Wand is through simulating 'love'."

"Simulated love?"

Avada is even more confused - can love be simulated?

And by a magic wand? ?

"That's right, simulate 'love'."

Grindelwald nodded: "You should know that 'love' has a powerful and strange power, and sometimes it can even summon miracles. The Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic even set up an institution to study the power of love. Busi also likes to talk about the power of love. You may have heard him talk about this concept..."

"And Norwich University was the first to discover the fundamental reason why love is so special - it is the only emotion that comes from the soul."

"Emotions... come from the soul??"

Avada felt that her common sense was being overturned.

Whether it is the common knowledge of the magical society in academia or the conclusions drawn from his own research and practice, the source of emotions is the changes in the human body's mental power. The soul is only a person's true self and origin, and there is no evidence to show that the soul and emotions are related..."

"Watch my word - 'only'."

Grindelwald repeated the word heavily: "The only one - love is an emotion that is completely different from other emotions in terms of essence and power. It is also the only emotion known to be emitted by the soul... In other words, love is the only emotion that can be emitted by the soul..." ', it means mobilizing the power of the soul."

"The magic produced by mobilizing the power of the soul is naturally countless times more powerful than pure mental power. And if one masters the relevant techniques, it can even produce effects that are called miracles in the eyes of ordinary people."

"And the Elder Wand has the ability to influence the soul of its owner, allowing him to mobilize the power of the soul to a certain extent without having to feel the emotion of love, thus greatly enhancing the power of magic."

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