Chapter 191: Modern predecessors of ancient magic

”Goblin? More power?”

Leonard frowned, feeling that this Lanlock was very suspicious.

He had not discovered the connection between these histories and the Transformation Curse for the time being, but he found a lot of things related to ancient magic.

After all, it was related to the Transformation Curse that might have been forcibly erased. Unexpectedly, the traces left by ancient magic, a naturally lost thing, are easier to preserve. From the few words in the book, it can be seen that Lanlock, who led the goblins in rebellion, was a very troublesome character. His strength was very strong, even beyond that of the time. Most of the wizards, he possesses power that most wizards cannot resist. At this level, he can be said to be the top elf at that time. After mastering elf magic, modern magic, and bloody magic, he still desires more powerful power.

Then What could be called a more powerful force than these?

Leonard boldly made the assumption that Lanlock was pursuing the power of ancient magic! So the question is, has he succeeded?

Leonard thinks it is possible It is very large, otherwise Professor Flitwick, who is a half-goblin, would not be able to possess the power of ancient magic. Although Professor Flitwick is a half-goblin, the human blood does not seem to have the power of ancient magic, otherwise Professor Flitwick would not have the power of ancient magic. Can’t tell

”It is said that ancient magic has been lost among wizards.

Apparently, Lanlock stole the power of ancient magic and preserved it through some method, allowing it to remain in the blood of fairies. However, it seems that there is no activation of human blood. The fairies He also cannot master ancient magic, otherwise Professor Flitwick would not have any information about the origin of the fairy bloodline.

”However, a fairy who has mastered fairy magic, modern magic, blood magic and ancient magic would actually be defeated by a fifth grade student. This is really······There is drama.”

Leonard couldn’t help but sigh when he looked at the few introductions in the book.

It’s like the protagonist was determined by God.

And this is much greater than the danger faced by Harry Potter. What kind of garbage is Voldemort? I also understood that a modern black magic, at most plus the blood type magic that may exist in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, is incomparable to Lanlock, who has mastered the power of ancient magic. Even the leader of the dark wizards who had a similar status to Voldemort at the time. To cooperate with Lanlot, Voldemort is really embarrassed by such a comparison.

But Leonard, who can deal with an enemy like Lanlot, doesn’t believe that this fifth-grade student has not mastered ancient magic. Obviously, this is also a A person who has inherited ancient magic.

And counting the time, this person is not too far away from the current era.

”The fifth grade student whose name was not mentioned should have graduated in 1891, in the 1890s, that time……”

Leonard mentally calculated the ages of the people around him.

At that time, Dumbledore had not even graduated from Hogwarts. No, according to the date of Dumbledore’s birth that Leonard had checked in his previous life, Dumbledore was only ten years old in 1891.

Dumbledore didn’t enroll until 1892!

”So Professor Dumbledore still grew up listening to the legend of this senior.”

Leonard sighed.

Although he did not find the relevant history of the Trans

formation Curse accident, Leonard did not learn nothing. At least he knew that there was an inheritor of ancient magic in modern times.

If nothing else, this senior Maybe still alive

”But I have never heard of this senior, otherwise Professor Flitwick would not have known about it.”

Leonard closed the book and fell into deep thought.

He knew a lot of things in an instant, which made it difficult for him to think. There is a lot of unknown intelligence hidden in this information. Leonard must think about it carefully.

”That’s it for today.”

Leonard rubbed his throbbing temples, took out his pocket watch and took a look.

The hour hand was almost pointing to twelve, and Leonard had been reading the book all morning. This was what Leonard was searching for at a glance, otherwise I can’t see modern history at all

”It’s already this time, it’s time for Quirrell to come back, right?”

Leonard unfolded the Marauder’s Map and looked at the names on the map.

”No? Quirrell’s movements are really ink, no wonder he can’t accomplish great things.”

After searching to no avail, Leonard curled his lips and stood up and left the library.

At this time, he decided to go to the kitchen to solve the lunch problem.

During lunch, he could only get cold food in the auditorium, and Leonard wanted to eat something hot and home-cooked. The elves will satisfy him. The students who went to Hogsmeade Village reluctantly returned from the path leading to Hogsmeade Village until the evening.

As a wizarding village, Hogsmeade Village naturally has perfect Facilities, whether it is a bar or a restaurant, can provide hot meals.

Since it takes more than an hour to travel from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade Village, students are naturally unwilling to return early. They just set off to return at the right time.

The same goes for George and Fred, but they have transportation and can fly back.

”Yo ho!”

In the sky, Fred cheered and swooped down in the courtyard of Hogwarts Castle, receiving the envious and jealous eyes of countless students.

Flying broomsticks are not cheap, even if they are provided by the school for Quidditch The team’s old-fashioned broomsticks with five stars are worth dozens of galleons. This money is a heavy burden for many families.

So even if the distance between Hogwarts and Hogsmeade is not close, it will cost very little. Some students will ride flying broomsticks to Hogsmeade Village. The flying broomsticks provided by the school are not responsible for students’ private use.

”Haha, it’s so enjoyable. It’s true that Nimbus 2000 is so exciting when it accelerates. Fred said as he jumped off the broom.

”This is the Nimbus 2000. Of course it accelerates very fast. If we didn’t have to carry these desserts, it could be even faster.”

George held a large paper bag that exuded sweet smell in one hand and carried a wooden barrel in the other.

The two of them happily ran towards the castle with their things. After a while, Quirrell appeared, panting as if he might die at any time. In the courtyard.

He saw the twins running away with brooms, a trace of jealousy and helplessness flashed in his eyes. In the

Hogsmeade village he went to in the morning, he had already used dragon eggs to trick Hagrid into dealing with the three-headed dog at noon. It seems that I started to return after lunch, but due to physical reasons, I didn’t return to school until now.

As soon as I came back, I saw the twins riding brooms, and Quirrell’s mentality exploded.

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