As soon as these words were spoken, the entire Durmstrang, as well as Hogwarts and Beauxbatons, thousands of miles away, fell into a silence that could be heard.

The werewolf curse... This problem that has plagued magical societies around the world for centuries was quietly solved by an unknown organization that had only been established for a few decades? ?

The werewolf problem has always been a stubborn disease that has plagued the magical society, and naturally countless wizards are trying their best to overcome this disease. But before today, the best result they could produce was to use a ridiculously expensive potion, which could only prevent a werewolf from transforming once a month...

As for a cure? Don't even think about it!

Many people subconsciously thought that this was a scam by this newly revealed organization, but more people had already recognized the expert who developed the wolfsbane potion, Damocles Belby, from the many faces on the referee's bench. , his appearance undoubtedly increased the credibility of these words to an almost completely reliable level...

"I guarantee that this result is completely true and reliable, and our team will also make this result freely available to the whole society - in the next week or so, you will be able to see relevant papers in newspapers and academic magazines... and Our results go far beyond that.”

Seeing the students and professor below fell into silence, Gorshak also understood the effect of his words. He smiled calmly and continued to throw out the bombshells he had prepared one by one.

"And this is only the most important result the university has achieved in the past two years. In addition, we have achieved more - such as the fog screen you used to watch the game this time, and the first The establishment of the basilisk breeding farm and the development of the latest broomstick 'Firebolt' also had help from the university... We can even say without shame that the university has made more breakthroughs in the past thirty years than the entire magical society. Many more in a century!”

"Do you know why this is?"

"We are not better than other wizards - although our professors are all elites in the academic field, no one dares to claim to be the best and most authoritative one in a certain field. As the principal, I am more I dare not say that the university has brought together the talents of the whole society... But the fact is that these people, who are quite limited in both talent and quantity, have come together to create achievements that can shake society in a short period of time... Why? "

After raising this question, Gorshak deliberately paused for a while to give the audience enough time to think, and then gave his answer:

"Actually, we are not making people smarter, but we are discovering already smart people through the framework of 'university' and then placing them in the most appropriate positions."

"In Europe, hundreds of wizards come of age, graduate from magic schools, and enter the society every year. Among them, except for a very small number of people with distant family backgrounds or those who are employed by research institutions, the vast majority None of them had the opportunity to further their studies. Countless smart minds with countless possibilities were sent to an unchanging life trajectory at a premature age - there is no doubt that both for individual wizards and the magical society as a whole This is a huge waste.”


Gorshak's voice stopped again, but Durmstrang remained silent. Even the three principals, Dumbledore, Karkaroff and Maxim, remained silent with complicated expressions - as one of the top leaders of the magical society, they know best how true Gorshak's words are. people.

However, before this year, they had done nothing due to various reasons - this was not their fault, because this was not their responsibility, and with the current environment between wizards and Muggles, all of a sudden Activating all the vitality of magical society is not necessarily a good thing...

However, when these words are poured into their ears, they will still feel as if they have become some kind of antique and no longer belong to the vibrant era that is about to begin.

"In fact, this is the meaning of education,"

After a while, Gorshak spoke again: "At the beginning, let the children who don't know anything learn everything and understand a little bit of everything, and give them enough choices to find out their favorite and most talented areas. ; Then find a small field that you are better at in this big field and continue to study...and then repeat this process until you reach the limit of what you can master, and finally decide whether to turn the existing knowledge into wealth through work, or continue to study and develop The boundaries of knowledge... The more people join this process, the more knowledge will be developed and utilized, the more society will progress, and people's lives will gradually improve."

"But the education in magical society has always been contrary to this process - students have just mastered basic knowledge and lost the channels for further study before making further choices, while those who promote social progress are either qualified to contact Deeper knowledge, but not necessarily really good at it, or those geniuses who are one in a million who rely on their amazing talents to become all-rounders without making a choice..."

"And what's left is that there are a huge number of talented but not properly developed minds that are just restricted and buried."

"To break this rigid situation and allow the social vitality that has been buried for a long time to bloom again, this is the original intention of President Nobby Rich when he founded this university, and it is also the philosophy we have always adhered to."

Gorshak's voice gradually rose, and there was a bit more pride in his tone: "Noblic University has been operating for thirty years so far. And during these thirty years, we have continued to secretly recruit students and Professors have successively delivered more than 500 elite wizards with cutting-edge knowledge to the society. They have joined all walks of life with their outstanding skills and have made great contributions to the development of society."

"Not counting those graduates, the university's own research team has also made theoretical and technological breakthroughs in many fields in the past thirty years, and also opened up many new research fields... I believe what has been experienced before Among them, you should have seen this."

"Due to certain circumstances, before today, the university could only operate in secret, recruiting students and teaching in secret. Every new member must sign a confidentiality agreement and cannot reveal the existence of the university without Ken Sir, and many of you here have gone through this step. And today, Nobic Ridge University is about to usher in a new beginning..."

As he spoke, Gorshak took out a neat stack of parchment from his arms and slowly unfolded it, then took out his wand and lit it, with an uncontrollable smile on his face that was engraved with some wrinkles.


A ball of flame suddenly burst out from her wand, engulfing the parchment in an instant, and her almost shouting voice also spread throughout the entire place along with the flames——

"I, Miranda Gorshak, in the name of the current President of Noblic University, upon the unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees and all professors, hereby declare..."

"Nobic Ridge University will terminate the magic contract of "New Student Admissions Confidentiality Regulations" and "Entry Confidentiality Regulations" from now on, and officially enter the public stage. All professors and graduates can no longer hide their identities and academic qualifications!"

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