Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 380 The pure-blood family’s plan

"What about... Grindelwald himself?"

After digesting the information for a while, Avada was able to continue asking: "Since you played Grindelwald in New Mongadry, where did the real Grindelwald go? Did he escape from prison without authorization?"

"How can it be."

Dumbledore laughed: "Not to mention that it is impossible for him to appear in public now, and it is impossible for me to let him out, and he himself is unwilling to leave Nurmengard - this was our last agreement back then, and it was also his own Today’s awareness.”

"No matter how many contributions he has made now, after all, there was an era of people who were ravaged by war because of him... This kind of crime cannot be overturned no matter what."

When talking about this topic, Dumbledore's original smile no longer seemed as obvious as before: "Before Christmas, he had been personally negotiating with the emissaries of the pure-blood families, and they had repeatedly proposed that he could Someone used Polyjuice Potion to help him secretly escape from prison, but he refused for various reasons. After I played him, he never left Nurmengard, but was in a secret dungeon hidden underground. Hidden there for several months..."


Avada now knew why Grindelwald didn't want to see him.

And it would be best not to bother him for the next few weeks - let the poor guy, who hasn't seen the sun in months, relax.

"And thanks to this plan, I also had the opportunity to personally contact the unsuspecting pure-blood family and obtain a large amount of their criminal evidence - they put a lot of effort into setting up this plan this time, and almost spent all their money. The financial resources, resources and connections, if the evidence is released without reservation, it will probably cause quite a shock throughout Europe. And the families involved in the plan themselves...hehe."

“It’s no wonder that Nobly Ridge University has chosen to make its public debut at this time.”

Avada nodded thoughtfully: "In this trip, we can almost wipe out all the die-hard pure-bloods, right?"

"It's not like catching them all in one fell swoop."

The corners of Dumbledore's mouth turned up again: "But at least nine out of ten - and this time it's not like the liquidation of the Chamber of Secrets crisis. It only needs to be held accountable for the family head. The property and resources they control, The connections they mobilized and the dark wizards they secretly raised may all be doomed... Who made them plan to release Grindelwald again?"

"If resurrecting Voldemort only offended Britain, then releasing Grindelwald would undoubtedly offend the entire Europe, and even most of the world - although in terms of personal strength, Grindelwald may be slightly inferior to Tom Riddle , but in terms of influence and impact on the world structure..."

"So, Professor,"

Seeing that Dumbledore's eyes were wandering and he was about to start talking about his past glorious experiences, Avada quickly continued to ask questions to bring Dumbledore back from his thoughts: "Then how did they dare to contact Grindelwald in the first place? ?”

"Ah, this is the rare tacit understanding between me and Gellert - forgive me for calling him that."

Dumbledore chuckled proudly: "Actually, the choice of contacting Grindelwald can be regarded as something we proactively put in front of them - and if we want to make all of this clear, I'm afraid we have to start with the scene last year. Talk of a werewolf attack started.”

"A werewolf attack?"

Avada was stunned for a moment before he remembered that such an incident did happen last year, and that it was one of the direct reasons for him to join Norwich University. However, when the matter settled, his consciousness was still sleepy. It's in the timeline, so I'm not very impressed by it.

"That's right - I haven't told you yet, have I? The supporters behind that werewolf attack were actually die-hard pure-blood families."

Dumbledore nodded: "They contacted their former colleague Fenrir Greyback and provided him with resources, manpower and technology to help him wantonly expand the scale of werewolves and attack wizards, and the purpose... was to disrupt situation to cover up what they were really doing.”

"What are you really doing? What is it?"

Avada frowned - this was something he had never known about in the intelligence network of Noblic University.

"After the locked room crisis two years ago,"

Dumbledore did not answer Avada's question directly, but moved the topic forward a little further: "The die-hards have already suffered a heavy blow, and they also know that I really intend to dig out Breaking their foundation, not just talking about it... Moreover, at that time, Voldemort's true form was arrested, the pure-blood family's vitality was severely damaged, and there was also a strong anti-pure-blood sentiment in the society. Almost everything was directed towards them. Developments in an unfavorable direction...leave few ways for them to make a comeback, and they must find another way."

"But it happened that it was also the secret room crisis that made them aware of the existence of Voldemort's Horcruxes, and after exchanging information, they also realized that Voldemort left more than one Horcrux. As long as all the Horcruxes are not allowed to fall into the trap, In my hands, Voldemort will not really die, and they will still have hope of making a comeback...The original purpose of launching the werewolf attack was to cover up their private investigation of Horcruxes."

"They already knew about Horcruxes at that time?"

Avada was a little surprised at first, but after thinking about it, she felt relieved - in the original work, sending the diary to Hogwarts was just Lucius's personal act, but this time the diary was obtained by the stubborn pure-blood Everyone in the faction supported it, and once more people knew about it, it would be easy for someone to guess that it was actually a Horcrux.

Then, Voldemort's old followers asked each other about each other, and jointly restored all the details of Voldemort's words and deeds back then. It seemed that if they were stronger, they could directly pull Slughorn out and ask... Such a trip It is easy to deduce the fact that Voldemort has more than one Horcrux.

"Not only that, but in a sense they were one step ahead of us."

Dumbledore suddenly showed a frightened expression: "If I hadn't received an unexpected help later, it might have been possible for them to make a comeback - they guessed that Harry Potter was Voldemort's Horcrux."


Avada was stunned - not even the resurrected Voldemort himself in the original book was aware of this!

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, the signs would have been obvious at that time."

Dumbledore sighed softly: "Don't forget, Harry took the initiative to disclose his gift of snake talk. And it is curious that a half-blood wizard of the Potter family has the talent of the heir of Slytherin. Coupled with the fact that he survived Voldemort and even killed Voldemort for a time, as well as the fact that splitting the soul many times will lead to the instability of the main soul... these are enough to deduce the truth of the matter."

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