Chapter 255 R·A·B


After hearing Avada's request, Dumbledore briefly waved his wand, seemingly checking whether there was any deadly trap magic inside the locket, but soon, he showed doubts. The expression comes...

"This Horcrux...why is there no trace of magic on it?"

"No, not only that, let alone other traces of magic... Why are there no traces of Horcrux magic?!"

He anxiously let the locket levitate, then pulled Avada back a few steps and stretched out his wand, slowly drawing a mysterious and mysterious trajectory in mid-air while murmuring complicated words. of mantras. Streams of spiritual light spurted out from the Elder Wand and landed on the locket. It penetrated into the locket like water on the paper, and then quickly pulled out, returning to the inside of the Elder Wand with wisps of information - roughly It is an extremely difficult and profound detection magic.

But Brother Avada's focus is not on the magic, nor on the locket. After all, any detection of magic is not as accurate as the magic sense, and he knew that the locket was fake from the beginning - he was taking the opportunity to carefully observe the Elder Wand and Dumbledore's soul.

"...Nobic Ridge University's conjecture is correct."

After observing for just a moment, Avada quickly came to the conclusion: "The Elder Wand is indeed affecting Dumbledore's soul, allowing his soul to coordinate with the wand to mobilize power...

'It's amazing. ’

He couldn't help but secretly sigh: 'There are actually people who were able to actually use the mystery of the soul thousands of years ago... At a time when even the wand had just appeared, and even human wizards had not yet established a foothold in the magical society? ’

'And Noblych University is really powerful - they didn't even get the physical object, they cracked the secret of the Elder Wand just by consulting the data and analyzing Grindelwald's feelings when using it! ’

‘If they really get the Elder Wand, wouldn’t they start mass production directly? ’

‘It is indeed a power that can change the entire magical society... In front of them, not to mention the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix, even the Wiccan Party is a bit underwhelmed. ’

While Avada was observing and sighing, Dumbledore finally completed a comprehensive analysis of the locket.

"There's no magic at all, it's just an ordinary item... How is that possible?"

He grabbed the locket with his hand and opened it - inside was a piece of folded parchment.

"To the Dark Lord..."

He involuntarily pushed up his half-moon glasses before opening the parchment, frowning and reading the contents above softly: "I know that when you read this letter, I will be dead. But I want you to know: I discovered this secret of yours, and I have taken away the real Horcrux and destroyed it as soon as possible..."

"I am willing to risk my life for you. When I meet my opponent, I am just a mortal of flesh and blood..."


"It looks like we've encountered the most unexpected situation."

Dumbledore's face looked a little ugly: "Someone got there first."

"Although judging from the content, the person who got the real Horcrux should have the same goal as you and me, but this will also make us completely lose the clue of a Horcrux, and we can't even know whether it has been destroyed. ...It’s troublesome.”

"R·A·B...we need to figure out the meaning of this name as soon as possible."

Avada also frowned seriously and started to make crazy hints: "Listening to the tone he used in the letter, there is a high probability that he already knows Voldemort. At least Voldemort can recognize his identity from this abbreviation, so I guess he is also a Death Eater..."

"He is also very knowledgeable and deeply trusted by Voldemort. He can obtain unknown information about this cave through secret investigation, and can analyze the potions that need to be drank."

As expected, Dumbledore immediately began to think along Avada's train of thought: "The ones who can do this are most likely to be those pure-blood families who have inherited knowledge and naturally stand with Voldemort. With the letter B Surnames that begin with...Black, Burke, and Burst families are all possible. R·A·B..."

"Wait for me here for a while."

He turned around and spoke to Avada quickly, then grabbed Fox and disappeared in a flash of fire. However, before Avada could react, he reappeared on the same spot, holding a huge weapon in his hand. stone basin...

He brought over the pensieve from the principal's office.

"Professor, what are you doing?"

Avada asked with some confusion, and Dumbledore responded very quickly: "I have to look through my complete memory - since this R.A.B is also a Death Eater of a pure-blood family, then he In all likelihood, they are also students taught by Hogwarts, and they will definitely leave an impression on me..."

Avada immediately understood - that's not true, even Voldemort himself was taught by Dumbledore.

So as long as he went through all the pure-blood family students in his memory starting from Voldemort's student days, whose full names were abbreviated as "R·A·B" and who later became Death Eaters, he could immediately delineate a very small range. , or even if you are lucky, you might be able to find the target directly... This is even faster than looking through the student list in the file.

"found it!"

Suddenly, Dumbledore, who was looking through the Pensieve, suddenly trembled and raised his head: "I have gone through all the memories of these years, and there is only one person who meets all the conditions..."

"Regulus Arcturus Black, a member of the Black family, was born in Slytherin. He showed the characteristics of pure-bloodism and worship of Voldemort from the beginning of school, and was determined to join when he was sixteen years old. Death Eaters..."

"Let's go, Ken."

He suddenly stopped recalling, and he didn't know whether he was speaking to Avada or talking to himself. He turned around and called Fox, and stretched out his arm to Avada: "There is no point in staying here."


Avada didn't say anything more, silently grabbed Dumbledore's arm, and returned to the principal's office after a flash of fire.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ken."

After the fire dissipated, Dumbledore said to Avada: "I need to keep Hufflepuff's gold cup for a while to transfer the potions inside. This will take about a few days... But as compensation, I plan to Leave this to you."

He waved his hand, causing a black diary to appear in the air out of thin air, and then slowly floated to Avada: "Don't worry, Tom Riddle's consciousness inside has been completely suppressed by me, you can do it without any Research without hesitation. I also hope that you can soon find a way to destroy Horcruxes without damaging the objects. I believe you can do this..."

After chatting for a few more words about extra points and rewards, Avada also saw the eagerness hidden in Dumbledore's expression, changed her mind and took the initiative to say goodbye, and left the principal's office. Dumbledore also watched Avada leave and immediately sat back in his chair. He used a disappearing spell to clear out the previously mediocre letter, and then pulled out a brand new piece of parchment...

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