Chapter 125: Rock Biscuits Against Humanity.

A potion that can make plants expand. I wonder if it will have any effect on magical plants.

Size is equivalent to strength to a certain extent. The larger the size, the stronger the strength, and the more terrifying the combat effectiveness. This is something Leonard understood after experiencing the severe beating of the knight statue in the ancient ruins.

In the past, Leonard was also influenced by some novels and movies and felt that large creatures were targets, and their popularity disappeared after one episode. But the premise of this assumption is to ignore battle losses.

An enemy whose body alone can kill a whole group of people when it falls down. Do you think it is weak? Before having this idea, consider how many hits you can take from this kind of enemy.

You jumped up and down, moved coquettishly, and your body movements were elegant and powerful. In one move, you were as fierce as a tiger, but in the end, you only gave the opponent a scratch. If someone slaps you down, the shock wave will wipe out your health bar.

How to fight such an enemy?

Of course, Leonard also felt that the so-called enlarging potion’s effect on plants should not be that exaggerated, but adding a little more volume would increase a little more combat effectiveness, and Leonard didn’t mind the weakness of the effect.

So he couldn’t resist the temptation and decided to go to Hagrid’s pumpkin patch with Harry.

Speaking of this, although Leonard often passes by Hagrid’s hut in the Forbidden Forest, he has never visited Hagrid yet.

Soon, Harry and Leonard arrived in front of Hagrid’s hut and knocked on the door amidst a burst of dog barking.

Hagrid stooped and walked out of the room, with a smile on his face when he saw Harry and Leonard.

”Welcome, you’re Leonard, right? I’ve heard a lot of professors talk about you.”

A big black dog stood next to Hagrid, its small eyes staring at Leonard, full of doubts.

”Hello, Mr. Hagrid.”

Leonard said politely, noticing the big dog’s gaze, and glanced calmly at the hound named Yaya.

Yaya groaned and hid behind Hagrid.

”This child’s name is Yaya, and he is a hunting dog I raised. Even though he looks fierce, he is actually very timid.”

Hagrid introduced enthusiastically, turned around and walked into the room.

”Hello, come in, I just prepared some snacks, and Neville is enjoying them inside.”

Hagrid welcomed the two of them in, and complained to Harry along the way.

”Harry, you have gone too far. How could you leave your friends and go away? Neville and I don’t know each other very well. He feels a little uncomfortable and doesn’t even eat much snacks.”

”Ah, sorry, I also suddenly thought of inviting Leonard over.”

Harry looked apologetic, but he didn’t think it was a big deal. He just wanted to let Neville and Hagrid be alone for a while.

He also felt that this was necessary. After all, although Hagrid looks a little scary, he has a very good personality. It’s good for training Neville’s courage.

He’s a Gryffindor, so he can’t be a coward!

But when he saw Neville sitting on a chair, holding a big gray biscuit with a metallic luster and tears in his eyes, Harry was silent.

Something didn’t seem right.

”Come, try the cookies I baked.”

Hagrid enthusiastically asked a few people to sit down and served them a biscuit similar to Neville’s with a look of anticipation on his face.

”Come and eat, you’re welcome,” Hagrid said cheerfully.

”Don’t be as reserved as Neville. It takes so long to

eat one biscuit, but I still have quite a few.”

As he spoke, he picked up a biscuit that was no bigger than the palm of his hand and stuffed it into his mouth. With the noise of a crusher, he bit into pieces of the biscuit, chewed it and swallowed it into his stomach.

Listening to the crisp sound There was no sound that could be related to the sound of food. Harry and Leonard looked down at the biscuits in their hands at the same time, then looked at Hagrid who was eating delicious food, and fell silent. Is this thing for people to eat?

Nader squeezed the biscuit in his hand. The feeling made Leonard feel like he was squeezing a stone.

He looked at Neville who was full of tears. The biscuit in his hand had not changed at all, and it was the same as Leonard’s hand. The only difference is that there is a shallow tooth mark on it.

It can be seen that Neville has been working hard for a long time. In fact, it is true.

Neville looked at his friend who had the same disease as him and tears flowed from his eyes.

Nearly a Hours, Harry went to find Leonard for an hour. Does anyone know how he spent this hour? He couldn’t chew the biscuits in his hand, and he was worried that he would anger Hagrid if he didn’t eat the biscuits. In a fit of anger, he stewed him, so he gnawed super hard.

But the inherent shortcomings cannot be achieved by hard work. The hardness of this biscuit is already anti-human. Even if he tried his best, he couldn’t scrape off a bit from it.

He didn’t know Hagrid either. This is how the biscuits were baked so hard.

Leonard tried to break the biscuits. After failing, he gave up the struggle and put the biscuits aside. He couldn’t break them open or bite them. Say goodbye!

Anyway, Hagrid has a good temper., it’s okay if you don’t eat the biscuits he gave.

Hagrid looked at Leonard putting down the biscuits in confusion and asked

”What’s wrong? Are my rock cookies not to your liking?”

Although his tone was normal, it still made Neville’s little face pale with fright. Rock Biscuits is really a fitting name.

Leonard sighed and said

”No, I don’t think it’s suitable for me”

”Yes Hagrid,” Harry said as he knocked on the rock biscuit and heard the crisp sound.

”It’s so hard, I feel like I can hit nails with it”

”Well, that’s really a pity.”

Hagrid said regretfully

”Then just drink some tea.”

Hearing that his little friend rejected Hagrid without hesitation, and Hagrid was not angry, Neville quickly put down the biscuit in his hand. I can’t stand it anymore, my teeth hurt so much, they whined, if I had known Hagrid was like this It was easy to talk to him so he didn’t bother to bite.

After Hagrid swallowed those rock biscuits by himself and drank two large cups of tea, Harry said

”Hagrid, we want to see your pumpkin again”

”No problem, watch whatever you want.”

Hagrid stood up and said proudly

”No one at Hogwarts is better at growing pumpkins than me.”

When he came to the pumpkin field and looked at the scary-sized pumpkins in the field, Leonard asked

”Can I take a closer look?”

”Yes, you can look at them as long as you don’t hurt their branches.”

Hagrid waved his hand generously.


Leonard nodded, walked to the field, and inspected these pumpkins.

Seeing these unconventional-sized pumpkins, Leonard remembered some experiences he had heard in his previous life. The internal fibers of oversized pumpkins are rough, Pumpkins like that are inedible.

Leonard wanted to check some of these pumpkins to see if this was the case.

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