Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 286 Some names can be read using expressions

Under the leadership of Dumbledore, the Hogwarts students lined up and entered the auditorium together with the Beauxbatons students - the round table used for banquets had already been set up there again, with It was already surrounded by Durmstrang students in red robes, and almost all of them didn't pay attention to the two groups of students who had just come in, but were looking at the same position...

Goblet of Fire.

In the big wooden cup, the crackling blue flames seemed to be burning more vigorously than yesterday. They occasionally restrained themselves, and then suddenly erupted with a bang, and splashed out one or two blue-white particles. When Mars comes, it also touches the hearts of every student who stares at it...

"Oh, here are the guests from Hogwarts and Beauxbatons."

Karkaroff was sitting behind the Goblet of Fire. He stood up after seeing the two groups of students enter, and called for Dumbledore and Maxim to sit down next to him and then said to the students: "I know you are right now. The results are highly anticipated - but unfortunately, Goblet of Fire cannot satisfy your curiosity now, it will probably take about half an hour to complete."

"So, in order to get through this difficult time, let's enjoy the upcoming banquet!"

Karkaroff clapped his hands and let rich food appear on each round table again like yesterday. However, since there was already a banquet yesterday, and there is also this more important thing affecting people's minds, almost no one shows any great interest in these sumptuous foods. The most intuitive manifestation is that yesterday The endless flow of people taking meals in the venue almost disappeared today.

'By the way, this Karkaroff...is his performance a little different from the original work? ’

Avada was naturally one of the people who had no intention of eating, but what he was thinking about was not the next candidate for the Warriors. Instead, he was observing the five referees in detail, trying his best to find any slightest abnormality. Department——The test he has to face is far more than just the Triwizard Tournament.

'He seems a little too kind, as kind as Dumbledore. I remember that in the original book, he only seemed to have this attitude towards Klum and Dumbledore, while the rest, including the other elite students under him, were not hypocritical... But looking at his mental state, Kaka There doesn't seem to be anything unusual about Love, but he is really happy? ’

'It would be fine if he is just happy that his school can host the Triwizard Tournament again, but if it is something else, for example, his plan has not encountered any accidents so far...'

Avada couldn't help but narrowed her eyes slightly: 'If I can become a warrior, maybe I can find an opportunity to test him..."

While he was thinking, he mechanically ate the food in front of him bit by bit, making his plate quickly become empty. However, he did not get up to get new food, but just sat there, staring at the plate. The crumbs in the room were stunned - in fact, the vast majority of students were in this state now, and the rest were either passing the time through chatting, or simply putting handfuls of Nat and Sickle on the table. Go up, it seems like they are making a big bet based on their status as warriors...

Finally, those unsightly plates that symbolized that the banquet was not over yet disappeared from the table - then Karkaroff stood up again, and the sparse whispers in the entire hall suddenly disappeared.

"The Goblet of Fire is about to make a decision."

Karkaroff seemed to take a deep breath before speaking, making the flames jump a few more times, and he looked quite excited. Beside him, Dumbledore was looking at the jumping flames with a smile. Maxim's body leaned forward slightly, looking like a Leaning Tower of Pisa; Ludo Bagman was pinching the flames expectantly. At the table, even the unsmiling old Barty was watching the Goblet of Fire closely...

"After the names of the warriors are announced, I hope they will come to the Goblet of Fire, show their faces in front of all the students, and take a photo. Then, I will publicly announce the specific schedule of this competition."

Karkaroff also put his hands on the table, almost putting his face on the Goblet of Fire, not afraid that the sudden sparks would burn his delicate goatee...

Suddenly, the flame in the goblet suddenly turned red, and crackling sparks burst out, causing Karkaroff to retreat hurriedly. Then, a tongue of fire jumped into the air, and a piece of burnt parchment flew out from it - the auditorium was now so silent that there was no sound of breathing.

"First of all, let us congratulate the warriors of Durmstrang -"

Karkaroff looked at the name on the note in his hand, and a bright smile burst out on his face: "Victor Krum!"

I don’t know who shouted first in German or some other language, and then the entire auditorium was swept by huge cheers - it seems that Krum’s popularity is quite good among local students, and he himself is A famous Quidditch star, so even students at Hogwarts and Beauxbatons are willing to cheer for him...

A burly young man stood up with a smile on his face. After saying something to the people around him, he strode to the Goblet of Fire and hugged Karkaroff.

The applause and cheers gradually subsided, and people's attention was once again focused on the goblet. After a few seconds, the blue flame turned red again. The second piece of parchment jumped out of the cup, driven by the flames——

"The warrior of Beauxbatons is,"

Karkaroff's excitement visibly dissipated a lot, but he still kept a smile and read loudly: "Fleur Delacour!"

Under polite applause and a few cheers, a silver-haired girl stood up neatly and walked to the other side of the Goblet of Fire with her head held high. Her principal, Madame Maxime, stood up excitedly, then sat down again when she realized she couldn't hold her like this...

‘It’s completely consistent with the original work. ’

Avada had already grabbed the edge of the table: "It depends on Hogwarts. If I interpret that vague prophecy correctly, the next step is..."

The Goblet of Fire turned red again, sparks burst out, and tongues of fire shot high into the air. Karkaroff pulled out the third piece of parchment from the tip of the tongue and brought it to him, and then... showed a somewhat puzzled look.

‘...Wan Duzi. ’

The students at Hogwarts all turned to look at someone - they all knew that there was only one person whose name could make the person who read it for the first time make such an expression.

"The warriors of Hogwarts are..."

Karkaroff even showed the parchment to Dumbledore, and after he nodded to confirm it was correct, he read out loud: "...Ken!"

With such a short syllable, it is much suppressed in terms of momentum compared to the two long and powerful names in front.


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