Chapter 149 Dumbledore’s determination.

As the Vice-Principal of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall only took a few minutes to collect her thoughts. At this time, she also realized the seriousness of the last news.

It’s not just a rumor, it’s the beginning of chaos.

Lucius Malfoy’s revenge plan is very simple, which is to let the Death Eaters die on Voldemort’s orders. At first glance, this sounds like a good thing, but there are not many ways to kill these Death Eaters at once, and every time All are earth-shattering events.

This means that a terrible turmoil is taking shape, even one that is enough to destroy the British magical world!

In comparison, a werewolf force that is trying to rise is really not a big deal. After all, from the letter sent by Remus, we can see that these werewolves are very well-behaved under the constraints of their leader.

But that’s not necessarily the case with Death Eaters. These guys might be willing to do anything for Voldemort.

”Albus, we have to stop him!”

Professor McGonagall said decisively.

”Yeah, we have to stop him. But how do we stop a father who has lost his child from launching a self-immolating revenge campaign?”

Dumbledore sighed

”Lucius didn’t even want his own life.”

The large number of deaths of Death Eaters will definitely make Voldemort angry, and Lucius Malfoy, who angered Voldemort, will naturally not end well.

”Inform Mr. Fudge? If the Ministry of Magic mediates, things may turn around.”

Professor McGonagall said

”It is unlikely that Connelly can make any useful reaction before something happens. He is like an ostrich, he can only react when the fire burns his head.”

Dumbledore shook his head

”I can only take one step at a time. I will let people keep an eye on Lucius as much as possible, try to limit the chaos to a controllable range, and give Connelly a chance to control it.”

Although he said so, Dumbledore still felt a little unsure. He knew how powerful hatred was. In that case, Lucius was even more dangerous than Voldemort.

”What about Quirrell?”

Professor McGonagall asked.

To be honest, although everyone said that the curse of the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was a rumor, it was right in front of everyone.

No wizard can safely hold this position. Throughout the year, I either encountered accidents or had bad intentions.

I thought that Quirrell, as the original Muggle Studies professor at Hogwarts, would be a safe person, but I didn’t expect that it would also be black when cut open. The professors had already guessed Quirrell had bad intentions, but he didn’t expect that a single oversight would cause Quirrell to cause such a big crisis in the school.

”he···It was a small thing, although Tom was on top of him. murmured Dumbledore

”What! Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

Professor McGonagall’s eyes widened.

”How could such a dangerous person be allowed into the castle?”

”I thought you would guess that since Lucius changed his mind, even if Quirrell obeyed Tom, without Tom’s pressure, Lucius would not give up the responsibility for Hogwarts so easily.”

Dumbledore sighed

”This time we borrowed Tom’s bad name”

”But it’s too dangerous for children, and I just can’t imagine what we would do if You-Know-Who quietly took advantage of Harry.”

Professor McGonagall looked anxious.

For the first time, this

elegant and serious professor lost his sense of proportion and paced back and forth in front of Dumbledore.

Professor McGonagall was now trying to avoid the rat. She wanted to drive Quirrell out directly, but she was also worried about triggering a backlash from Voldemort. Harm the students. Fundamentally speaking, Voldemort should not have been let in!

”Calm down, Minerva, and don’t forget Tom, he’s here for a purpose.”

Dumbledore said with relief.

”Purpose? Magic stone?”

”Yes, he now wants to be resurrected more than seeking revenge. He will not act rashly for the Sorcerer’s Stone, just like he does not want to close Hogwarts for the Sorcerer’s Stone and will not hesitate to oppress Lucius and force him not to hold the school accountable.”

Dumbledore nodded.

”Tom can keep his composure very well, which is his advantage”

”But I still don’t understand why you did this. Wouldn’t it be more convenient and safer to keep the mysterious person out?”

Professor McGonagall is still a little confused.

”Minerva, it is difficult for saplings in the greenhouse to grow into towering trees. The young eagle huddled in the eagle’s nest can never spread its wings and fly. Harry needs some training. Don’t forget, he is the child of the prophecy….”

Dumbledore took the clumped piece of paper from Professor McGonagall’s hand and placed it in front of a pile of ashes beside him. A naked, strange bird that looked like a hairless chicken emerged from the ashes and spit fire at the letter. The flames engulfed the letter and slowly turned to ashes in Dumbledore’s hands, but did not burn the old professor in the slightest.

”Even a phoenix will be very weak after nirvana, right? The training you arranged for him is too dangerous.”

Professor McGonagall had lingering sadness in her eyes.

”It’s all under our control, isn’t it? At least this situation won’t get too out of control. I don’t want to watch the child face an unbeatable enemy without being prepared.”

Dumbledore stood up and walked out of the principal’s office with Professor McGonagall.

”Quirrell’s body should be almost unable to hold on anymore. Madam Pomfrey’s potion has no effect. He will definitely go to the Forbidden Forest to look for unicorns in a while.”

Dumbledore said

”This is their only chance”

”what you up to?”

Professor McGonagall asked nervously

”A small foreplay to remind our savior that this world is not only about happiness and beauty, but also about danger and death.”

Dumbledore said

”Do you want him to meet Quirrell in the Forbidden Forest at night? Don’t you think 0.4 is crazy?”

Professor McGonagall couldn’t help but said

”Don’t worry, I will inform the centaurs in advance. I don’t know about other centaurs, but Firenze will definitely be happy to help.”

Dumbledore said

”And Quirrell was very weak at that time, which was very suitable for the first contact.”

”What about unicorns?”

Professor McGonagall asked again.

Unicorns are not common magical animals. If they are injured or die, it will definitely be a huge loss to Hogwarts.

”This is a necessary sacrifice, and while we’re sorry, we can’t interfere.”

The old professor had a kind look and a gentle tone, but the words he spat out were combined into ruthless and cold sentences.

Obviously, Dumbledore was determined to remove all obstacles in his plan to eliminate Voldemort.

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