Chapter Forty-Eight This is too sad

Three days later, the Leaky Cauldron.

In Leonard’s room, a crucible was bubbling.

As the bubbles roll, the color of the soup inside is constantly changing, from blue to purple, and finally to black, and so on.

Leonard stared solemnly at the changes in the crucible, and at his cuff, a silver-glowing shoot, like a curious child staring at the changes in the crucible.

Leonard has been brewing potions these days, from white flavors to vitality tonics.

It wasn’t until yesterday that Midgard sent the wolf poison potion formula that Leonard began to try to brew the wolf poison potion again.

Midgard’s side would naturally go to a trusted potions master to brew wolf poison potions, without worrying about someone stealing the patent, Midgard had already taken the patent documents of Damocles Bellby.

In a few days, the patent will belong to Leonard.

It’s just that Leonard can’t relax yet, although Damocles Belby promises not to reveal any of his relationship with the wolf poison potion, but as a patent holder, Leonard can’t help but boil the potion, right?

Isn’t that nonsense.

But the preparation of the wolf poison potion was even more difficult than Leonard thought, and he began to buy materials to try as soon as he got the formula, and the raw materials that had spent a full fifty gallons were now almost exhausted.

As a result, not a single bottle of wolf poison potion came out.

This time is the closest to success, it is already time to boil the potion to finish, as long as he does not make a mistake in the future, he can brew the wolf poison potion.

The quality is not guaranteed, but at least it is a non-toxic potion with the effect of a wolf poison potion.

When the color in the crucible changed seven times, Leonard moved and threw the potion materials that had been disposed of on the table in order.

The color of the soup in the crucible still tends to change, but on the eve of each change, a potion material is incorporated into it to stop the change.

Finally, when all the ingredients are put in, the soup in the crucible turns deep red, like mellow red wine.

It’s a pity that this “red wine” is mixed with a lot of black flocculents.

Leonard frowned, extinguished the flame under the crucible, and stirred it with a spoon.

The black flocculent is stubborn and cannot be dissolved no matter how much it is stirred.

“It worked, but it wasn’t enough, is there still a problem with the timing of the material?” Leonard sighed and bottled the potion in the crucible.

A pot of medicine boiled out three bottles of medicine, from the color of the finished product should be successful, but the color is not good, it is estimated that drinking it will also have adverse reactions that are difficult to ignore.

“Oh, it’s annoying.” Leonard rubbed his dull aching eyes, and stared at the color-changing potion for a long time.

“No matter, let’s do it first.” Leonard wrapped three bottles of wolf poison potion in oil paper, intending to send them to Midgard.

Just then, shoots sticking out of Leonard’s cuffs stopped Leonard’s actions.

Leonard glanced at the young bud suspiciously, and just as he wondered what the mysterious plant was going to do, he felt his cuffs being pulled, and the young shoots pointed towards the remaining material on the table.

“You wouldn’t want to say you’d brew wolf poison potions, would you?” Leonard said amusedly.

Who expected that the young shoots actually swayed up and down, as if nodding.

Leonard suddenly felt a sense of absurdity.

I studied all day to barely boil out a pot of defective products, and the shoots that have been watching from the sidelines actually said that they had learned?

Leonard reached for the materials suspiciously, clearly feeling the pull from the ancient shoots.

It probably can’t do too much detail on its own, and can only give Leonard a little hint and guidance at critical moments.

Leonard thought for a moment and lit the crucible again, intending to try brewing potions under the guidance of ancient shoots.

Soon, a pot of color-changing soup was brewed, and in the process, the ancient shoots provided a lot of corrections, making the color of this soup more vivid.

This is followed by waiting for the color to change seven times before adding subsequent materials.

Leonard emptied his brain and followed the guidance of ancient shoots to put ingredients into the color change of the soup.

In the process, the ancient shoots also allowed Leonard to adjust the size of the flame, changing the degree of boiling of the soup.

“Is it a problem with temperature changes?” Leonard muttered, finishing the potion with the help of ancient shoots.

Soon, four bottles of red wine, transparent and pure potions, were placed in front of Leonard.

“It really worked.” Leonard looked at the ancient shoots that were swaying proudly, and his mood was complicated, and his feelings were mixed.

Happily, it is much easier for him to brew potions in the future, and with the help of ancient shoots, he can easily brew high-quality potions.

The sad thing is that his talent is not as good as a plant of unknown origin, which sounds too sad.

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