Chapter 76: Welcome to Hufflepuff.

“IMHO, you don’t look like you take a regular shower.”

Leonard held his breath, controlling his thoughts to prevent memories from being spied on, and said casually.

“That’s true, but that’s my specialty.”

The sorting hat twisted the tip of the hat

“Okay, let’s not talk much, let’s see which one you should go to…”


Before the Sorting Hat could finish speaking, Leonard interrupted the Sorting Hat.

“Uh… The sorting is for me to give you points, not for you to choose. ”

The sorting hat was stunned for a moment, and he was a little unconfident.

Leonard’s voice is not loud, others can’t hear it, but the sound of the sorting hat is not small, both freshmen and old students are stunned, and they have never seen themselves directly choose the academy.

If you choose your own college, it sounds amazing, and you can raise your eyebrows in the other three colleges!

For a while, all the students were concentrating to hear that this unusual freshman would fall into that lucky college.


Leonard insisted.

“Can you tell me why?”

The sorting hat said curiously: 9898, if your reason is appropriate, it is not that you cannot set a precedent

“I’ve heard that Hufflepuff is very close to the kitchen, so you can always go to the kitchen when you want a late-night snack.”

Leonard said with a serious face.

Sorting Cap:???

“Are you sure you’re really thinking what you’re saying?”

The Sorting Hat asked tentatively.

“How? Is there a Hogwarts school rule that students can’t eat late-night snacks? ”

Leonard asked.

“That’s not true, but this reason sounds a bit too hasty, we generally choose colleges according to the characteristics of students.”

The Sorting Hat said.

Leonard said indifferently

“Oh? So which college do you fit into? Ravenclaw or Gryffindor? ”

“Uh… Why not guess Slytherin. ”

“Can you stop laughing?”

Leonard pouted.

What is he doing with a squib descendant running to Slytherin to find uncomfortable?

“Well, it seems that you are a little wizard who has a clear understanding of himself.”

The Sorting Hat twisted his head

“So as you wish… Hufflepuff! ”

The long table of Hufflepuff House erupted into loud cheers and applause, and Leonard received the respect of everyone in Hufflepuff House with a simple answer before he entered the house.

Professor McGonagall waved her wand and conjured up a black yellow stripe belonging to Hufflepuff and a badger on Leonard’s uniform without the House markings.

“Welcome to Hufflepuff.”

On Leonard’s way to the Hufflepuff table, the male prefect of Hufflepuff at the front of the table

“I’m Prefect Gabriel Truman, you can come to me if you have any questions or need help.”

“Nice to meet you, Truman.”

Leonard shook hands with the friendly prefect and found a seat at the long table.

“Hello, my name is Justin Finlieri.”

The boy, who was also a newborn sitting next to Leonard, greeted Leonard with a smile.

“Hello, my name is Leonard William.”

Leonard responded politely.

“You were really handsome just now, right in front of the auditorium.”

Justin was a little excited

“You beat that hateful Malfoy fiercely.”

“I didn’t beat it, I just refuted it when he insulted me.”

Leonard said.

“That’s also amazing, you didn’t make a single look to make him cry!”

Justin said, with a smile on his face

“The guy named Malfoy is really excessive, I asked the prefect, you Mudblood is a particularly insulting name, although I don’t know much, but I am still angry.”

“Okay Finrie, don’t let go of our heroes, let’s all get to know each other.”

There was laughter across the long table, and a group of girls looked at this side and said with a grin.

“Hello, William, my name is Susan Bones, although I am also a pureblood, but I have never felt that Muggle wizards are anything special, everyone is obviously wizards.”

A round-faced girl said with a smile to Leonard.

Susan Bones… Leonard recalled the name and nodded at her

“Thank you for agreeing.”

“Hello, my name is Hannah Abbot.”

Then a timid blonde girl said, with freckles on her face and two braids.

Hannah Abbot, a fanficial regular, is not necessarily a role but will definitely appear. Who let her last name start with A. She was the first to take the stage at the sorting ceremony.

“You’re so brave, I thought you were going to be sorted into Gryffindor.”

She whispered.

“Gryffindor means bravery, but it doesn’t mean that you are the opposite of bravery in Gryffindor, bravery is a good quality that even non-Gryffindor should have, but in moderation”

Leonard said and glanced at the Gryffindor table

“In fact, too much bravery can make people reckless.”

“That’s great.”

A tall boy said

“Hello, my name is Ernie McMillan.”

“Hello, I think I don’t need to introduce myself, you all already know me.”

Leonard said.

“Of course, you’re handsome.”

Ernie gave a thumbs up

“I don’t like that Malfoy, he looks so ugly when he cries.”

“A good cryer, what is he doing.”

Justin said.

“Yes, not mentioning him, it’s really disappointing.”

A group of Hufflepuff freshmen formed a foundational friendship in this short chat.


The crisp voice interrupted the enthusiasm of the students, and they looked at the professor’s chair, only to see Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, holding a silver spoon in one hand and a goblet in the other, gently tapping it.

When all the students quieted down, Dumbledore cleared his throat and said

“Welcome all new students to Hogwarts, and welcome our seniors back here, I have a few things to mention before your minds are overwhelmed by the food and the warm atmosphere.”

Leonard looked at Dumbledore and listened to the old professor talk about the so-called precautions.

Don’t say anything about not entering and leaving the Forbidden Forest, and the sentence that you don’t want to enter the corridor on the right hand side of the third floor has some meaning to cover.

And the strange threat of “death that does not want to suffer” is even more ridiculous.

The students did not believe that they would die in the safety of Hogwarts, and it seemed to the students to be just a warning that did not hurt. And don’t go near the Forbidden Forest or something…

Anyway, Leonard should have fun.

Then came the most famous Dumbledore’s shortest opening speech

“Stupid, crying nose, scum, screw!”

Leonard didn’t like riddles, let alone riddles that didn’t make sense, and his only thought now was to finish the school dinner and then sneak out into the Forbidden Forest in the evening.

Of course, the food at the banquet can still be expected.

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