Chapter 130 The troll is coming.

In addition to the sweet pumpkin-themed delicacies, the Halloween dinner also includes exciting performances.

Leonard wasn’t sure what was going on with those banshees howling wildly in front of the auditorium. From what the pure-blooded little wizards around him said, they seemed to be a relatively famous band in the wizarding world and were very popular.

At least judging from the expressions of those pure-blooded little wizards, they weren’t lying.

It’s just that Leonard really couldn’t get used to the almost wailing voice, so he could only force himself to listen, and eat an overly sweet dinner. The food at the Halloween dinner was also very strange, mainly sweets, mainly various pumpkin products..

Pumpkin pie, pumpkin pie, pumpkin pudding, pumpkin juice, stewed pumpkin, and some assorted magic candies.

For those children with a sweet tooth, this was naturally an indulgent meal, but for Leonard, it was a bit of torture. He likes desserts, but he can’t eat them as food.

Fortunately, there was still meat and vegetables on the table, otherwise Leonard suspected that he would be hungry tonight.

The atmosphere of the dinner was good, but Leonard noticed that Quirrell’s seat on the professor’s chair was empty, and Snape next to him looked restless.

He signaled to Dumbledore frequently, but Dumbledore didn’t even look at him.

Based on the level of Dumbledore’s trust in Snape, this behavior was very unusual. Even if an ordinary professor frequently expressed doubts about someone to him, Dumbledore, as the principal, should not ignore it so much.

Unless he knows everything, he just has his own considerations.

Leonard quickly withdrew his gaze and twitched the corner of his mouth as he looked at the students from the same school around him who were immersed in eating.

If the food at the Hogwarts banquet was not provided by house elves in unlimited quantities, Leonard would really worry that he would not have enough to eat.

The banquet gradually reached its most lively moment as time passed by quietly. At this moment, the door of the auditorium opened with a bang, and Quirrell, who was smelling strangely and looking panicked, rushed in from the door.

Leonard, who was about to stuff the cut steak into his mouth, silently stopped what he was doing. Not only him, but all the students wherever Quirrell passed by stopped their movements, and some even let out a cry. Vomiting sound.

The smell on Quirrell’s body was too strong, the faint smell of putrefaction and spices mixed together, as if the smell of stinky marinated steaks that had been left out for a long time was mixed with a distinct stench.

It felt like this stale marinated steak had rolled around in the bathroom toilet, and it was a full toilet! Leonard, who had dealt with trolls before, immediately understood that this was the smell of the trolls. He couldn’t help but look at the panicked Quirrell, and the more he looked at him, the more awkward he felt.

Obviously, this person is not very good at acting and has no talent. The panic expression is like a stiff mask on his face. But the stiff expression doesn’t matter anymore. As long as the news is hot enough, it can attract the attention of others. Force, Quirrell came over in a hurry at this time, obviously just to·····

”Troll! There’s a troll in the basement! Quirrell

’s horrified screams were recalled in the auditorium. Apparently Professor Quirrell personally came out to give the teachers and students of Hogwarts a Halloween surprise.

This was much more surprising than the banshee singing strange songs in the auditorium.

Hearing that There was a troll, and the students panicked. The originally happy auditorium was filled wit

h screams of fear. They put down the food in their hands in panic and scurried around like headless flies. However, because other panicked students crowded in, Together, they didn’t run more than a few meters for a long time.

Obviously the school auditorium is very spacious to accommodate more than a thousand people. If orderly evacuation takes only ten minutes, all of them can be evacuated, but these panicked students stood up and crowded together at the same time Instead, the road was blocked.

The prefects of the college shouted loudly in the crowd to ask the students to calm down and obey the instructions, but their voices had long been drowned by the screams. The

Hufflepuff students were also in the panic, only However, the painting style was a little different. Leonard noticed that the first reaction of many students when they were squeezed to the long table was to pick up a few portable desserts and stuff them into their robes to take away.

As the culprit, Qi After shouting the words that caused confusion, Luo rolled his eyes and fainted with a stiff posture.

This behavior once again caused a wave of piercing screams, and some”smart” students actually asked loudly whether Quirrell was being raped. The monster was killed, which caused a lot of panic.

I don’t know how the monster that was said to be in the basement knocked out Quirrell through the air, but it also shows that Quirrell’s behavior is indeed very suspicious.

Leonard Looking at Quirrell lying on the ground, he became playful and slowly moved towards the position where he was lying down, leading others to deliberately step on him a few times.

The scene is so chaotic, is it normal for a stampede to happen? Stomp more. A few kicks were regarded as the cost of tonight’s mental damage.

Quirrell was baptized by the students’ feet without chewing a word. He could only make a few muffled sounds when Leonard stepped on them. Whose feet are these?, the kick was so heavy, couldn’t it be intentional?

Quirrell cursed fiercely in his heart.

Seeing the chaos in the auditorium getting out of control, Dumbledore stood up


The loud voice echoed in the auditorium, instantly covering the shouts and screams of the students.

Dumbledore’s voice seemed to inject courage into the students, making these irrational students quiet down and look at them 303 The principal.

At this time, they remembered that their principal Dumbledore was regarded as the greatest wizard. How could the three monsters be his opponents?

”The prefects of each house took their students back to the common room, and all the professors, together with me, escorted the Slytherin and Hufflepuff students back.”

Dumbledore said calmly, looking at Quirrell who fainted, with a few footprints on his face, and was almost knocked out by being stepped on, without saying anything.

Since Quirrell said that the troll was in the basement, then The students of the two colleges who were going back to the common room in the basement were in even greater danger, and they had to be escorted.

With the help of the professors, the prefects struggled to maintain order and led the students out of the auditorium.

In the process, staring closely at Snape; he noticed the professor leaving the side door of the auditorium. Obviously, the professor wanted to stop Quirrell from stealing the Sorcerer’s Stone in advance.

Leonard was also looking for it in the crowd. Arriving at Malfoy and a few of his followers

”I hope these two followers will not fall behind this time, otherwise we will deal with them first next time.”

Leonard withdrew his gaze and pretended to casually approach the Slytherin team. After being noticed by Malfoy and others, he quietly left the team.

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