Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 372 Give Dumbledore a little magical shock

"Very good, the biggest threat has been solved - but it doesn't seem too dangerous."

While casually pulling out an iron armor spell from behind, easily blocking all the soft spells that were silently released, Avada turned around and casually glanced at the battle situation behind him - Krum was not far away from him. At this time, taking advantage of the chaos of the situation, she had used a coma spell to take down the first head, while Fleur had completely transformed into a Veela form. The flames that were enough to suppress a giant dragon ignited from her hands again. The wings behind her also dragged her body high into the sky...

'Judging from the strength of the silent black magic just now, little Barty's strength is still very good, but he suffers from the disadvantage of not being able to recite spells, otherwise it may cause some trouble for me...'

"Swoon, faint, faint!"

Several more stun spells were sprayed from the tip of Avada's wand, neatly sending away several dark wizards who had just fired magic at him.

By this time, even the slowest person would be able to realize that they had become the target of the warriors' attack. So even though they couldn't communicate with each other, they still tacitly pointed their wands at the three faces that were obviously much younger than them and launched an attack.

Anyway, they have fallen into Dumbledore's hands, and there is absolutely no good end waiting for them. And since he still looks down on himself so much and plans to give himself to a few stupid young people who have not graduated yet, then it is not a bad thing to let those arrogant guys taste the pain of losing a student at the last moment!

——For some reason, this seemingly irrational thought is filling the minds of every dark wizard at the moment, pushing them to pull out their wands without hesitation, and silently release their abilities towards the three young warriors. He used the most powerful black magic, completely forgetting that participating in a murder as a non-mastermind will only get a limited sentence, and evading guilt has always been the most important thing for these guys who escaped from the First Wizarding War. Things I'm good at...

As for the reason, Avada guessed it had something to do with the gas just now - the two old foxes Dumbledore and Grindelwald were very good at calculating people.

'Falling faintly - Fleur is about to gather her strength, and Krum is also preparing a powerful black magic... Move faster, we can't let them steal too much of the limelight. ’

While a phantom flashed to the other side of the passport, allowing herself to temporarily escape from the surrounded situation, Avada quickly glanced at the situation of Fleur and Krum: 'And the two of them did not attack lightly or harshly. , those dark wizards who can't recite spells can't put up a strong defense... They still expect these people to make a public appearance at the trial, but they can't have any accidents here. "

"In that case..."

Feeling the fatigue that was slowly growing under the seemingly surging mental power, and the powerful magic condensed on Krum and Fleur's wands in the distance, Avada also made a quick decision: "Then Let’s do some more high-end operations.”

"Originally, it was only intended to open the students' eyes, but now it seems that the intensity of soul magic has exceeded original expectations... Maybe I can try to give Dumbledore and the others a little shock of soul magic?"

With this thought, Avada first released an armor spell again to provide some protection for himself, and then turned around directly, no longer looking at the dark wizards behind him who were frantically attacking him. Instead, they pointed the wand in their hands at the huge shield that tightly trapped everyone...

"What does he want to do?"

From a distance, Dumbledore raised his eyebrows slightly as he watched Avada's actions, not quite understanding his student's current behavior.

He conveyed Grindelwald's instructions to Avada, asking him to perform better in the last game, so that the things he secretly worked out would be a little brighter, and the action of killing Barty Jr. just now was also It did surprise me a little - but why was he aiming at his shield?

Is it possible that he still thinks that he can quickly break through the shield constructed by himself with the technology provided by Grindelwald and his school and the magic amplified by the Elder Wand?

And in order to completely ensure the safety of the students, he spent a lot of magic materials that were higher than the original standard when building this shield, and it took several days to finally complete it - -A product carefully crafted by top wizards using the latest technology, its quality cannot be shaken casually, otherwise Dumbledore would not dare to throw dozens of dark wizards into it!

So, the next moment after these thoughts crossed Dumbledore's mind.


Where Avada's wand came into contact with the shield, a brilliant halo suddenly appeared on the surface of the passport, and then spread quickly, dyeing the originally transparent shield with a layer of light blue. color, while continuing to make a slight buzzing sound...


Dumbledore almost fell off his chair.

‘How is it possible—Gellert secretly showed him the drawings? ’

‘No, he seems to have the talent to spy on magic structures, so there’s no need to be surprised about this - but where does he have so much mental power to shake the cornerstone of the entire shield structure? ! I was so tired when I was building it! ! ’

‘Could it be something I gained from studying the soul? Just like what Gellert mentioned, the secret of the power of the Deathly Hallows...'

Avada didn't know at this time that Dumbledore had already guessed his identity. He was still immersed in the shock of the increase in soul magic - his magic senses made him You can clearly see how much power and exquisite structure this shield has been injected into. If it were him before he mastered soul magic, let alone direct control like now, even trying to make a small hole in it would be very difficult!

And now...

"Fleur and Krum are right on the edge of the shield now, which saves a lot of trouble... Let's go!"

The shield that originally covered an area the size of a football field suddenly shrank by a large circle. Klum, who was still leaning against the shield to avoid being attacked from behind, and Fleur, who was floating in the sky and shooting flames toward the ground, were caught off guard. Pushed in - and just as they were trying to move in confusion, temporarily away from the edge of the shield, the barrier behind them suddenly opened a portal, and as the shield shrank again, the two of them were directly discharged. The coverage range of the shield has been exceeded!

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