Chapter 138 Hatred has been sown.

Halloween is the last day of October, and by Halloween, that is, after entering November, planning for the most anticipated project of all teachers and students at Hogwarts begins.

Quidditch game.

Quidditch matches will be held every weekend this month, with each house competing against each other, with final scores accumulated and ranked, with the two houses with the highest scores competing in the finals at the end of the semester.

The winning house will receive the Quidditch Champions Cup and fifty house points as a reward. So November is also called Quidditch month.

Quidditch is a very popular sport, and most wizards enjoy this rare entertainment activity.

The same is true for some Muggle wizards, after all, riding a broomstick in the air sounds like a cool sport. But in Leonard’s opinion, this kind of sport full of personal heroism is boring and stupid.

The most stupid thing is that it is a multiplayer game but it infinitely magnifies the role of the seeker and minimizes the role of other team members. Leonard didn’t even have the idea to look at such luck.

Besides, the whole school is empty, which is more suitable for Leonard to do something. For example, explore the forbidden book area.

It had been two months since he came to Hogwarts, and Leonard felt it was time to prepare for exploring the ancient magical ruins. However, he did not plan to go in this time. He planned to go to Midgard to have a look at the botanical garden at the end of the semester after the plants in the botanical garden could produce seeds. This time he was just exploring the way.

Who said the forbidden book area can only be visited at night? Wouldn’t it be nice to go to the restricted area when everyone is watching the Quidditch game?

Leonard felt that those who liked to wander at night felt that they were doing something wrong, so they only dared to sneak into the forbidden book area at night.

Leonard is different. He is shameless and doesn’t feel that he is doing anything bad.

The chasing and fighting students ran out of the castle with laughter and towards the Quidditch pitch, looking very energetic. Leonard glanced at the students who were out of tune with him, and then his eyes fell on the professors behind them.

The professors followed the students, but their faces did not have the relaxed smiles of the students.

Malfoy’s death was like a thorn in the throats of the professors, leaving them with a lump in their throats. Although they didn’t know how Dumbledore convinced Lucius Malfoy not to hold Hogwarts responsible, But at this time, even if there is no external punishment, it is difficult for them to forgive themselves for the mistakes they made.

Leonard’s eyes were mainly focused on Quirrell.

Quirrell was not captured from Azkaban, and did not even receive any punishment. This result is very interesting.

In the third grade of the original book, Draco Malfoy was only scratched on the arm by a Hippogriff. Lucius Malfoy would have demanded the death of the magical creature that was enraged and fought back. There was no reason for his own son to die. It would make this matter unsolved.

Obviously, someone put an end to Lucius’ revenge plan, and this person was definitely not Dumbledore, whom Lucius hated most.

”Was You-Know-Who forced to meet Lucius Malfoy?”

Leonard murmured to himself, with a mocking smile on his lips.

Leonard didn’t believe that Lucius Malfoy would let go of this unforgettable hatred until he could find the way to lead Draco Malfoy to the troll. As a human being, he could only focus all his resentment on Quirrell, who brought the trolls into Hogwarts.


when his idea of revenge was blocked by Voldemort, this hatred was also transferred to Voldemort. On the body. Because Lucius believes that Quirrell will not make his own decisions, and all his actions are to work for Voldemort.

”I’m really looking forward to it. What amazing things will Lucius Malfoy do with hatred in his heart?”

Leonard sighed.

When the seeds of hatred are planted, the fruits of bitter revenge will surely grow. As the culprit, Leonard only needs to watch. He watches the professors and several faculty members in the school leave., turned and walked towards the library. At this time, no one should be able to stop him from going to the restricted book area, right?

As an ancient castle, Hogwarts Castle is actually no different or even slightly better than ordinary castles in terms of gloominess..

Especially after the students have left and the lively and warm atmosphere is missing, the castle seems too empty and scary, as if a ghost will emerge at any time.······

Well, there would have been a lot of ghosts here.

The ghosts didn’t seem to care much about Quidditch games. After the students left the castle, they briefly occupied the castle and wandered through the corridors wantonly………….

And Peeves······Without the presence of students, Peeves seemed to be in a weak state, rarely causing havoc or mischief everywhere.

Maybe it’s a lack of audience?

Leonard, who maintained a powerful disembodiment spell, passed by these ghosts and sneaked into the library while the ghosts were not paying attention. The library is not empty. Although Quidditch is very popular in the wizarding world, there are always some wizards who don’t like this sport. They would rather stay and read books that are considered boring by others than risk their lives. to watch the Kuichiqi football match in the sun.

But it doesn’t matter, these studious little wizards will not affect Leonard’s plan to enter the forbidden book area.

Leonard’s footsteps were very light, and he passed by the students like a ghost and arrived at the restricted book area..

There is a door here with an exaggeratedly large lock on it that seals the place tightly.

The effect of this big lock on dissuading people is pretty good, at least the thick chain is still very intimidating. Leonard took out his magic wand and watched Dasuo quietly cast a spell.

”Alajo Cave opens.”

The tip of the wand flashed with white light, but the big lock did not appear to be unlocked at all.

”Is there an anti-lock-picking spell?”

Leonard nodded thoughtfully and put away his wand.

Judging from the feeling, the anti-locking spell of this lock is very important. It overlaps in the magic field of vision, giving Leonard the feeling of facing an iron wall. Even using the enhanced lock-picking spell had no effect.

But Leonard was not discouraged, put away his wand, and naturally took out a wire. As a scavenger, the skill of lock-picking is a basic skill.

Leonard tried to The wire was pushed in, and after a few fiddles, there was a squeaking sound, and the big lock opened. It was really good, the reverse lock-picking spell couldn’t stop the Muggle’s lock-picking skills.

Leonard looked very old at this door with a smile. A lubricating spell was used on the old door shaft to open the door silently. This is also a very interesting basic magic that can generate a very slippery special grease that can make people slide naturally and also act as lubricant..

Entering the forbidden book area, Leonard put the big lock aside and looked at the books on the bookshelf. Before looking for clues about ancient ruins, first browse the book mountain in the forbidden book area.

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