Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 252 Golden Cup and Crown

Hogwarts, Dumbledore's Headmaster's Office.

【Dear Sirius:】

[It’s a pleasure to hear from you again. To be honest, after confirming that the magic mark on the letter paper was indeed from your hand, and there was nothing unusual about it, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief - even if I know that you are not afraid of being infected by the werewolf curse, you are not afraid of those despicable people when fighting head-on. And savage werewolves, but the power behind them is still unpredictable...]

[And your performance far exceeded my expectations - I originally thought that being able to control the werewolf who committed the crime and catch Fenrir Greyback as the culprit would be a success, but I didn't expect that you would Brought me so many surprises. The clues and conjectures you provided are extremely valuable, and they can be corroborated with the intelligence recently sent back by Pettigrew... If the plan goes well, it probably won't be long before we can say goodbye to our biggest enemy. . 】

[You don’t need to worry about the follow-up issues of dealing with those werewolves. Remus has approached me specifically about this matter and told me that he will resign as a professor at the end of this semester and return to the magical society as a werewolf to fight for the rights of the werewolf group and do his best. Able to coordinate the conflicts between the two parties...]

[To be honest, this is a bit too much pressure for him. In my expectation, when these things are exposed, the hatred of werewolves in society may reach a level that you and I can't even imagine now, and extreme incidents will become more frequent. But Remus took the initiative to put himself in the most dangerous area, and judging from the current situation, he could get very little help...]

[But I still have good news to tell you. Some time ago, a former Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts reached out to me. His name is Benjamin Baker, and he is also the werewolf academic authority Damocles Belby whom he introduced... He told me that Mr. Belby is likely to make new progress in the improvement of wolfsbane potion in the near future. By then, the cost and production difficulty of Wolfsbane Potion should be significantly reduced, which may greatly ease the conflict...]

[Oh, by the way, in addition to those major events, Harry's current situation is also worth mentioning. Ever since he received your gift and letter at Christmas, he has never stopped exploring the identity of his mysterious godfather. For this reason, he even took the initiative to be detained by Argus for a time, and took the opportunity to visit him in his office. He went through the student files from more than ten years ago... However, this also caused his confinement to be extended for another week, and the supervisor became Minerva...]

[According to my observation, he may have made a guess that is very close to the truth. So after this matter comes to an end, maybe you can meet in advance..."

Boom, boom, boom.


Albus Dumbledore, who was writing at his desk, put down the quill in his hand in surprise and looked out the door.

It's a big weekend, who would look for him at this time?

So he sensed the message coming back from the stone beast at the door - it was Mr. Ken.

I came to see myself at this time, probably because I wanted to participate in the experiment in a few days?

"Please come in."

Dumbledore waved his hand gently and opened the door, letting Avada walk in: "What can I do, Mr. Ken?"

Avada's face looked very serious, even no less than the meeting last year when Dumbledore was kicked out by the school board, which made him a little nervous - this hidden student showed When you have such a serious look, it usually means something big has happened...


Avada took a deep breath slowly, then took out a few things from her pocket with a determined look on her face and quickly handed them to Dumbledore's eyes, as if she was afraid that she would suddenly regret it: "Please take a look. These."

After saying this, he seemed to have been relieved of some burden, and his expression became visibly natural. Then, before Dumbledore could react, he placed the items on his desk and pushed them over.

They were two exquisitely shaped objects that seemed to be of some age - a shining gold cup and an exquisite and ornate headdress.

"This is?!"

Dumbledore first observed the two artifacts in confusion for a while, and then his eyes opened wider and wider: "Hufflepuff's golden cup, and Ravenclaw's diadem?!"

"The magic above doesn't seem to be fake... Is this really a relic left by the founder of Hogwarts? Where did you find it?!"

"Wait, no, there's something else on it. I have to take a closer look..."

Without waiting for Avada to answer, he directly pulled out the Elder Wand and pointed it at the two objects, emitting bursts of invisible magic and carefully sensing it, which also made Avada next to him satisfied for a while - this But there was another opportunity to observe the Elder Wand, so he had to seize it carefully. For this reason, he even temporarily closed Grindelwald's clone, just to be able to talk to Dumbledore at the same time and carefully at the same time. The study of the Elder Wand…

"This is... a Horcrux?!"

Dumbledore finally raised his head in shock: "Are these... Voldemort's other two Horcruxes?!"

"How did you find them? Or...were they actually in your hands all along?"

His eyes seemed to recognize the student in front of him again.

"...I've had them for a year, Professor."

Avada smiled bitterly: "And I knew about their existence even earlier... That was all before the diary opened the secret room. You know, my previous prophecy talent..."

"Of course I know."

Dumbledore nodded absentmindedly, still staring closely at the two Horcruxes that seemed to have fallen from the sky. After a while, he looked at Avada curiously: "Can you tell me about it?" Were they originally hidden somewhere, Mr. Ken?”

"Of course, Professor."

Avada nodded and replied: "Ravenclaw's diadem has always been hidden in Hogwarts. In that room that can change its style according to the needs of the user, I call it the Room of Requirement..."

"Is it the hidden room not far outside my principal's office?"

Dumbledore suddenly sighed: "It turns out that for so many years, a Horcrux and the precious relics of the founder have been under the eyes of me, the principal... Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt you, Mr. Ken, what about the other one? Where are the pieces?"

"The golden cup is hidden in a dilapidated old house."

Avada began to make up nonsense seriously: "The house is in a place called Great Hangleton. It is very deserted and almost uninhabited, but the golden cup is surrounded by magic traps... I was also useless for a long time back then. It took a lot of effort to get it.”

There was no way, Dumbledore couldn't let Dumbledore know about the existence of the Resurrection Stone now, and Avada couldn't explain how she sneaked into Gringotts' most tightly protected vault without any trace, so she could only He used this ready excuse - anyway, judging from the diary and the pot of green potion, Voldemort's protective measures for his Horcruxes were not very strict, right?

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