Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 363 Old Batty’s deal

"Very good, it seems everyone is here!"

After all Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students entered the university hall, and the other two doors were finally closed, an explosion caused by the Apparition suddenly sounded in front of everyone, and the The students who were still a little dazed were startled.

Along with the explosion, three wizards in black robes appeared, and the one who just spoke to people was an old witch with white hair. She took a step forward and waved to the crowd, with a kind smile on her face, as if she was very happy to see so many young people visiting here.

"Welcome to Norwich University."

Her voice was not loud, but it easily transcended the chaotic discussions in the crowd and reached everyone's ears clearly: "Such a meeting may be a little abrupt - I know what is happening outside, and I know You may still have a lot of doubts in your mind. But don’t worry, I will try my best to explain the ins and outs of what happened today so that you won’t be so worried..."

"First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Miranda Gorshak, and I am the principal of this school. I think many of you here may have heard of this name..."

"Miranda Gorshak?!" Before she could continue, the students who heard the name almost immediately exploded. Even before that, many students who were standing closer and could clearly see the face of the witch showed doubts and confusion: "Is it that Miranda Gorshak?"

Anyone who has attended any wizarding school in the world will definitely have heard of the name Miranda Gorshak - whether it was her original "Book of Spells" or her subsequent refinements "Standard Spells" are basic reference books that have been translated into dozens of languages ​​and are best-selling all over the world. Naturally, they are also textbooks for Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, who are both European schools - and such a The great educator actually appeared in front of them so unexpectedly?

Moreover, she seems to be the principal of a magic school? She was qualified to be the principal of any school, but why had she never heard of it before?

And the name "Nobby Ridge University" is also unheard of... Oh, I have heard of "Nobby Ridge". He is a former British Minister of Magic - but when did there be one more? A magical school named after that? And it's a "university" that has never appeared in magical society?

"It seems I don't need any additional introduction."

Seeing the students' behavior, Miranda Gorshak smiled as expected, and then continued: "As for what happened in the Triwizard Tournament just now - please don't worry, Both Professor Dumbledore and your three warriors are very safe now, and Professor Karkaroff has not actually turned against Dumbledore."

"What about Ludo Bagman?"

After hearing the news that Karkaroff had not actually rebelled, the atmosphere among the students relaxed a lot in an instant. However, after noticing that Gorshak temporarily stopped talking, some people still curiously asked about the news of another renegade referee, Ludo Bagman.

"That's not Ludo Bagman."

This time, a wizard next to Gorshak answered: "According to our investigation, that person should have imprisoned the real Bagman, and then used Polyjuice Potion to disguise himself as him and sneak in." Durmstrang. And we still have no clue who that person is and how he did it..."

As he spoke, he looked at another wizard next to him - in fact, the university had learned from the beginning that the true identity of that person should be the child Death Eater who was supposed to die in Azkaban. Barty Crouch Jr. But since they had already used this as a bargaining chip to win over the cooperation of a certain British Director of the Department of Magical Sports, they did not intend to reveal that person's identity, and even secretly helped to deal with the aftermath afterwards to avoid being discovered by the Aurors... …

"Actually, since last summer, a force has been trying to infiltrate and interfere with this Triwizard Tournament, and their purpose is to kill Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts, and take advantage of him. To regain the soul of their former master, Voldemort."

Miranda Gorshak continued: "Fortunately, Dumbledore noticed what they were doing in time, and finally chose to cooperate with us to completely solve this matter on the basis of ensuring the safety of students. ——This is why you guys came here to take refuge. Dumbledore will pretend to be defeated later, and then lead everyone involved in the plan to Durmstrang..."

The students in the other two schools were still a little confused, but the students in Hogwarts all reacted at once - they wanted to kill Dumbledore, and they also wanted to take back Voldemort's soul... weren't they Death Eaters?

They have been tirelessly trying to cause trouble since three years ago - first Voldemort himself sneaked into the school and was sealed, then there was the panic-inducing secret room crisis, which finally directly led to half of the school directors entering Azkaban. , and even heard that they were involved in the werewolf attack that caused a stir in the UK last year... They actually don't intend to stop?

And the war is getting louder and louder - even Grindelwald was invited back by them!

By the way, speaking of Grindelwald...

"Ms. Gorshak, but what about Grindelwald who is fighting the principal?"

After hearing this name, the crowd that had been a little relaxed because of the previous news suddenly became nervous again - the students, especially the students from Durmstrang, were very interested in this once all-powerful Dark Lord. His name can be described as thunderous, and he naturally knows how serious a matter it is for him to suddenly escape from the tower that has imprisoned him for fifty years - if he is unlucky, maybe this is the entire magical society. Chaos begins again!


Surprisingly, after hearing the name, Gorshak and the others, instead of showing any nervousness, could not help but laugh: "This is the most important plan arranged by Dumbledore, Karkaroff and us." There is a dramatic part... I am sorry that I cannot tell you the truth of this matter for the time being, but I can let you see it with your own eyes..."

As he spoke, Gorshak gently waved his wand, summoning a large familiar fog out of thin air, forming two screens in mid-air. One of the screens still showed a picture of red and blue flames intertwined, obviously showing a battle taking place underwater; while the other screen showed a familiar lakeside. And the most surprising thing is that there are still a large number of figures in red robes gathered there, all raising their heads at the moment, watching the picture on the fog screen...

"what happened?!"

The Durmstrang students suddenly started to commotion: "Haven't we all withdrawn already? Why are there so many people left?!"

"Don't worry, those are not Durmstrang students."

Seeing this, Gorshak couldn't help but smile again, and then explained before they started to check who was missing one by one: "Those are the students in our university - they are responsible for playing the role of you to confuse those who are coming. line of sight, and helped arrest people in the end..."

"And there's no need to worry about their safety - I guess they're having more fun than anyone else right now."

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