"There is still time, so we must first try to find the key to solving the problem... just start looking further into the future!"

Avada sensed the location of Grindelwald's spiritual power thread again, and after being completely sure that she could still find it, she drifted directly deeper into the timeline.

"Merlin's beard... the probability of the pure-blood family winning in the end is not small?"

Looking at the future presented by the dense fragments of possibilities around her, Avada suddenly felt as if she had been walking a tightrope on the edge of a cliff all along: "The successful secret resurrection of Voldemort set off the second wizarding world just like the original work. The war; the one who unified Britain after surviving Dumbledore; the one who successfully assassinated Dumbledore, Barty Jr., and even the one who secretly took control of Noblych University..."

"It's really a toss-up."

He looked around at all the messy possibilities: "But fortunately, these future timelines all have one thing in common, that is, I did not modify Peter's memory, but directly captured him and took him to the Wizengamot to help the children." Sirius is acquitted...then how will the timeline develop after Peter's memory is modified?"

Sure enough, when he turned his attention to the possibility of modifying Peter's memory, the situation immediately changed dramatically——

Because Peter Pettigrew, the invincible spy and invincible lurker, obeyed Dumbledore wholeheartedly, the arrangements of the pure-blood family were almost transparent in Dumbledore's eyes, and he could always catch them with Peter's help. They launched a desperate counterattack at key points... Then, as the pure-blood family's conspiracy was exposed again and again, their social status became more and more unstable. In the end, they were either suppressed by justice and law, or passed through a futile death struggle. Complete withdrawal...

And in those futures where Dumbledore still lost or suffered a big loss after modifying Peter's memory, it was almost always because Pettigrew's identity was exposed!

It can be said that as long as Peter Pettigrew is not exposed, their situation will be a sure win! The difference is just a matter of the cost of winning!

"Is Pettigrew really that important?"

Avada was secretly surprised and couldn't help but look at the fate of Peter Pettigrew himself - it wasn't quite what he expected, most of it wasn't good.

Fulfilling the agreement according to the oath, helping Sirius escape and being imprisoned for life in Azkaban is the best ending for Peter - the Aurors will also give him some preferential treatment because of his contribution, Sirius and Lu Pingya would visit him from time to time. Among other more outrageous endings, some were killed after their identities were exposed during missions, some tried to violate their oaths and were killed by the backlash, and some went crazy after Avatar returned their original memories...

What's more interesting is that in some future possibilities, after Dumbledore completely defeated the pure-blood family alliance, he also obtained clear evidence from large-scale searches that Peter Pettigrew betrayed the Order of the Phoenix and killed the old man. Information about the Potters - and after that, more than half of Dumbledore chose not to tell Sirius and Lupin this.

"So in a way, Dumbledore and I are quite similar?"

Avada thought mockingly to himself, and continued to rummage through a lot of future possibilities - he needed to find the ones that had the best effect, the smallest cost, and that would make him feel more comfortable, and then Make it happen as much as possible. It only took more than ten seconds to check Peter Pettigrew's future. He could still look at it for a while.

Grindelwald had told him that actively initiating prophecies required a lot of energy, and it took a long time to practice between two prophecies. And now is the most precious time in the world. He must seize every opportunity to safely travel to and from the timeline and gain as much information as possible.

"This version is good, this version is also okay...wait a minute, I might get beaten up, and there is a small chance that I will die directly? I've been through this before!"

"Here... I am personally safe, but the price is that Noblicchi University will be born two months later... It doesn't seem unacceptable."

"Well, this version is good. It can be said that it is almost a battle without bloodshed. There are not even a few battles... but it is a bit uncontrollable. It just depends on what choices the pure-blood family will make on a few key points. , a slight deviation may lead to a rather tricky future timeline..."

Avada feels like a movie director now, reviewing and approving the script submitted by the screenwriter, and considering which version can earn the most box office.

"...It's almost there, there are only fifteen seconds left."

After looking at a few versions of the future with the highest probability of happening, and looking at the methods that those pure-blood families were secretly working on, he decided to get here first this time - Grindelwald also took a lot of effort to maintain the prophecy state. Yes, it would be good to let him rest early. After all, this person can be regarded as one of his immediate bosses...

He turned back and looked behind him at the location where Grindelwald's mental power was - still there.

"Fortunately, there was no accident."

Avada finally breathed a sigh of relief, took one last look at the best version of the future she had seen so far, and then controlled her mental body to move in the direction of Grindelwald...

Then the timeline ends again.



"what's the situation?!"

Avada was dumbfounded as she watched the endless fragments of possibilities suddenly compress into a timeline with only a thin thread left.

He didn't even observe the plot of the original work? !

Moreover, the possibility predicted by Grindelwald is not surprisingly outside the timeline that was closed this time, and now there is not even a shadow to be found...

And this probably means that he has to face the big ball of light again before he can go back half-injured.

"...Why? Why?!"

"Is it going to end when the timeline says it's going to end?"

Avada sensed this new timeline and couldn't help but become a little angry: "And what's being bundled here is not the original one! It's one of the futures I just observed! I just took a casual look at it. , but it ended?! Then why don’t other possible fragments trigger this effect?!”

"Forget it, think on the bright side, think on the bright side... I gained the ability to observe souls last time when I faced that big ball of light. Maybe there will be some new gains this time?"

Although he was thinking this, his mental body still stayed in place, unwilling to move forward - the ball of light left a psychological shadow on him.

It would be a second too late to see that thing again. Anyway, he was in a coma for a week, and he didn't care about the little time he spent now...

"How about... taking the opportunity to observe this timeline again?"

"By the way! Don't I plan to study the Elder Wand in the future and find a way to solve the fragment of the soul in Harry's body? Can you take this opportunity to let the present me learn directly from the future?!"

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