Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 346 The Christmas gift that arrived as expected


Harry also sighed with emotion - as someone who was born with the title of defeating Voldemort and experienced two crises caused by Voldemort, Harry could vaguely guess why Voldemort was able to develop such a huge power. Power is not just because of his terrifying personal strength, but the power that silently supports him behind the scenes is the key to his success.

At least, during the secret room crisis in his second year, he witnessed with his own eyes how those stubborn pure-bloods worked closely together and almost annihilated Hogwarts step by step. Their malice towards Muggle-borns It was also revealed at that time...

"Then when do you and Dumbledore plan to officially eliminate him?"

Seeing that Avada had gradually regained her strength and was trying to stand up, he couldn't help but ask one more question.

"It won't be long."

Avada paused before answering: "If everything goes well, this matter will be made public probably next year. And if it doesn't go well... it will probably be earlier."


Harry and Ron looked at each other, then kept quiet in perfect agreement, and didn't ask any more questions.

Although they are still students, they are still people who have experienced strong winds and waves, and they can understand a lot from this short sentence.

Seeing their silence, Avada didn't reveal anything more. Anyway, he had determined that Moody this time was played by Peter Pettigrew. He would not be detrimental to Harry in any way, no matter because of his current "self" feelings, or bound by oaths - in the final analysis, they have nothing to do with this matter.

After regaining some strength, Avada was finally able to get up from the ground again, and returned the few precious items that were no longer Horcruxes under the still reluctant gazes of Harry and Ron. The crystal balls on the table were put away one by one, and the two instruments were touched with a magic wand, causing them to fold themselves and put into a suitcase next to them. Finally, the magic wand was waved to pile up the ones in the corner. The objects were moved out and his laboratory returned to its original appearance...

After doing all this, he put away the wand, then dug into his pocket and took out a crimson feather and held it in his hand.

"Okay, now that the matter has come to an end, it's time for me to go back."

He shook the feather in his hand - it was the door key specially made by Dumbledore using Fox's feather. The phoenix's flame teleportation could originally cross most space obstacles, but when its feather was blocked by a world's top The wizard used the data and technology obtained from decades of research on the Phoenix to create a door key, which probably means that almost no protection in the world can block it, including Durmstrang and Hogwart. Ci’s Room of Requirement.

"Merry Christmas - I came here in a bit of a hurry this time and didn't prepare any Christmas gifts, but I think it would be a good thing to remove Voldemort's soul and visit the relics of the founder of Hogwarts? "


Harry also smiled and nodded: "This is definitely one of the best Christmases I have ever experienced..."

"By the way, Harry and I prepared a gift for you before!"

At this time, Ron suddenly slapped his forehead and remembered the conversation between him and Harry this morning: "But you were still in Durmstrang at that time, and the owl couldn't fly there... Can you wait a few more minutes?"

"Do I still have a Christmas present?"

Avada has been so busy these days that she almost forgot that she can also receive Christmas gifts. At this time, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised: "Thank you very much - I still have time, but in fact I can go out invisible with you." , no need to wait here..."

"That would be great!"

Harry and Ron also became happy and ran towards the door of the Room of Requirement one after another. They did not forget to wave back to Avada: "Then we have to go back to the dormitory again - if it is not easy It would be a shame to come back at Christmas and not even receive a gift!”

"Okay...you guys slow down a little bit."

Avada smiled lightly and released a disembodiment spell on herself. But when he was about to take steps, he still felt a little numb all over - he had been almost motionless for more than two hours just now.

So after about five minutes, he finally saw the Christmas gift Harry and Ron had prepared for him - a model of a Ukrainian iron-belly fire dragon. It is about the size of a palm. Although the details are not excellent, at least it can be seen at a glance that it is a Ukrainian iron belly. And that model will also make small movements like a real fire dragon. For example, it seems to be dozing now, its two wings are folded together, and it rises and falls with its body...

"We did it ourselves!"

Harry pointed at the fire dragon model and said with a smile: "We had this idea after watching your second game - of course you have to leave some souvenirs for defeating a fire dragon, and that golden egg should be Recycled competition props, right?”

Avada suppressed the desire to complain in his heart, then took the fire dragon and looked at it carefully-unexpectedly, the fire dragon models in the original book actually came to his hands in this way...

Do you want Fleur and Krum to get one too?

"You made this with your own hands?"

While complaining in his mind, Avada did not forget to praise him very much: "This fire dragon can already be placed in the model shop! And this seems to be the real fire dragon I am facing - Look, the scar on its wing membrane is exactly the same as in my memory..."

"Ha, you've discovered this - we've been studying this photo from the Daily Prophet for days!"

Harry and Ron were also quite happy to see Avada discovering the little easter egg they left behind.

"Thank you, that's a really great Christmas gift."

Avada played with the fire dragon for a while longer before putting it away, and then held the feather that Dumbledore gave to her: "Then, it's time for me to go back - Merry Christmas!"

"Well, Merry Christmas!"

Harry also smiled and nodded: "I also wish you good luck in the next competition!"

"And I wish you all the best with those things you are busy with Dumbledore."

Ron also blessed.

"Thanks to you, I will—goodbye."

Avada waved to them one last time, then focused his mental power on the feather in his hand, triggering a secret mark on it, and then a burst of crimson flames immediately burned out of thin air on his body, and in an instant Then it completely engulfed him, and finally dissipated into the air as the flames were extinguished...

Meanwhile, thousands of kilometers away, Durmstrang.

On the Hogwarts Express, the dormitory belonging to Avada suddenly ignited a fire out of thin air, and then Avada fell out of it. After he staggered a few steps and looked around to confirm that he had not teleported to the wrong place, he couldn't help but laugh happily.

"This trip went much smoother than expected..."

"I don't know how the discussion between Dumbledore and that mysterious guy went - then as long as I just pack Voldemort and those cultural relics and hand them over to Dumbledore, I basically have no other tasks..."

While thinking this, he cast a disembodiment spell on himself again and walked out the door, walking towards Dumbledore's office - because the plan went too smoothly, the guy who played him should still be in Durmstrang now. , he cannot let others see his flaws.

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