Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 354 Horned Water Snake

As the black shadow quickly approached, Avada finally managed to see its full appearance - it was a snake-like animal about thirty or forty feet long, covered with pitch-black hard scales. It looked a bit like the basilisk he had seen the year before, but it was obviously not that ferocious, and it didn't have that evil, deadly black magic on it.

But the most eye-catching thing is that its huge head, which is no different from ordinary snakes, actually has a pair of curved horns like argali horns, making the whole snake look nondescript at once...

‘Horned water snake. ’

Avada recognized the identity of the huge black shadow at a glance - a XXXX magical animal with a rich variety of creatures, extremely diverse abilities, and very difficult to deal with.

In his memory, the horned water snake, like the thunderbird, can change the weather within a certain range and create heavy rain, violent winds and thunderstorms. At the same time, it also has the ability of invisibility, a certain degree of deformation, and even hypnosis. The strength of its body They are also among the best among magical animals. Even in the XXXX level classification, they are extremely powerful. The reason why they are not classified into the XXXXX level is simply because they are not very aggressive, but the long-horned water snake in front of them Since it can be selected as the guardian boss of the Triwizard Tournament, Avada is sure that its temper is not as good as other similar ones...

‘Let’s test it out first. ’

Avada frowned, raised her wand and released another icicle, freezing it towards the horned water snake that was looking at him with a prey-like look. The icicles first froze directly on his huge body, and then turned into thick steel chains and wandered around under the influence of Avatar's transformation technique. In just a few seconds, the icicles were The long-horned water snake, which had no time to revolt, was tied up tightly and did not even resist.

'This can only delay a little time, if I remember correctly...'

Sure enough, at the next moment, there seemed to be a hint of ridicule in the cold eyes of the long-horned water snake, and then its body suddenly shrank in size without warning, and then flicked its tail, and nimbly moved from there. Circles of chains swam out, and then seemed to melt, slowly dissolving into the dark waters...

‘Transformation, invisibility. ’

Avada frowned slightly, and activated Occlumency to guard against mental attacks that might come at any time - what made him frown was not the ability of the horned water snake at the moment, after all, anyone invisible under his magical senses would be There was nowhere to hide, unless someone could hide his soul directly; what made him feel a little pressure was that in his magic senses, the long-horned water snake was swimming at an incredible speed to the side. Around him, he was also secretly accumulating power, condensing a spell that gave Avada quite a headache...

‘I can’t interrupt... I’ll block it first and then talk. ’

Layers of ice crystals continued to condense around Avada, quickly forming a hollow sphere to wrap him inside, and then the surface turned into a layer of solid glass under the influence of the transformation technique - The next moment, a large arc of electricity suddenly flashed in a body of water not far from Avada, and then quickly melted into the water!

If Avada hadn't built an insulating sphere for himself in time, this electric shock would have been enough to make him lose consciousness - this was in deep water hundreds of meters deep!

Moreover, such an attack is very difficult to interrupt - on the one hand, it is because of the terrifying movement speed of the horned water snake, and on the other hand, the water itself is an extremely unfriendly environment for wizards.

Under the obstruction of water, not only the power, range and speed of the spells emitted will be greatly attenuated, but the movement and aiming of the wizard itself will also consume more energy than usual, and even the material "water" itself does not want to It is not very easy to transform. It would be better to turn into ice, but it is a laborious task to freeze enough ice cubes...

It is precisely because of these reasons that the magical society has very limited understanding of aquatic magical creatures until now. Basically, only those animals that like to live in shallower waters can enter the vision of wizards, while the deeper water is still a vast sea. Unknown - and being attacked by an XXXX-level magical creature in the water is enough to become a nightmare for most wizards!

And according to the plan, he has not yet reached the part where Barty Jr. and the others set up the conspiracy. In other words, this long-horned water snake is actually a level arranged by the organizers of the Triwizard Tournament, and it was approved by Dumbledore and the others... …

‘Is this the final level for all warriors, or am I the only one who gets this kind of treatment? I don’t know what to do if Fleur encounters this thing. After all, in the original work, she was defeated by several Grindylows...'

While cursing the horned water snake in front of him, which brought pressure even greater than the iron belly of Ukraine, Avada took a few seconds to attach an insulating curse to himself and then lifted the transformation spell. Then he immediately felt Occlumency received a not too big impact - the hypnotic magic of the horned water snake.

‘No, I have to show some real skills. Otherwise, God knows how long it will be delayed...'

While Avada continued to create ice crystals and used transformation techniques to transform them into various props to contain the water snake, he allocated part of his mental power and began to quietly analyze the magic that had been broadcasting his battle scenes. Come on - he needs a short gap to get himself out of the audience's sight so that he can use some less-than-standard spells...

"Mr. Ken has bad luck - his ghost ship is guarded by the most difficult horned water snake!"

By the lake, little Barty was still explaining loudly: "Obviously, in the disadvantageous environment of the water, it is very difficult for even a strong warrior like Mr. Ken to deal with a long-horned water snake. At least he used it to deal with it. The fire dragon's move doesn't work now... However, he also showed a very high level of transformation, using the ubiquitous water body to freeze into ice as his own transformation material, and fiercely dealt with the horned water snake... "

"Oh, Mr. Ken seems to have created a thick ball of ink - does he want to block the water snake's view? Audiences don't have to worry, our broadcast magic can see through invisibility and obstacles. For example, in fact, this long-horned water snake It has always been invisible, but we can still see clearly... huh? Why is the screen completely black?"

"It's on again - understand, after all, our broadcast magic also has a certain delay, and the response may be a bit slow... but it only takes a second or two, isn't it?"

What little Barty and other viewers didn't know was that in the "one or two seconds" when the screen was completely black, Avada had already pointed the wand firmly at the horned water snake, and the water snake's The pupils suddenly dilated, and then slowly condensed again, and the movement of the body became stiffer than the previous second. If someone noticed these details, it would not be difficult to guess what magic caused such an impact——

"The soul is out of body!"

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