Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 277 Grindelwald is not sleeping either

Avada hurried back to the Hufflepuff common room almost on time for curfew, and explained to her friends who had been waiting for a long time that she had gone to talk to Dumbledore. After talking about the problems of the orphanage where he was born, he returned to his dormitory and chatted with his roommates for a long time in the dark night before he calmed down and fell into deep thought while listening to the snoring in the dormitory.

After all, he was in a coma for four months, and he was unable to return to Muggle society to meet his old friends during the summer vacation. Although Dumbledore had already written a letter imitating his notes and tone to inform the orphanage, using the excuse of going abroad as an exchange student to explain the reason for his absence during the summer vacation, he was about to participate in the Triwizard Tournament in the new semester, and Going abroad as a minor also requires the signature of the guardian - and this seems to be a bit troublesome to explain.

Although in fact you only need to write an application to the Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation, informing you that you do not have a clear Muggle guardian, and then get a special permission - but now you can use it to deal with those overly curious guys. No problem.

"The lifting of the age limit this time...is it really just Ludo Bagman's own idea?"

He recalled his conversation with Dumbledore and carefully analyzed every useful information between the lines: "Ludo Bagman... seems to be the director of the Department of Magical Sports, right? In the original book, the top three He also served as a referee in the competition, and I remember he was not a Death Eater...but he seemed to like betting very much, and he lost a lot of money because of it?"

"Oh, by the way, I heard that he had a conflict with one of the warriors in the original book, Viktor Krum, at the Quidditch World Cup. I don't know what happened... Could he be... Is it because of this that you came up with the idea of ​​abolishing the age limit? The purpose is to reduce the probability of Krum becoming a warrior?"

"And on the premise of ensuring safety, removing the age limit will indeed help select stronger warriors and make the competition more valuable, so it is no wonder that this proposal will be passed..."

"And then again, the pure-blood family in the original book really wanted a minor to participate in the competition, and since they didn't come up with the idea of ​​lifting the age limit in that case, they won't do it this time. I did this...but it’s best to keep an eye out, just in case.”

He silently memorized the name "Ludo Bagman" and planned to use Noblic University's intelligence network to monitor him.

"Also, take someone away from Hogwarts...who will it be this time?"

He tossed and turned on the bed for a while, and after realizing that he was completely sleepless by a lot of things, he simply continued to think: "Now that Voldemort's main soul has been in Dumbledore's hands, they no longer need Harry." blood to resurrect Voldemort...who could it be?"

"Me? No, they must know that I will participate in the Triwizard Tournament after the age limit is lifted..."

"Could it be Professor Trelawney? It's possible, because of the prophecy."

"Or maybe the 'person' here is also misleading, and what he wants to take away is just a life? He wants to steal Voldemort's main soul?!"

Avada's body trembled, and the more she thought about it, the more likely it became: "Yes, that's it - if the main soul is left in Hogwarts, let the fake Moody steal it, and if it is stolen by Dumbledore If you carry it with you, use the plan that 'can kill him' to keep him, and then find the main soul from him... So according to this idea, the ultimate goal of this series of plans of the pure-blood family is to resurrect Voldemort ??”

"And resurrecting Voldemort after Dumbledore's death... If this can be successful, it will indeed be a great comeback."

"It seems that the research on soul stripping needs to be accelerated. We need to seize the time before going to Durmstrang to record the characteristics of Harry's soul, and then use the resources at Nobic Ridge University to use the best method. Complete the research as quickly as possible...try to kill Voldemort completely before Christmas!"

Avada exhaled heavily, closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep, and then desperately found that those exciting thoughts just now made her more energetic.

"...The most important thing now is the method to kill Dumbledore."

He continued to analyze bitterly, letting his brain experience the pleasure of 007: "The premise for all previous conspiracies to be established is that the pure-blood family really has a way to kill Dumbledore... What could it be? What if they If there is such a method, why not use it earlier?”

"And even when Voldemort was in his heyday, they couldn't kill Dumbledore. Why do they suddenly think they can do it now? They can't have cultivated the equivalent of Voldemort and Grindel in just two years. The fighting power of Wojia..."


"Yes, Grindelwald!"

He suddenly realized with excitement that he had found a blind spot: "Isn't there a ready-made and most unreasonable prophet here? Just ask him!"

"At this point..."

He looked up at the dark night sky outside the window, was silent for a second, and then forced himself to become excited: "He must not be asleep yet!"

So, over at Nobic Ridge University, Crewe Imprey, who was lying quietly on the bed, suddenly jumped up like a fish, took out the key and went to the outside world, and then several phantoms moved In this shape, he crossed directly from the UK to the Nurmengard Tower in Austria, and then quickly ran up the stairs with ease...

Boom, boom, boom.

"Mr. Grindelwald, are you there? I have something very important that I need your help with!"


Boom, boom, boom.

"Mr. Grindelwald?"

Boom, boom, boom. "



The old wooden door was pushed open, revealing the old face full of resentment behind it: "Come in."

"What could bring you to the most famous prison in the world at one o'clock in the night? The university was exposed? Hogwarts exploded? Or am I going to be bailed out?"

"The pureblood family planned to kill Dumbledore."

Avada did not waste time and said straightforwardly: "The news from the spies sent by Dumbledore is that they are indeed considering this matter very seriously. It can be seen from the layout of their entire plan that they There seems to be good confidence in this. So I would like to ask you..."

Suddenly, he stopped talking in surprise.

Because he found that as he spoke hurriedly, the expression on Grindelwald's face gradually changed from serious to relaxed, and finally showed a suppressed smile...

"What's wrong?"

He asked doubtfully: "Have you predicted this?"

"Of course I know about it."

Grindelwald simply no longer suppressed his smile: "Not only that, I also know that this plan of the pure-blood family will eventually fail in a very funny way... You have run away in vain."

"So what exactly happened? How did they fail?"

After hearing the great prophet's assurance, Avada relaxed a lot, but she still asked.

"It would be pointless to say it now."

Grindelwald smiled sinisterly: "There are always some surprises in life, right?"

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