Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 264 A treasure trove descended from heaven!

The moment his mental power spread to the surface of the light ball, Avada heard a roar like rolling thunder erupt from the depths of his mind. It was low, but it couldn't help but make him dizzy, as if the next moment His spiritual body was about to be torn into pieces.

Then, there was a surge of unimaginable pain!


Avada felt as if a red-hot knife had been roughly shoved into her "head", or as if it was being torn into pieces in a blender. He wanted to scream, but found that he could not feel his body now, and only a fragile mental force was left, alone, twitching and struggling in the deathly silence...

This is the pain that comes from the mental level - it will not be shielded by coma, and it will not cause any real harm. It will only make the whole person go completely crazy in the severe pain, which is the Cruciatus Curse among the three unforgivable curses. Fundamental.

Avada really didn't expect that he could actually experience the Cruciatus Curse for the first time in the most mysterious and sacred place like the end of time!

He wanted to take back his mental power and get as far away from the ball of light as possible. But the severe pain has almost deprived him of the right to think and act. Even if he is so tempered and has a toughness that far exceeds the mental structure of ordinary people, it can only allow him to persist in that kind of pain for a minute or two. , bringing more prolonged pain...

"No, we can't go on like this, mental power..."

The gradual increase in pain almost inspired Avada's survival instinct. He just managed to squeeze out a glimmer of consciousness from the overwhelming pain, regained control of his own mental power, and tried his best to control it. The ball of light that was now extremely terrifying in his eyes was withdrawn - the ball of light itself did not absorb his mental power. To withdraw his mental power, he only needed a thought, but the severe pain just now made him even more nervous. To the point where I can't even move a single thought.

However, after forcibly regaining his sanity, it was indeed a matter of a thought to take back his mental power - after he almost exhausted all his energy to squeeze out the slightest thought, the severe pain that originally tortured every strand of his thoughts It disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a refreshing feeling of escaping from torture, slowly but effectively washing away the aftermath of pain.


The first moment he regained his consciousness, he couldn't help but uttered a curse word - if he hadn't been able to summon up that shred of mind just now, there was a high probability that he would be trapped in this unknown corner and be tortured for eternity. Got it!

"This thing can really be affected by foreign objects? Can it even be mobilized by the Resurrection Stone?"

Avada stared at the majestic light ball with palpitations - it should be called a wall of light at this distance, and then backed away for a long distance as if she was afraid that it would pounce on it: "The Peverell brothers came here this way back then. ? Then how can they study this thing? "

"Wait, that's not right..."

As soon as he started to think about something, he immediately felt that there seemed to be something foreign in his mind, blocking the flow of thinking, making him slow and clumsy: "There seems to be too much... in my memory." A lot of stuff?”

"Did it come along with the pain just now?"

He nervously checked his mental state - he didn't want to be inexplicably implanted with something strange. However, as the tedious and seemingly meaningless information was dismantled and analyzed one by one patiently and carefully, and after comparing it with his existing knowledge, he felt the new information that appeared in his mind, Avada felt that if she still had a body now, she would probably be so surprised that she would dislocate her jaw——

"This is...the knowledge of the soul?!"

He reinterpreted the original information with some disbelief, and then fell into a daze after finding that the results were still exactly the same.

The information that appeared in his mind was not interpretable words or pictures at first, but a bunch of model changes that would only appear in the perspective of his magical senses - this was thanks to his magical senses that he was able to try. If someone else was qualified to understand this information, even Dumbledore would probably be confused by things that had never appeared in his imagination.

And when he tried to analyze it using similar information in his memory, he immediately discovered something was wrong - the changes described in those information were very similar to what he had observed when the Elder Wand affected Dumbledore's soul!

"...Is this knowledge about 'love'? Did it come from the touch just now?"

"I can directly obtain soul information by touching that light ball?!"

The moment he realized this, the big ball of light in the distance suddenly changed from a terrifying static Cruciatus Curse in his eyes to an extremely wonderful treasure house of knowledge that could drive anyone crazy. He couldn't help but be fascinated again. Slowly approaching...

‘Would you like to touch it again? ’

He spread his mental power forward little by little, but he couldn't help but shrink back after remembering the severe pain before.

'It should be no problem. The pain can be overcome, and no other side effects have been found for the time being... Bearing some pain can be exchanged for the most precious, the most difficult to study, and the knowledge I need most now... There is more than this. A good deal? ’

‘Anyway, I can’t find a way to return to reality now, and there’s nothing else to do here. Maybe the way back is hidden in the information contained in this light ball? ’

Under the constant temptation from deep inside his heart, he finally allowed his mental power to touch the surface of the light ball again, and then he immediately gritted his teeth, ready to endure such severe pain again. …



The familiar sharp pain came as expected and swept through Avada's mind again. But just when he was ready to twitch and struggle, he discovered that the pain this time... seemed to be weakened a lot?

Although the pain this time was still a terrible torture that oppressed his spirit and made him almost unable to think, but compared to the last time, which was almost the level of the Cruciatus Curse, it seemed particularly relaxed - this time he was even able to I can barely keep thinking despite the pain in my buttocks!

'what happened? Is its resistance to me getting weaker, or is my resistance getting stronger? ’

'No, now is not the time to think about this, information...'

After concentrating on his feelings, he immediately became keenly aware that a series of mysterious and mysterious changes were indeed taking place in the ball of light he was touching, and it entered his memory because of his perception!

"That's right! It's the soul!"

Ecstasy almost washed away the torment of pain: "Love, death, repentance...all of it!"

“And it’s all consistent with the phenomena I’ve observed before!”

Avada couldn't even care about the pain. Anyway, they were gradually subsided as the contact time became longer. He just hoped that he would have as much energy as possible at the moment, and then devote all of it to analysis and learning. Go to the soul information in the light ball!

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