Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 292 The suspicion remains

After seeing the door being slammed shut, Avada couldn't help but began to pace around the room anxiously. After thinking for a long time to no avail, she simply lay down on the bed and let out a long breath. .

"Someone killed Ludo Bagman, less than a minute after I left?"

The more he thought about it, the harder it became to understand: "Bagman even specifically asked me not to close the door when I was leaving! At that time, the corridors were still full of students coming and going! Would he be killed so quietly?!"

"I can confirm that Bagman who was interviewing me at that time was himself. He was not in disguise, nor was he affected by a curse or other magic that could kill people silently. There was no third person in the room besides us at that time!"

"In other words, he was really killed less than a minute after I left, and it was not that he was killed in advance and disguised by the murderer, or that the murderer had been hiding in the office waiting for the opportunity, or even that he was doing it The door was still open when he committed the murder, and there were students passing by outside the door, but he just couldn't be found... How is this possible??"

"And Ludo Bagman himself is also an athlete with a strong physique and quick reactions... Will he be stabbed to death with a dagger in an instant? Can't even make any movement of resistance? Even if he is wearing an invisibility cloak quietly It takes a certain amount of time to silently approach and attack, and to stab someone to death with a dagger... and the movement caused during that time is definitely enough for people outside the door to notice!"

"Who could it be? Who else could it be?!"

"Could it be related to the conspiracy of the pure-blood family? But why did they want to kill Bagman?"

Avada's thoughts were jumbled with countless questions. He raised his arm and stared at the badge made by Dumbledore on the spot - just as Dumbledore said, this badge can accurately locate the wearer's position, monitor the body status, and even the surroundings. The environment can also be simply recorded, and once you take it off or wear it and leave the circle, it will indeed sound an alarm.

"...There is no hidden information from Dumbledore."

After carefully analyzing the structure of the badge with his magic senses, Avada couldn't help but become more confused - it stands to reason that Dumbledore and him should be considered a cooperative relationship in this conspiracy, and he knew that he Ability, if you find any doubts or clues, you should find a way to let yourself know... And there is nothing in this badge? !

Even in his third year, when Dumbledore was kicked out of the castle, he still secretly left a message to himself, telling him that Snape was one of his own and asked him to help protect the safety of the students!

But now...does this mean that Dumbledore has no clue about this matter now? Or is it that he discovered something extremely dangerous, thought that only he could handle it, and didn't want to involve his Avada?

No matter which possibility it is, it means that the difficulty of this incident has far exceeded Avada's initial expectations.

"There is too little information, now I can only wait..."

He took a deep breath and gradually calmed down his irritable mood - if he had followed his previous habits, he would definitely go to the kitchen to get some chocolate or biscuits at this time to let the sweetness soothe his mood. But this is obviously not very suitable for the current situation. Although the room Dumbledore had tidied up was clean and tidy, there wasn't even a book in it - maybe this also reflected his uneasiness at the time?

But not long after, just a few hours later, he was lucky enough to learn another good news.

"You can leave now."

The room door clicked open without warning, startling Avada who was lying on the bed in a daze - standing outside the door were Dumbledore, Maxim, and Barty Crouch Sr.

"After a series of checks, your suspicions have indeed been eliminated - the records of spellcasting are consistent, and there is sufficient witness evidence of your whereabouts... But unfortunately, because you still have certain suspicions, so in After being released from imprisonment, you still need to continue to wear the badges given to you by Dumbledore for further observation, and at the same time, your wands have to continue to be kept with us..."

"Do we still have suspicions?"

Soon, the three warriors all walked out of their rooms. Fleur Delacour frowned slightly and asked in a very dissatisfied tone: "Why? We have no motive for killing Mr. Bagman, and now that you have found our alibi...what else do we have?" Suspect?"

"...Based on the preliminary judgment of the current situation, Mr. Bagman's death should have a lot to do with goblins."

Crouch paused before replying: "Mr. Bagman had a serious debt dispute with the goblin during his lifetime, and the silver dagger that killed Mr. Bagman had traces of the goblin's craftsmanship, and the goblin's It is indeed possible for special magic to sneak into Durmstrang, and there is no shield against certain types of apparation here..."

"Wouldn't that be more proof of our innocence?"

"That's the problem, Miss Delacour."

Crouch replied in a low voice: "Although goblins do have the possibility to sneak into Durmstrang through non-human phantom technology - such as house elves or ball escapers, but the premise is that they must It is necessary to find out the specific location of Durmstrang, or to have an "anchor" within the school. After all, Durmstrang was also one of the most secretive fortresses of mankind during the goblin rebellion. No matter how powerful the goblins are now, , and it is impossible to bypass numerous obstacles and completely obtain Durmstrang’s location information..."

"Do you suspect that some of us are cooperating with goblins?"

Fleur's frown deepened: "Is this ridiculous suspicion what you call suspicion?"

"On the contrary, it's not ridiculous at all."

Crouch gently raised his finger and moved forward: "For example, you, Miss Fleur Delacour - your grandmother, the Veela who provided the core for your wand - she happens to be We are friends with the goblin who has a debt dispute with Mr. Bagman.”

"It's just ridiculous..."

Fleur muttered to herself with a look of disbelief on her face, and her momentum suddenly weakened.

"And Mr. Krum, everyone knows that you had an argument with Mr. Bagman at the Quidditch World Cup. Even as you said before, you would not kill someone for this matter... but if it is just to kill someone, Bagman’s location has been revealed, do you want to teach him a lesson?”

Krum pursed his lips tightly and clenched his hands unconsciously - he knew that nothing he said now would work, and this kind of suspicion that was difficult to confirm or falsify was the most difficult to deal with.

"And you, Mr. Ken...you shouldn't think that there is no doubt that a murder occurred less than a minute after you left, right?"

Avada shrugged.

Now he can probably guess what happened - someone wants to compete with the warriors in this Triwizard Tournament.

In other words... I want to mess with myself.

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