Chapter 208 Skills and Violence

The level set by Professor Flitwick is to choose the only correct key among a bunch of keys. It’s outrageous, even more outrageous than the setting in the anime where the devil is sealed and a key is left to open the door. So how about just blocking it? Do you have to do something unnecessary?

Leonard looked at the keys in the sky and couldn’t tell which one he needed.

In the original book, Richlow violently shot down the real key and opened the door. Then he released the key and let the key with the missing wings be discovered by Harry Potter and others, so he passed the level.

An entertaining level where you can find differences and test your broom flying skills.

But even if Leonard could find out that the key was real, he would not take action to grab the key. Thinking like that would feel stupid. Leonard walked to the wooden door. Looking at the wooden door that was obviously reinforced with powerful magic and had a super strong anti-locking spell, he felt no fluctuation in his heart and even wanted to laugh a little.

He pulled a piece of his own hair and used a slight transformation spell to get a just-right wire, and then pushed it along the door lock and fiddled with it twice.

Then the door opened······

”Damn that anti-lock-picking spell, it’s rubbish.”

Leonard shook his head and continued to walk forward.

A little trick opened the heavily guarded wooden door. Wizards just didn’t know how to value Muggle skills. In front of him was a large wizard chess set up by Professor McGonagall using the transformation spell..

The entire room is a large chessboard. The black and white checkered wizard chess is very similar to chess. The exit to the next level is on the opposite side.

This thing is like giving Ron Weasley a chance to show off. Anyway, Renner De Shi didn’t understand the meaning of dividing his troops into two sides and then using them to fight against each other.

If it were Leonard, he would arrange all the chess pieces on both sides of the entrance, and if a fly flew in, he would kill him. The knife fell and chopped the opponent into dumpling fillings.

But now he is the one who breaks through the levels, not the one who arranged the levels.

”Wizard chess······”

Leonard approached the chess piece on the opposite side, and the soldiers holding double swords immediately raised their long swords and showed their claws, so arrogantly.

Leonard’s face darkened, he raised his right hand, and a circle of silvery black-red flames emerged from the ancient buds on his wrist. Since he doesn’t give face, Leonard will use violence.

Before the arrogant chess pieces could show their strength, they were completely devoured by the sudden appearance of the fierce fire. This was not over yet. The fierce fire instantly swept across the entire chessboard and turned into a ferocious three-headed fire snake that wreaked havoc on the chessboard, as if Little monsters wreaking havoc in the city.

The chess pieces that seemed to be alive were completely dissipated under the fierce fire, leaving not even a trace of residue behind. After devouring all the chess pieces, the three-headed fire snake turned its head and looked at Leonard.

The creature formed by the fierce fire was lifelike. The eyes of this three-headed fire snake seemed to be real, without any emotion, staring at Leonard coldly.

Leonard calmly raised his head and looked at the fire snake.

Suddenly, the fire snake twisted its body and rolled in front of Leonard. It also twisted in front of Leonard like a puppy, sticking out its tongue as if begging Leonard to silence it.

The contrast between before and after was a bit big. Seeing the fire snake that wa

s so majestic and cold-eyed just now suddenly acting cute in front of him, Leonard was a little unable to react.

Looking at the expectant looks in the six big eyes, Leonard thought for a moment and boldly reached out and touched one of the snake heads. A warm feeling came from the palm of his hand, as if what Leonard was touching was not a terrible fire but a hand warmer.

This three-headed fire snake formed by fierce fire not only has its own consciousness, but is also completely controlled by Leonard! Judging from the silver streaks, this is most likely the influence of ancient magic.

It seems that Li Huo, a rising star, has surrendered to the majesty of ancient magic.

Leonard sighed inwardly, beckoned and watched as the fire snake, which had grown a bit in size, scurried into the ancient buds on Zisan’s arms.

Looking at the lines on the ancient buds, Leonard looked forward to how far this infinitely growing Li Huo would grow in the future. After passing Professor McGonagall’s wizard chess level, the next step is a logic problem level set by Snape.

The questions in this level are quite complex, probably at the level of elementary school to junior high school brain twisters, but the level of magic is still very high. The only obstacle to passing this level is a road surrounded by flames. If you don’t make preparations and go all the way to the end, you will probably be crispy on the outside and tender on the inside…….

And in front of this dangerous path of flames, four bottles of potions were miraculously prepared, as if they were afraid that someone would not be able to reach the other side of the flames.

Four potions, a potion that can avoid fire, a bottle of poison, a potion with a portkey effect, and a potion that does nothing.

Leonard just glanced at it and passed by the counter of protective medicine. He casually stepped into the sea of fire. The ancient buds on his arms swayed in the heat wave, blocking all the high temperatures.

The road paved with flames looks bluffing, but in fact it is just a lie. Anyone over fifth grade is not afraid, let alone Leonard, who has his own defenses?…

The Iron Armor Curse can block the burning of flames, not to mention the magic spells that specifically avoid flames. Any one of them can reach the other side of the sea of fire.

If you put fire-avoiding potions here and there, who are you looking down on?

I believe that in the original book, Quirrell, who thought he would face a near-death ordeal, was also quite complicated in his heart, right? The three-headed dog at the beginning and the giant monster I set up by myself, none of these levels are beatable.

After passing through the sea of fire calmly, Leonard came to the most difficult level of all levels. Mirror of Erised.

Leonard has not taken the initiative to find Harry Potter recently, and the other party has not shared news about the Mirror of Erised.

But according to the order of the plot, Dumbledore should have moved the mirror here after Christmas to protect the Sorcerer’s Stone.

There was just another huge mirror in the middle of the overly spacious room, but as Leonard approached, there was no impact on the mirror.

But not long after, as the mirror fluctuated, a slightly more mature Leonard appeared in the mirror.

”The Mirror of Erised, a mirror that can see the desires of people’s hearts······”

Leonard looked at himself in the mirror and said to himself.

The so-called levels above are actually just for children. The only real barrier to prevent Voldemort from stealing the Sorcerer’s Stone is the Mirror of Erised.

To be precise, it is the last and invincible line of defense against anyone trying to steal the Magic Stone..

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