Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 65 The correct way to open the Seeker

To be honest, Avada was quite grateful that Dumbledore didn't inquire into her matters, otherwise he would have had a lot of questions that he couldn't hide - why was a second-year student able to make Voldemort, who was even difficult to fish out the Sorcerer's Stone, Show up? Why did Voldemort trust him so easily? And why were no restrictions imposed on him?

And from beginning to end, Dumbledore did not use even the most superficial level of Legilimency on him.

Therefore, even in order to live up to this goodwill and trust, he had to try his best to complete the magic that restricted the wandering souls, and then give Dumbledore a gift from the sky.

So, Avada gloriously took over Snape's mantle and maintained stable contact with Voldemort for more than a week. And since he was planted with the Dark Mark, Voldemort didn't have to find anyone to send him a message - as long as he felt the Dark Mark was heating up, he could just go directly to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office for lessons.

As Voldemort said before, after Avada released the troll and officially "loyed" to him, he also began to teach Avada more profound and secret knowledge about spiritual magic, and tried his best to answer his questions. Interpret the difficulties encountered in "Psychodynamics". The combination of the two made Avada's progress in analyzing Voldemort's mental power greatly improved out of thin air, and it was about to be completely analyzed...

And the Dark Mark also brought him unexpected joy: he successfully cracked the principle of instant synchronization of the Dark Mark regardless of distance, which made his understanding of space and spirit greatly improved. The trace stretching spell also gradually gained inspiration.

So he had to speed up the progress - if he continued like this, he would be almost embarrassed to attack Voldemort.

It was mid-November, and the troll attack should have been forgotten long ago, but it was still remembered by people because of the addition of the rumor that "the savior brought down a troll when he was in the first grade." Talk about it - this makes people more convinced that Harry Potter was born with unparalleled power. His previous mediocre performance was just that he sealed himself in order to enjoy a peaceful life; but once he encountered a crisis and unlocked the seal, he would Can sweep everything...

In short, various rumors about being a middle school student were flying all over the place, making Avada wonder if someone from the Magic Institute had secretly infiltrated Hogwarts.

However, the matter of trolls and saviors was diluted with the arrival of another event - the arrival of this year's Quidditch match.

Although under Wood's strict confidentiality, almost no one had seen Harry play, but the whole school still knew that "Harry Potter joined the team in the first grade and became the youngest Seeker." , which also made the discussion of this competition unprecedentedly hot.

In order not to let her friends suffer, Avada naturally told Baron, Cedric and Qiu about Harry's possession of Nimbus 2000 in advance with his consent. Balon believed that they were older than Harry and had trained for a longer time. A Nimbus 2000 could just make up for this gap to a certain extent. So he didn't plan to move out the Nimbus 2000 from home - which actually made Cedric and Qiu relieved.

But wait until next year, he will use his money ability mercilessly.

Thus, under the spotlight, the Quidditch match finally kicked off. And Avada was finally freed from that pile of complicated symbols, and could watch the players having fun competing for fouls without thinking about anything. Fortunately, Voldemort didn't entrust him with tampering with Harry's broom. class tasks.

As a tradition, the first game is of course between the old enemies Gryffindor and Slytherin to show off the most exciting and fierce competition.

Fourteen players lined up in two rows and stared at each other fiercely. In the middle stood the referee Mrs. Huo Qi, who was reading out the rules of the game, but few people seemed to listen. Sitting in the commentary box was Lee Jordan, a third-year Gryffindor student, and Professor McGonagall, who was watching him to ensure that he was impartial and explained seriously.

"Everyone, please ride on your broomsticks."

Harry stepped on his Nimbus 2000 and looked at Baron opposite, who was riding a Sweeping Seven Stars. The two looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Ms. Huo Qi blew her silver whistle hard. Fifteen broomsticks soared into the air, high into the sky - the game began.

Harry rode his Nimbus 2000 and immediately ascended into the sky well above the confrontation area. He cruised around the field at low speed, squinting his eyes to search for any trace of the Golden Snitch.

Balon, on the other hand, adopted a completely different tactic: he directly cruised in the confrontation area, and was also concentrating on searching for traces of the snitch, without paying any attention to the interference of the Bludgers and Gryffindor, which were all controlled by him. His companions are responsible for intercepting for him. In this way, although the risk of being shot down was greatly increased, he could not only approach the Snitch faster, but he could also use various fake actions to interfere with Harry's judgment above.

And high risks naturally lead to high rewards - when Gryffindor and Slytherin scored several goals one after another, Balon was the first to discover the traces of the snitch.

So he turned on the broom at full power without hesitation and rushed straight towards the Snitch. Harry, on the other hand, was stunned for a moment due to the interference of several previous fake moves. After personally confirming the traces of the snitch, he quickly dived down. Other players on both sides also began to try their best to interfere with the opponent's seeker, and began a more intense confrontation.


The performance of Nimbus 2000 was obviously far beyond that of Sweeping Seven Stars. Harry quickly overtook Baron, who had reached full speed, and was slowly approaching the Snitch...



Harry held the broom and tried his best to lift it up, narrowly avoiding a Bludger from Slytherin, but this also allowed him to be overtaken by Balon again...

"Sorry, I didn't intercept it well!"

Fred passed him with the stick and apologized loudly, then made a fake move to shake Slytherin's chaser, and then seized the gap and hit the Bludger hard towards Balon. : "But I can still level it!"

"What a beautiful thought!"

Captain Marcus, who had been firmly guarding Balon, beautifully intercepted Fred's Bludger and hit it towards Angelina, the Chaser who was trying to steal the chicken, causing the Quaffle to deflect away from St. Letling's goal. And Balon is getting closer and closer to the snitch, and he is about to encounter him...


Another Bludger came through the air from beneath Baron and struck the tail feathers of his broom. Baron suddenly lost his balance and fought several times in mid-air before he stabilized. At this time, the Snitch disappeared.

"It's George!"

Jordan on the commentary table excitedly shouted: "He just used an extremely thrilling flight to avoid all obstacles, and then accurately intercepted Slytherin's Seeker from the ground with the Quaffle! Balon's broom Off balance! Will he be shot down... Oh, it stabilized, what a pity."


Professor McGonagall gave him a threatening look, which scared him so much that he coughed quickly and continued to explain with a straight face.

"It's not that easy to win, hehe."

George triumphantly passed by Baron, turned around and gave Fred a high-five.


Baron rolled his eyes at him. After confirming that there was no problem with the broom, he continued to walk through the confrontation area, carefully searching for traces of the snitch.

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