Chapter 302: School starts.

On September 1st, the weather was cloudy.

The gloomy weather brought cool temperatures, and the Hogwarts Express gradually slowed down and stopped at a dilapidated small station in the green forest.

The freshmen who had just entered the school were scurrying around the small station like headless flies. Some wanted to follow the senior students through the station to where the carriage was, but they were quickly blocked by the magical iron gate.

In the end, it was Hagrid who held up a kerosene lamp and shouted to the freshmen to follow him.

”Oops, seeing Hagrid leaving with the new students reminded me of myself. At that time, I had been worried that I would not be able to pass the sorting ceremony.”

Looking at the retreating figures of the new students, Ernie looked like an old man reminiscing about the past.

”Yeah? In fact, I was very curious about what you were afraid of at that time, which made me very nervous at the time.”

Justin asked curiously

”My distant cousin actually told me that the sorting ceremony was a cruel test. Why didn’t he consider that I was still a child? Do you have to scare me like this? Ernie shook his head


Leonard glanced at Ernie

”Who was the train conductor who told the freshmen that the sorting ceremony required freshmen to duel in pairs to determine the sorting after life and death?”

”Gee, I was already scared. Why should I let the new students have an easy time? Ernie said confidently.

”Wouldn’t it be a shame if I was the only one scared?”

”Ah this…..”

Leonard shook his head speechlessly, and he and Justin Ernie got into the Thestral carriage and rushed towards Hogwarts Castle quickly.

In Hogwarts Castle, senior students entered one after another and sat on the long tables of their respective houses, waiting for the arrival of new students.

Leonard mingled among the bustling Hufflepuffs, listening to his classmates share interesting stories about the holidays, and his eyes swept over the professor’s chair from time to time.

There was only a strange man at the professor’s chair. He looked young. He had a kind smile on his face and was joking with Professor Trelawney next to him.

The first time Leonard saw this strange professor, he recognized this guy.

There is no doubt that he was the man in black robes who tried to kidnap Damocles that day. This can be seen from the body shape, movement habits, and body proportions.

This is an effective way to identify disguises. It belongs to the experience accumulated by Leonard in his previous life. Normally, this time it means that the enemy is showing his face and he is hiding it. but······

Leonard’s identity as the”heir to ancient magic” is actually half-exposed. According to Dumbledore, the other party has long been targeting him.

What Leonard wants to know now is how the other party plans to contact him and what he plans to do.

Wait a moment···They are not going to persuade Leonard to spread the legacy of ancient magic or something, right?

No, ancient magic should not be spread by blood. It is more likely that Leonard was captured to be used as experimental material!

For example, in the form of pinching a crow to release a skill, maybe the other party has developed a special method to release ancient magic using the blood of the ancient magic heir?

Leonard quickly dismissed the messy thoughts in his mind and his eyes calmed down.

The soldiers will block him, and the

water will cover him. With Dumbledore sitting in charge, Leonard shouldn’t have to worry about the other party forcing him to do anything. He only needs to be careful not to be deceived. and···Leonard is not the heir to ancient magic at all. The real heir is actually Crodia. He can just be an attention-grabbing tool…….

Soon, the sorting ceremony ended without Leonard being distracted, and the welcome dinner officially began. Dumbledore stood up and gave a clichéd opening speech.

There is nothing much to talk about this semester. Dumbledore only raised the important point of not entering the Forbidden Forest, and also introduced the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Harris Ramones.

Leonard silently wrote down the name and planned to ask Midgard to investigate it later.

After the sumptuous dinner, Leonard followed the Hufflepuff prefects back to the Hufflepuff common room.

The Hufflepuffs who hadn’t seen each other for two months started socializing with each other. Leonard mingled in the crowd to welcome the new students and communicate with the old students. Until late at night, when the tired students fell asleep, Leonard quietly got up and left Chippatch’s common room.

Hogwarts is still so eerie late at night.

Leonard took out the Marauder’s Map, bypassed Filch who was on night watch, and headed all the way to the corridor on the eighth floor of the castle. He was going to the Room of Requirement to start some special research of his own.

Mainly the research on Tom Riddle’s diary.

Because of the special nature of the Horcrux, Leonard did not dare to come into contact with it at home. According to Leonard’s judgment, the presence of Voldemort’s soul fragments in this diary would gain activity and confuse others through gradual contact with people.

Leonard is not afraid of this kind of temptation, but there is an old Squib in his family who can’t get magic. In this story, he will definitely be seduced.

If the time comes to cause some trouble, the gain outweighs the loss.

Horcruxes are better suited to be studied secretly in a secret corner in the dead of night. The Room of Requirement is such a good place, private enough without worrying about being disturbed by others. The familiar corridor still has the tapestry of the troll beating Barnabas silly and the empty wall on the opposite side.

Leonard expertly went back and forth three times to open a quiet room suitable for experiments. However, after three back and forths with righteousness, the wall remained unchanged.

Looking at the door that did not appear, Leonard was stunned for a second, and then opened the Marauder’s Map in his hand.

The lack of response from the Room of Requirement meant that someone inside was using it, but Leonard was probably the only person in the entire Hogwarts who knew how to use the Room of Requirement.

That���Who is inside?

The ink travel outlines the map of Hogwarts, and also shows the location of everyone in Hogwarts.

Most of the names on the map stayed in place. These were people who had fallen asleep. Only Filch and Professor Flitwick were still active because they were on night patrol tonight.

Leonard’s eyes quickly scanned every corner of the map, looking for traces of a name. Sure enough, that name didn’t appear on the map.

Harris Ramones! That new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor!

”This guy actually knows about the Room of Requirement?”

Leonard frowned.

”What is he doing here?”

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