""Ludo Bagman "Resurrection from the Dead" - the most creative Triwizard Tournament!"

"[With the official conclusion of the first event of the Triwizard Tournament held in Durmstrang, the relevant details have finally been revealed. The organizer of this tournament - Durmstrang School, Hogwart The two principals of Beauxbatons, as well as the Department of Magical Sports and the Department of International Magical Cooperation of the British Ministry of Magic, jointly arranged a unique level design for us, and the three warriors-Mr. Ken from Hogwarts, Beauxbatons The performances of Miss Fleur Delacour of Sparton and Mr. Viktor Krum of Durmstrang are even more wonderful...]"

Inside Noblic University, Crewe Imprey, controlled by Avada, was lying leisurely on the sofa, holding a copy of the "Daily Prophet" that had just been delivered today, looking through the new pages inside. The "Triwizard Tournament Special Section" came out.

Even if it is burdened with so many secrets and heavy missions, it still cannot change the fact that Noblych University is essentially a university responsible for teaching and educating people, and both students and professors also need to study intensively on a daily basis. Or during research, do something to have some fun in this depressing building hidden in a different space. Therefore, the popularity of this Triwizard Tournament is actually quite high among the university, and the attention is even higher than that of the outside world. Out a lot...

At least after these few classes today, almost all students in Avada were discussing the appropriateness of the Triwizard Tournament. So even though he had already witnessed the game and knew more details than what was revealed in the newspaper, Avada couldn't help but ask for a copy of the "Daily Prophet" to take a look at "Ludo Bagman" who had become Barty Jr. How on earth is this game described to the outside world...

[“We all agree that a person’s true abilities and qualities can only be revealed when facing the unknown.”]

[Mr. Igor Karkarov, the principal of Durmstrang, said in an interview: "But no matter what, this is an official competition after all - since it is a competition, there are naturally regulations and rules. , and there are corresponding safety measures... In this way, no matter how much the content of the project is hidden and the mystery is increased, the warriors will only participate in the test with the spirit of facing a game. They know in their hearts that these will not be real. Threatening their lives, winning or losing only involves the honor of the school and the prize of one thousand galleons... This is not enough to stimulate a person's true potential.\

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