Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 338 Return to Hogwarts (Happy New Year!)

"Merry Christmas, Ron!"

Early on Christmas morning, the soft sunshine shone through the heavy cold air into the windows of Gryffindor Tower, waking up Harry and Ron who were sleeping in the dormitory in the closest way to waking up naturally.

Just like Christmas in the past, there is no one else in the dormitory except the two of them now - the Yule Ball can only be held at the venue where the Tournament is held, so this year's Christmas in Hogwarts is not the same as in the past. No different. Their roommates, as well as their friend and external brain Hermione, also returned home as usual, leaving them alone in the slightly empty dormitory opening gifts...

"As expected, the book Hermione sent was "Quidditch Teams of Britain and Ireland"... Dung bombs? Is this what you sent?"

Harry looked at the package sent by Ron and laughed: "Is it Zuko's new product? Thank you so much. If Fred and George put canary biscuits in my rice again..."

"A magic pencil sharpener with gadgets that can open all kinds of locks and untie all kinds of knots - this was sent by my mysterious godfather, who I still don't know I can’t return the gift with his name... He can’t really be Sirius Black, the fugitive who is suspected of being wronged, as Hermione guessed, right?”

Then Hagrid sent a large box of sweets with various flavors. Mrs. Weasley sent a package as usual every year, which contained a new sweater and a lot of homemade mince pies. Neville sent Some homemade herbal specimens arrived. He didn't dare to open the box sent by the twins yet. He planned to open the package later with the attitude of facing Voldemort...

"Well, as expected, they didn't agree."

After counting all the Christmas packages, Harry shrugged helplessly.

"I guess he can't bring a gift."

Ron on the side was still rubbing his eyes: "Didn't I tell you that Durmstrang's address has the strictest confidentiality measures, which can easily block the magic on the owl - you forgot that you wanted to give the owl yesterday When Ken sent the gift, Hedwig could only stare at the address on the package in confusion, refusing to take off no matter what... That was Durmstrang's protective magic taking effect."

"it's a pity."

Harry lay down directly on the bed. Anyway, those pies and candies could save him a breakfast: "He must be in desperate need of some festive atmosphere to relax now - he just defeated a fire dragon!"

"And it's the biggest and most ferocious iron-belly dragon!"

Ron also yawned and then sighed: "Charlie mentioned it to me in his letter. According to him, even ordinary dragon farms would not dare to raise this kind of fire dragon easily. Only the top and most professional dragon farms in the world can do it." Only the Fire Dragon Research Institute dared to raise Ukrainian Iron Belly... And he also said that it would take at least ten dragon tamers to work together to subdue an Iron Belly. Doesn't that mean that one person can defeat ten wizards? "

"I didn't know Ken was so powerful... No wonder he dared to take the initiative to trouble Voldemort back then!"

——When Durmstrang's second project was launched, Hogwarts naturally watched the game there simultaneously. Even when those Ukrainian Iron Bellys appeared on the screen for the first time, many professors stood up in shock, including Professor Moody, who was always calm and calm, and Snape, who looked gloomy no matter what he did. , Professor McGonagall also kept muttering "What is the difference between this and murdering students"...

But the next picture that appeared on the screen stopped everyone's mouths - the three warriors directly proved with their own strength that the gold content of this Triwizard Tournament was terrifyingly high.

"This is probably because the difficulty of defeating and subduing are different?"

Harry also thought about it and replied: "At least the dragon tamer can't use the spell that hurts the eyes when subduing the fire dragon, nor can he use the fireball to hit the dragon all over like the hybrid Veela - they should be able to Like Hagrid, you will try your best not to hurt the fire dragon, right?"


Ron nodded: "Then let's..."

"Harry? Ron?"

An indistinct voice suddenly sounded out of thin air, interrupting the conversation between the two.

"Who's there?!"

Harry and Ron were startled by the sudden sound and jumped up from the bed. Especially since Harry, who had been frequently teased by Professor Moody recently, almost pulled out his wand. After looking around but finding no trace of anyone, Harry became even more nervous, but at the same time, he felt doubtful in his heart——

This voice... seems familiar?

"It's me, Ken."

They were surprised to see a blazing red-gold flame igniting out of thin air in the air in front of them, and a figure quickly emerged from the flames, as if there was an invisible Floo powder fireplace hidden there. It seemed like this, and this phenomenon impressed Harry and Ron deeply: they had seen this kind of scene when they were in second grade - this should be the firelight emitted by Dumbledore's phoenix when it was transporting people...


Harry's glasses almost slipped off the bridge of his nose: "Why are you back?!"

"We were just talking about how closed-minded Durmstrang is...are you really Ken?"

Ron also turned pale and took a few steps back, his expression mixed with surprise and suspicion: "Shouldn't you be spending Christmas in Durmstrang now?"

"As you can see, Dumbledore sent me back."

Avada explained calmly - in fact, Dumbledore's phoenix did not accurately teleport him directly to Harry's dormitory, but directly placed him in the principal's office at Hogwarts and took Dumbledore with him. Bullido himself hurriedly disappeared again. He had no choice but to enter the space mezzanine and sneak into Harry and Ron's dormitory. He pretended to be the effect of those red-gold flames and pretended that he was sent directly by Fox - this was mainly to make them believe in him. identity and origin.

"Harry, Ron, I hope you can go to the Room of Requirement immediately. I have something very important to share with you, and I need your cooperation and help in the next actions..."

He did not waste any time on meaningless pleasantries, but went straight to the topic: "Please hurry up, there is not enough time - this is related to Harry's safety."


Ron's face turned even paler, and he stared at his friend in shock, while Harry looked at Avada with almost the same expression - it was just a peaceful year last year, and something happened again this year? ?

And why do Ken and Professor Dumbledore in Durmstrang know about matters that concern him before he does?

He was about to ask something else, but Avada in front of him had already said "I'll wait for you at the door of the Room of Requirement" and disappeared again...

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