Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 46 The throne comes and the bloodline sublimates!

"Everyone, be quiet, new students are coming!"

I don't know which prefect shouted, and the auditorium immediately became silent - there is probably only one opportunity every year for the prefect's order to be so effective.

Under the gaze of all the old students in the auditorium, the black oak doors slowly opened to both sides. First revealed was the Vice-Principal Professor McGonagall in an emerald green wizard robe, and then a large group of pearl-white ghosts surged like mist. came in and quickly filled the sky above the entire auditorium.

Then the first-year students filed in in neat lines, and most of them had extremely nervous looks on their faces. Their legs seemed to be filled with lead, and their steps were slow and heavy. As soon as they entered the auditorium, the first thing they did was to look up at the strange ceiling that reflected the night sky and had hundreds of candles floating on it. They also whispered to each other, marveled or discussed something from time to time.

Professor McGonagall walked to the front of the auditorium, took out the dirty Sorting Hat, and placed it on the high stool just like last year. After the professors and old students in the classroom used their fingers or wands to cast hearing-blocking spells on their ears with ease, the Sorting Hat sang loudly again:

You may think I am not beautiful, but never judge a book by its appearance;

If you can find a prettier hat than mine, I'll eat myself;

You can make your bowler hats black and shiny, your top hats smooth and crisp;

I am the Sorting Hat of Hogwarts, so I am naturally superior to your hats;

No thought hidden in your mind can escape the golden eyes of the Sorting Hat;

Put it on and try it on, and I'll tell you which college you should be assigned to...

When the song ended, the teachers and students in the audience burst into applause. Then they quietly lifted the spell on their ears and looked quietly at the group of freshmen - they seemed to be much more relaxed after listening to the Sorting Hat's song. A few of them showed indignant expressions, probably the type who had been deceived by their elders at home.

Afterwards, Professor McGonagall took out a piece of parchment and said loudly to the freshmen below: Whoever's name I call now will put on his hat, sit on the stool, and wait for the sorting. "

"Hannah Abbott!"

The pure-blooded girl with a ruddy complexion and two golden braids stumbled out of the queue and put on her hat, which just covered her eyes. She sat down. A moment's pause——


shouted the Sorting Hat.

The Hufflepuff long table suddenly erupted with cheers, among which Avada was particularly excited and warmly welcomed the girl who symbolized pure blood to her seat.

"Susan Bones!"


"Terry Butt!"


"Hermione Granger!"

'coming soon. ’

Avada watched attentively as the little girl with long brown fluffy hair sat down nervously and put on the Sorting Hat. She originally had dual qualifications of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. And with my own slight disturbance, will history change now?


The Gryffindor table also burst into warm applause, which also made Avada feel a little relieved.

"Neville Longbottom!"

The Sorting Hat hesitated for a long time before shouting: "Gryffindor!"

"Draco Malfoy!"


"Harry Potter!"

Amidst the buzzing murmurs caused by this name in the auditorium, Harry walked to the front with almost a blank mind and looked at the restaurant full of people. Everyone looked up, hoping to see his appearance clearly. Then, the wide brim of his hat completely blocked his vision, plunging him into darkness and waiting.


The whisper of the Sorting Hat came to his mind: "Hard. Very hard. You can tell you have courage. You don't have a bad heart either. You have talent, oh my gosh, yes - you are eager to prove yourself." A strong desire, so, it’s very interesting... I think Slytherin can help you go to glory and become a great person..."

'Slytherin? ’

Harry recalled in his mind Hagrid's warning to him that day, as well as the face of Draco Malfoy, who had just been sorted into Slytherin in the team. But the next moment, he thought of the gentle and polite appearance of Baron Shafiq next to Ken - it didn't seem so annoying?

'Forget it, it's best not to go to Slytherin. ’

Eventually, Hagrid's admonitions and his latest experience with Slytherin took over in his mind.

"Not going to Slytherin?"

The Sorting Hat asked softly: "Have you made up your mind? You know, Slytherin will help you to glory, there is no doubt about it... Not happy? Well, now that you have made up your mind - then go Go Gryffindor!"


The loudest cheers and applause suddenly erupted from the Gryffindor table, almost startling Harry. Percy Weasley, the prefect of Gryffindor, jumped up excitedly, and then shook hands tightly with Harry who had just walked over, interspersed with an unknown person's "We have Potter!" We have Potter!" chants...

Finally, this year's sorting ceremony came to an end when Ron Weasley was sorted into Gryffindor.

‘Nothing has changed. ’

Avada sighed happily, and then turned to look at Professor Quirrell, who was wrapped in a large turban on the teacher's bench and looked a little nervous, and his eyes gradually became determined.

‘In this case, there is no reason to fail! ’

After Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment and left with the Sorting Hat, then came back empty-handed and sat down in the classroom seat, Albus Dumbledore stood up. He looked at the students with a smile on his face and stretched out his arms to them. Nothing seemed to make him happier than to see the students gathered together.

"Welcome!" he said, "Welcome to Hogwarts to start the new school year! Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words. That is: Idiot! Crying nose! Residue! Screw it!"

Avada silently rolled her eyes.

"thank you all!"

Dumbledore sat down with a smile and waved his hand: "Let the dinner begin!"

The next moment, just like last year, dazzling food instantly filled the empty plates on the long table, and for some unknown reason, there was also a small plate of mint hard candies in front of everyone.

So, after waiting for a long time, the hungry students immediately started to feast on the food in front of them. While eating, they also chatted with the people around them and the freshmen who had just entered the school.

"Truman, I heard that you have become a prefect? ​​Congratulations!"

"You're welcome. You're not bad either, Cedric. You got first place in your grade last semester... By the way, you're in third grade this year, right? What classes did you choose?"

"Me, magical beasts, muggle studies, ancient runes and divination."

"Four courses? Then plus the compulsory courses, there are eleven courses. It's a lot of pressure!"

"That's nothing. You forgot that Percy from Gryffindor has to take twelve classes... God knows how he survived."

Avada glanced at Cedric: It's a pity that Cedric didn't choose general medicine, so he couldn't see the time turner in advance.

It is said that Percy should have used the time turner frequently last year, but he has never felt any magical reaction related to time. This is also a question he has always wondered - is time part of the magic? Its biological brother "space" is clearly visible to his magic senses, right?

But if it wasn't magic, how was the time turner created?

He shook his head and didn't think about it anymore. He has enough things to do this year.

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