Chapter 115: The role of portable mobile swamps.

Cleaning can be a tedious task, especially when magic is not allowed.

Harry and Neville, two honest children, carefully cleaned the dusty trophy, while George and Weasley started to fight without much cleaning. Seeing the two of them laughing and joking, Leonard walked over and started to talk to them.

The main talking point was their portable mobile swamp.

Afterwards, Leonard asked Harry for specific information and heard the term portable mobile swamp.

Leonard knew about this thing. In the fifth grade, George and Fred used this thing to turn the castle corridor into a swamp, which was permanent.

At that time, this joke prop was already quite mature. It was completely different from today’s funny toys that even three-headed dogs can’t trap. It had a strategic nature that was hard to ignore.

This is a rare thing that can change the terrain. Before acquiring the talent [Plant Tenacity], Leonard thought about investing in this thing so that his plants could cover any place unconditionally and deal with any enemy.

However, after unlocking [Plant Tenacity] 29, this portable mobile swamp is somewhat dispensable, but it is not useless. When Leonard’s magical plants face the wizard, the most difficult thing is the wizard’s flexibility.

Teleportation magic like Phantom Movement is really disgusting. If anything can restrain this kind of magic, it must be this joke prop.

Very bizarre, right? A joke prop can actually restrain the wizard’s most ingenious magic. Although the magic of phantom movement is convenient and fast, it also has several taboos.

First of all, the most ridiculous one cannot be released in battle.

This sentence is for reference only. Anyway, few really awesome bosses follow it. The scene of each other spraying magic is like a freeze frame, with the two wizards running around like ghosts.

Then the flash destination must be remembered clearly and there are no obstacles, otherwise it will either fail or merge with overlapping objects.

The third point is that no debris can be mixed in during teleportation.

This is how the house elf Dobby died. During the Apparition, he carried the dagger thrown by Bella with him. As a result, he was very unlucky and the dagger pierced his heart during the transfer.

A wizard who is stuck in a swamp casts phantom movement, and it is easy for some accidents to happen if he is stained with mud.

The fourth point is to be decisive when teleporting. Phantom shift is not a real teleport. Leonard, who has experienced the portkey, understands that the so-called Phantom shift is actually like being sucked into a singularity and spit out from the other end..

During this process, if the caster hesitates, the body will separate.

Although he will not die immediately, he has lost the ability to resist and can only be at the mercy of others.

The first thing the wizard who is stuck in the mud has to fight is the suction of the swamp. If he is not careful, he will be separated. Therefore, this portable mobile swamp is simply a must-have product for killing people and stealing goods.

After hearing that Leonard was interested in their joke product, George and Fred were very excited and instantly made Leonard their confidant.

”Our portable mobile swamp is really fun, and we set the maximum depth so you don’t have to worry about anyone sinking and drowning, which is definitely enough for fun purposes.”

Fred introduced excitedly.

”And think about it, the originally hard ground turned into a swamp, and the confident people were

stained with mud. It’s exciting to think about it, right?”


Leonard answered perfunctorily, but his mind automatically changed the scene of Fred’s story into the battle after encountering the wizard.

Drop the portable swamp in advance before the opponent needs to use phantom migration, and release magical plants when the opponent cannot move to deliver a fatal blow.

It’s useless even if the opponent is good at defensive magic. Leonard’s magical plants come with a special attack shield, and no magic shield can stop the attacks of magical plants.

Moreover, the movement of magical plants in the mud is uninterrupted. With the magic power of magical plants devouring and running wild, our demon-eating and self-destruction, Leonard can destroy a whole company of wizards with a set of combos.

Leonard likes this tactic that he can’t escape, can’t beat, and can’t defend.

Hearing the discussion about portable mobile swamps, Harry, who was cleaning the house seriously, couldn’t stand it anymore.

”Leonard, don’t let them fool you.”

Harry said

”Their portable mobile swamp was not durable at all, and it almost killed us when dealing with the three-headed dog.”

Fred was unhappy with what he said, and he defended

”That’s because we lack funds for our research. Otherwise, with the progress of our experiments, we would have made a really useful portable mobile swamp long ago.”

”Lack of funds?”

Leonard looked at the two people

”What’s wrong?”

”The materials were very expensive, and we used up our pocket money just to buy them. We occasionally bought some new products from Zuko’s Joke Shop, but our own joke props were not sold.”

At this point, George and Fred looked at each other and sighed. Leonard touched his chin after hearing this.

”I can help you.”

Leonard said

”I can take care of the funding issue”


George and Fred asked in surprise.

”Of course, I have conditions.”

Leonard said

”We need a detailed contract that stipulates the expenditure and future income. The money cannot be given in vain. If you make this product and sell it in the future, I require a proportion of the harvest. In addition, if you plan to sell Patent 663, you must Sell to me first.”

Perhaps what Leonard said was too professional. George and Fred looked confused, and Leonard shook his head.

”In short, this is a very serious matter. My payment is equivalent to our partnership. This is not as simple as borrowing money. You will need to pay part of your future interests as compensation.”

Leonard briefly explained

”That’s no problem.”

When they heard it was about the future, George and Fred were very generous.

”Then when are you going to give us the money?···I mean funding.”

Fred asked while rubbing his hands. Harry, Neville, and Hermione on the side looked at the three people discussing business with complicated faces.

It clearly felt like George and Fred were using useless joke props to deceive people, but I don’t know why I always feel like no one can deceive Leonard in front of him.

”This is a very serious matter and you need to discuss it carefully so that you don’t feel like I’m lying to you in the end.”

Leonard said ugly words in front of him.

In fact, this is a vaccination. Although Leonard will not lie to children, some things are destined to become his.

For example, this portable mobile swamp, this kind of future will become It is an important weapon to assassinate some wizards who can phantom. Leonard will definitely not let this thing circulate in the market.

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