
Many students, especially those from wizarding families, are still unfamiliar with the word "university" and don't know why. Even students with Muggle origins have been separated from the Muggle education system for too long and do not understand the magical society. With the current amount of knowledge, I have gradually lost the concept of "university": "What is that? A new magic school?"

"But why do they want to recruit students from existing magic schools? What else do people who have already graduated need to study?"

Muggle studies textbooks do mention the concept of Muggle "university", but according to the book, it is not because those guys who can't even learn the levitating spell are too stupid and need to spend more time in school. product?

As wizards, what do they want with this?

"It seems that everyone still has a lot of doubts, which is why I evaluate this matter as an epoch-making feat - we should not be so confused in this regard."

Dumbledore shook his head, not knowing whether it was funny or regretful, but then he became happy again: "But it's not too late now, and even if you are not familiar with the institution of 'university', it is important to establish this institution." I think you all know the people at school—yes, these are the people behind me.”

"You just need to know that they are the most elite in the magical society, top wizards who have made great contributions to the development of magic and society - among them, some have written the textbooks in your hands, and some have defeated countless There are dark wizards, some have been ministers of the Ministry of Magic, and others have developed wolfsbane potion, as well as some greater magic... Then, the next speech will be handed over to the president of Noblic University, Miranda. Ms. Gorshak!”

As he spoke, Dumbledore himself took half a step back and gave up his position to an old lady with gray hair and a very good complexion. She looked at Dumbledore and the other two principals next to her, nodded to each other, and then cast a loud-sounding curse on herself, looking at the young and confused young people with kind eyes hidden in a hint of excitement. face.

"I have just introduced myself, and you have also taken a preliminary tour of the facilities at Nobic Ridge University - but the teachers and students at the main school between Hogwarts and Beauxbatons have not experienced anything before, so please Allow me to introduce it again."

Her gentle voice spread clearly throughout Durmstrang, and also echoed in the auditoriums of Hogwarts and Beauxbatons, making everyone who heard these words, whether students or professors, fall into a deep state of confusion. Dumbfounded: "I am Miranda Gorshak, the author of the "Book of Spells" and "Standard Spells" series of textbooks, a winner of the British Order of Merlin, First Class, and the current president of Nobic Ridge University..."

"First of all, I need to reveal a somewhat depressing fact to those children who have not yet graduated - that is, during the seven years you have been in the magic school, even if you can memorize most of the books in the library, , the knowledge you have worked so hard to master and memorize is just the tip of the iceberg of the total amount of knowledge in magic society at this stage."

"In the course of thousands of years of development, wizards have accumulated too much knowledge, technology and experience in too many fields. Its size and difficulty of understanding have long exceeded what one person's mind can grasp. Limit. Even if you spend your whole life studying, I'm afraid you can only master a very limited part of this knowledge... Maybe many seventh-grade students can feel this. If you choose a technical position during your internship, then You will be surprised to find on your first day in office that there are still so many things you do not understand and do not master."


The students below looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them could say anything.

In their minds, they should have studied all the way in the magic school, taken two wizard level exams and obtained certificates, and then used these two certificates to find their favorite job after graduation (preferably at the Ministry of Magic) ), and finally work and earn money until retirement - this is natural, and it is the path that almost all predecessors have taken.

And can you continue to study systematically and full-time after graduation?

This was something I had never thought about.

"Therefore, many people have always believed that it is too early for a wizard to stop studying and start working when he is only seventeen years old - today's wizards can easily live up to hundreds of years, and even teenagers can It is when a person is most energetic and has the strongest learning ability... Perhaps many people are happy to find a job that can work directly until retirement as soon as they graduate, but at least, it should also be given to those young people who hope to continue their studies. An opportunity to choose.”

"So, the former British Minister of Magic, Mr. Nobby Ridge, took the lead and brought together a large amount of talent, knowledge and technology to formally establish the world's first magic university. After his death, the university eventually became the His name is named in commemoration. Due to some external factors, the university has been operating secretly out of public view for decades, and it is necessary to sign confidentiality clauses when recruiting students-but now, the biggest factor hindering the open enrollment of universities has disappeared, so we decided to take this opportunity of the Triwizard Tournament to issue the first announcement to the whole society..."

‘Good guy. ’

Avada's eyelids jumped when she heard Gorshak's words: 'This is directly putting the blame on the pure-blood family! ’

'No, it doesn't seem to be an unfounded scapegoat... But in this case, coupled with Voldemort's incident, the students will be full of hatred towards those pure-blood families who like to cause trouble...'

'After a hegemonic match, not only did Dumbledore once again severely defeat the stubborn pure-blood platoon, but Karkaroff also completely got rid of the black history, Crouch cleaned up the mess, and the university can make its official debut... Good guy , almost all participants reaped a benefit? ’

'Those Death Eaters actually have so many uses? Do they know it themselves? ’

Avada cursed while Gorshak, who was not far away from him, continued to speak: "...and the university is different from the magic school you are in now. It is not only an educational institution, but also a cutting-edge research institution. Here, you can choose your favorite and best field and continue to study until you touch the forefront of this field, and then become one of the forces that continue to expand the boundaries; and those elites in different fields can also communicate and cooperate together. , work together to overcome the same problem..."

"for example,"

Speaking of this, Gorshak couldn't help but show a bit of pride: "Not long ago, through the cooperation of several wizards with profound knowledge in the fields of spiritual power, vitality, potions, curses, transformation and black magic, The disease of lycanthropy, also known as werewolf, which has been plaguing the magical society for a long time, has been conquered again - "

He paused deliberately, looking at the countless astonished faces below, and raised his voice again: "With the latest results of the university, we have been able to completely eliminate the contagiousness of the werewolf curse, and almost completely curb the transformation and transformation into wolves. The violent symptoms make patients no longer different from normal people!"

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