Chapter 121 Quirrell is not very smart.

Looking at the students laughing and laughing on weekends, Quirrell felt that he was a little out of tune with this school.

Those children were young and in their prime, but they looked young, but in fact their bodies were withering and rotting like rotten wood.

Even the squib cleaning the castle was in better shape than he was.

All this was given by his noble master, who was like a leech lying on his bones and sucking his marrow, gradually sucking away his life, but Quirrell himself dared not speak out in anger.

Recently, Quirrell discovered that his body began to emit a peculiar smell, which forced him to use thick spices to cover up the peculiar smell.

This made him think of a stinky steak marinated in spices but rotten.

He was very familiar with this smell. In the past, when Voldemort possessed those venomous snakes, the venomous snakes would emit this smell within a few days.

Then in a few days, these venomous snakes will die suddenly, and Voldemort will continue to exist in the body of a venomous snake.

He is a devil, watering his soul with other lives, and the next victim is himself.

Unless he can find a unicorn and suck his blood.

Although this would entangle himself with a vicious curse, Quirrell still chose to curse before dying and being cursed. but…………Who the hell can tell him where all the unicorns died? Except for the first time I met one and lost it, I haven’t seen them since. The group of unicorns seemed to have abandoned their original activity area and ran away to nowhere.

Isn’t this a dead end?

Quirrell thought in annoyance, and involuntarily patted his forehead with his hand.

He felt that his condition was very bad, not only physically, but also his intelligence and memory were damaged to varying degrees. He originally wanted to perform well in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but every time he went to class, his mind went blank..

The knowledge and magic he had memorized in the past seemed to have disappeared. He could not recall them at all, let alone teach them to his students.

This caused his status at Hogwarts to plummet, almost becoming a joke.

But it is not without its benefits. For example, students think that they are a dull and honest person, and a dull and honest person will not do bad things.

But Quirrell couldn’t be happy. His intuition told him that his condition might have deteriorated to a certain extent, and he might die suddenly at any time.

”As long as you find the magic stone, you won’t necessarily die”

Voldemort’s cold voice suddenly sounded in Quirrell’s mind, making Quirrell’s body tremble.

”Lord…Master…you are awake. Quirrell said, suppressing his fear.

”Yes, I heard you complaining as soon as I woke up, and the distracting thoughts in your mind almost annoyed me to death.”

Voldemort’s tone was cruel.

”With this time to complain, don’t you have time to inquire about the levels set by other professors?”

At this time, neither Voldemort nor Quirrell took the initiative to go to the corridor on the third floor to see what kind of dangerous things there were.

All they knew about it was from Dumbledore.

”If you don’t want to encounter misfortune, don’t go there” and Dumbledore informed him to prepare some dangerous

levels to protect something.

Obviously, the Sorcerer’s Stone is hidden in the corridor on the third floor, but Quirrell did not dare to act rashly, because if he didn’t pay attention, his life would be ruined. How could he have thought that the so-called guarding”something” arranged by Dumbledore would be some strange and funny thing?

He also thought that other professors were just trying to guard the Philosopher’s Stone. He went to great lengths to create levels. So before breaking in, it was necessary to inquire about the content of the levels.

But Dumbledore told him in advance that the professors did not know the content of the levels, which troubled him endlessly. When checking the level content, he was always cautious and cautious, for fear of arousing others’ suspicion.

But even in this way, he was still suspected.

”Sorry Master, I tried my best, but those professors were too strict. I didn’t even find out anything and was still suspected by Snape.”

Qiluo said with tears in his eyes.

”Snape…………”Voldemort is speechless

”He is indeed a very astute man”

”Master, let’s find a way to kill him, so that my actions will be easier. Quirrell, who was thinking of bad ideas, said quietly.

”……Don’t think about superfluous things.”

Voldemort said indifferently

”If you really can’t get any information, don’t ask. If you find an opportunity to cause confusion, why don’t you just go and see for yourself?”

”1But…but the master, the three-headed dog at the first level…I’m worried…………”

Quirrell said fearfully.

He was worried that he would be bitten into pieces by the three-headed dog.

”What are you worried about when I’m here? What you need to worry about is that the chaos you cause can drag down all the professors, and at the same time, no students around notice or disturb you.”

Voldemort said

”But Master, what should I do? asked Quirrell

”………………”Voldemort’s voice paused.

Could it be possible that he would lose his intelligence if he stayed in Quirrell’s body? Is this guy really a Ravenclaw student?

Voldemort complained in his heart

”Can’t you use your brain to think about it? Didn’t you place the trolls in the level and haven’t sent them into the level yet? Take it out and use it!”

Voldemort roared angrily, wishing to tear this useless subordinate to pieces.

”hug…………I’m sorry, master, please calm down.”

Quirrell’s forehead was dripping with cold sweat, but he still asked a little embarrassedly.

”But how do I prevent the students from noticing me? You see, they are always running around in the castle.”

”Then wait for the opportunity! You brainless waste, wouldn’t you choose a time when students have to be gathered together to facilitate the management of professors?”

Voldemort’s roar made Quirrell’s head hurt.

”I understand, Master.”

Hearing Voldemort tearing apart the plan and telling it to himself, Quirrell, who felt that his brain was not enough, finally understood, and Lian Sheng agreed.

To say that such an opportunity is not impossible, Quirrell remembered that it will be Halloween in a while., the Hogwarts tradition that has never changed is to hold a dinner party on the night of Halloween.

All the students, professors and other staff of the school will be present.

That’s his chance!.

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