Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 333 The second project ends

"Wingardim Leviosa!"

Seeing that the ground was rapidly zooming in front of him, Krum hurriedly released a levitating spell on the poor broom that had been ignited, making his fall a little slower, and then banging at a very fast speed. It hit the ground with a sound...


Suddenly, a heartbreaking pain pierced into his mind from the leg that first touched the ground. His face suddenly turned pale, and drops of cold sweat suddenly seeped out from his forehead. But that was not the end, as his entire body and broom fell completely into the ground, the same feeling came from his left arm, other leg and part of his chest. This feeling is all too familiar to Krum, who has been on the Quidditch field for a long time - the fall just now probably broke several of his bones.

This is still light - if he had delayed the floating spell for just a moment, it would not only be these bones that would be broken.

'It seems like a lot of points will be deducted...'

Feeling several broken bones, the dragon's breath on his back, and the dull pain coming from his skin, Krum, who could no longer stand up, couldn't help but smile bitterly, and then tried his best to raise his head despite the severe pain. After seeing the fire dragon that was chasing him just now dragging a plume of black smoke down at a slightly slower speed than him, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth and reveal a smile that was mixed with joy and pain.

He won after all.

That fire dragon is very shrewd. Just now, when the distance between it and Krum was extremely close, it subconsciously turned its head in order to prevent the eye disease curse, and at the same time opened its mouth to condense the dragon's breath, thereby avoiding the possibility of its own attack. Interrupted by the wizard in front of me with a wand - this was a very smart move.

But this also means that Krum will disappear from the sight of the fire dragon for a moment - and within this moment, Krum quietly attached a curse to the tongue of the fire dragon.

In today's wizard's magic system, there are quite a few magics that cannot be released over too long a distance, and some of them don't even have the light produced by the spells. The most typical example is the floating spell that Krum just released. ——Lightless and silent, as soon as the spell is uttered, it will take effect immediately, but the distance to take effect is quite close... and the same applies to all kinds of random little curses.

So, at the moment when it was out of sight of the fire dragon, the curse was attached to the fire dragon's tongue without anyone noticing, and the effect of the curse was - after three seconds, the fire dragon's tongue would become hard. And expanded, completely covering its throat... and what happened next was what everyone saw. Three seconds later, the remaining dragon's breath was blocked by the fire dragon's tongue, and exploded directly in its mouth.

'It's basically a success... If only I could move a little faster, I might be able to completely avoid the breath, and I can still watch the falling posture of the fire dragon in the sky...'

Krum struggled to raise his wand and cast a few healing spells on the fractured area. After the pain eased for a few minutes, he reluctantly stood up and looked at the fire dragon not far away - the scales above its neck. It had become charred black, its wings were drooping limply, and it was already motionless. And the barrier that shrouded the arena finally dissipated completely, allowing the noise of the audience outside and the excited roar of Ludo Bagman to flow in in an instant:

"Mr. Krum finished the game in an unexpected way!!"

Amidst the bursts of extremely excited sounds, "Bagman" had to yell at the top of his lungs to prevent his voice from being heard by only himself: "He made the fire dragon's breath explode directly in its mouth. ! And ended the game in one fell swoop! I bet he did it with a pretty cool curse... Look! He stood up!"

In addition to Bagman, the dragon trainers who had just arrived on the field also looked nervous - Krum's touch was too harsh for the fire dragon. Even if it is the largest fire dragon in the world with the strongest body, they are not sure whether this fire dragon can survive such an explosion and fall.

However, as the inspection progressed, their interview quickly became more relaxed again - it seemed that not only was the Iron Belly still alive, but it was even in much better condition than they had imagined...

"That's wonderful, Viktor!"

A Durmstrang professor quickly ran to Krum with a floating stretcher: "You will definitely get high marks - but I have to take you to the first aid tent before giving the marks. , you were injured a bit too badly..."

"I can even walk there myself."

Krum joked with a relaxed expression as he fell down on the stretcher. It seemed that the professor had a good relationship with him on weekdays: "I have been injured before more seriously than this..."

While he was lying on the stretcher, he looked at Ludo Bagman trotting in the stands beside the referee's bench. He took his notebook and quietly communicated with the other four referees, instead of writing in the notebook. What you are drawing should be an evaluation of your final performance.

'I don't know what Ken and Fleur's scores are... they both have something hidden, so they must be no worse than me. ’

He thought silently: 'But the conspiracy Ken mentioned at the end is still uneasy. If it's not this level... then there is a high probability that it will be on the third project. Fortunately, I am full of that golden egg. Maybe I can study it in advance... Do you want to discuss it with them then? ’

"Then let me announce Mr. Viktor Krum's score in this game!"

After Krum entered the first-aid tent and spent less than a minute recovering all the wounds on his body, Ludo Bagman's voice rang again: "Based on the scores given by the five judges, Viktor Krum's final score was..."

"Forty-six points!"

This result did not cause too much trouble - after all, the audience saw the performance of the three warriors and knew that the scores given by the referees were generally appropriate.

Among the three warriors, Ken finished the game the fastest and was not injured himself. The only deduction point was breaking a charged stone pillar - but everyone knew that this had nothing to do with Ken's own performance, it was purely Just bad luck.

The second warrior, Furong, broke a stone pillar with her strength, and the time it took to clear the level was also the longest among the three. However, she suddenly emerged after observing and analyzing for quite some time, and performed an amazing operation of breaking the stone pillar and manually charging it, as well as the absolute suppression power she showed in the second stage, which won her a considerable degree of bonus points.

And Krum... Although his luck in this round seemed to be too high, and he was seriously injured in the end, he was the only one among the three who managed to save three stone pillars, and it took him only a short time to clear the level. Slightly faster than Furong, and the wonderful aerial combat performance in the second stage, as well as the game with the shrewd fire dragon are also obvious to all... Overall, this score is not biased.

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