Very fortunately, the food provided by Durmstrang is of a relatively popular type and has a fairly good reputation. The canned herring and pickled puffin that Avada imagined were nowhere to be seen here. Instead, the cod and smoked salmon made him appetizing, not to mention the various colorful French dishes next to them—— Even the combined quantity of British and Nordic food is barely equal to that of French food.

And, just like Hufflepuff's tea party, the process of picking up the meal is also a good time for communication. While he and Baron were pointing at the long table, many curious Durmstrang students took the initiative to chat with them, casually chatting with them about Durmstrang in English with various accents. After reading Lang or Hogwarts stories, they each took their favorite food and dispersed. If they met someone they could chat with, they would chat for a while... To be honest, this experience was not bad.

However, it is a little regrettable that Beauxbatons' dining table is a bit far away from them, so Avada was not able to witness Fleur Delacour's unique hybrid Veela ability, but it stands to reason that this will happen sooner or later. thing.

As time goes by, the food on the long table is also decreasing little by little, and the food on each round table has been changed countless times. In the end, there were almost no students walking around the table in the entire hall. Everyone sat in their seats with their stomachs full. After eating, Karkaroff stood up again on the principal's desk, and there were empty spaces on both sides of him. I don't know when two more wizards appeared on the two chairs.

Suddenly, a feeling of excitement and nervousness seemed to pervade the auditorium. Everyone turned their chairs so that they were facing Karkaroff, while the students at the back either leaned forward or half stood up, staring at Karkaroff very intently.

"This exciting moment has finally arrived."

Karkaroff couldn't help but have a hint of excitement on his face, and smiled at the upturned faces: "The much-anticipated Triwizard Tournament is finally about to begin. But before that, I would like to introduce to you Gentlemen, then bring in the most symbolic thing..."

"First of all, I would like to introduce the last two referees of this Triwizard Tournament - Mr. Barty Crouch, Director of the International Cooperation Department of the British Ministry of Magic, and Mr. Ludo Barty, Director of the Sports Department of the British Ministry of Magic. Mr. German!"

Karkaroff smiled and raised his hand, signaling Barty Crouch and Ludo Bagman to stand up and greet everyone. The cheerful Ludo Bagman waved happily to the students. He waved, while Crouch only bowed slightly, neither smiling nor waving, and looked quite serious.

Following Karkaroff's introduction, there was a burst of whispers from the students below - everyone, including Avada, was wondering about the same question: Why was the competition held in Durmstrang? In the competition, two officials from the British Ministry of Magic will be appointed as referees?

Among them, Avada is especially confused, even to the point of alertness - now that he knows that the game itself is a conspiracy, he can't take any abnormal phenomena lightly!

However, in his memory, Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch were not members of the die-hard pure-blood faction. Among them, although Old Barty comes from the Crouch family among the twenty-eight holy clans, he is indeed a staunch opponent of the Death Eaters. Even his son who became a Death Eater was thrown into prison. Even though he later He was secretly released again, also under the strict control of the Imperius Curse and house elves.

However, although they were not die-hard pure-bloods, nor were they currently controlled by the Imperius Curse, and it was true that they were sitting there - their appearance in Durmstrang was not normal in the first place.

'Why are they here? Who do they benefit from being here? ’

‘Also, does old Batty know that his son has run away? In the original book, he had to do things as usual because he was under the Imperius Curse, but now he is completely normal, and he does not appear to be worried or angry mentally... What is going on? ’

Avada subconsciously raised her eyebrows, feeling that this matter seemed more difficult than imagined.

"Originally, in the historical Triwizard Tournament, there should only be three school principals who serve as referees."

Karkaroff seemed to know what the students were wondering about, and explained immediately: "But in order to resume this game that has been interrupted for hundreds of years, the British Ministry of Magic has almost done its best. After all, it was originally scheduled to This game was supposed to be held at Hogwarts, but it was later changed to Durmstrang..."

"So, in order to thank the British Ministry of Magic for their efforts and their magnanimity in helping Durmstrang regain its reputation without giving up the right to host a game, and also in order to make this game more public, we have negotiated Finally, we unanimously decided to invite Mr. Ludo Bagman and Mr. Barty Crouch to come to our school to attend the Triwizard Tournament referee..."

This reason was quite tenable, and Dumbledore and Maxim beside Karkaroff also nodded slightly, acknowledging this set of remarks. The students then applauded and expressed their gratitude to the two. A new referee expressed his welcome.

Avada calmed down her expression slightly, and clapped as usual, but the vigilance in her heart still did not relax at all - the reason just now did not sound wrong, but it still could not explain the problem of old Barty. .

"We have carefully reviewed the specific events for this year's Warriors competition. While ensuring safety, they will also be highly entertaining and challenging." Karkaroff continued: "Like tradition, this competition There are three events, taking place at different times throughout the school year, that will test the warriors in many different ways...testing their magical abilities, wisdom, courage, and strength to overcome danger."

"Whenever an event is completed, the judges will give scores based on the quality of each event they completed. After the three events, the warrior with the highest score will win the Triwizard Cup. The person responsible for selecting the warriors is a fair The selector is also the most representative artifact in the entire Triwizard Tournament..."

At this point, Karkaroff paused for a moment, then took out a box as high as half a person from his pocket, placed it on the table, and used his wand to lift it in front of everyone. He opened it and took out a large, roughly carved wooden goblet. The inside of the cup was filled with dancing blue and white flames.

"Every student who wants to be a champion must write his name and school name on a piece of parchment and throw it into the Goblet of Fire."

Karkaroff's voice was particularly clear in the auditorium that was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop: "Those who are willing to become warriors can register within twenty-four hours. Tomorrow night, the Goblet of Fire will select the three people it thinks can best represent The names of three classmates from school. It will be placed here tonight and will be accessible to anyone willing to run for office."

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