Hogwarts: My Plants Have Billions Of Evil Points

Chapter 55: The Mysterious Symbol Of Gold No. 12 Curry

"It's not Mr. making things difficult..." the goblin supervisor explained.

Leonard's sudden outburst made the supervisor look a bit ugly, obviously he was very cooperative before.

"This is making things difficult." Leonard's voice was raised, but it was a pity that the child's voice was obviously not dignified.

"This is a necessary inspection." Leonard's attitude made the supervisor a little suspicious, and he said stubbornly, "If our behavior makes you feel dissatisfied, you can report us, and we will be punished afterwards."

"Really?" Leonard sneered, "That's too cheap for you guys, you can check it, but if there is no problem after the check, I want you to transfer the permanent right to use the No. 12 vault to me for free."

"It's impossible to transfer it to you for free." The goblin supervisor said indifferently, "I don't have the right to make decisions, but I can give you the right to use the direct channel for a period of one year."

"Straight passage? What's that?" Leonard frowned, suspecting that the elf in front of him was trying to trick him.

"It's a special service exclusively for wealthy or prestigious wizards. They can be sent directly to the exclusive reception room through teleportation, and they can go to the vault at any time." The goblin supervisor explained. "If you want to maintain this channel after one year, you need to pay an annual maintenance fee of 300 Galleons."

"Sounds okay." Leonard was very satisfied when he heard that it was some kind of privilege, and the value of three hundred Galleons was not bad.

But what kind of rich man can spend three hundred Galleons a year to maintain a special channel, what a luxury.

Leonard handed over his wand, and at his gesture, Midgard also handed over his wand.

Leonard's original intention here is that he doesn't want to cooperate with Midgard as if he can't wait. As a "noble wizard", it seems very unreasonable to cooperate with the goblin's unreasonable demands.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, first refute it and shake your face, this is also in line with the personality.

Soon under the effect of the flashback spell, the wands of the two were checked and found to be clean.

The goblin supervisor apologized without sincerity, and left with a gloomy face.

The reason for the gloomy here is naturally not because of the regret that nothing was found, but simply because of the extra cost.

Goblins are such contradictory creatures, because of the wizard's law, they have to make corresponding promises, and they will be mad at themselves for paying for the promises.

Leonard's expression was very relaxed. He watched you, the goblin supervisor, leave with a smile, and then looked at the goblin staff.

"Take us to Vault Twelve," Leonard said.

So far, his plan has been successfully completed.

"Okay sir." The employee goblin nodded, and led Leonard and Midgard to the door of the No. 12 vault, and then repeated the same method to open the vault.

"This is one of the oldest vaults in Gringotts. It was rented for a long time until the contract was completed." The goblin pointed to the vault. An extra year of direct access to Gringotts."

"Okay, I see, you wait outside." Leonard waved away the goblin.

"Okay, sir." The goblin nodded knowingly, and walked outside the vault door.

People are going to store their belongings, so naturally he, an outsider, can't stare at them.

After the goblin left the vault, Leonard said to Midgard, "Stay half of the gold coins?"

"Of course, wasn't this agreed before?" Midgard had no objection and grinned.

All proceeds are shared by one person, and the treasury belongs to Leonard, so naturally only half is kept.

A large amount of galleons flowed out of the suitcase. It was roughly estimated that there were at least tens of thousands of galleons. Midgard didn't even plan to count them. After estimating the volume, it arrogantly began to dump galleons.

This kind of physical work naturally does not require Leonard to intervene. He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

Although the plan went well, Leonard's nerves were tense along the way, and he felt a little sleepy when he relaxed.

Just as he was rubbing his eyes, he felt his cuff move, and then, a sprout with silver leaves stretched out.

"What are you doing out here? Go back quickly." Leonard tapped the leaves of the young shoots and whispered.

It's just that Niaoya, who has always been very obedient, didn't obey Leonard's order, but shook her own leaves instead, and a sense of urgency came from Niaoya.

It seemed to be longing for something, eager to lead Leonard the way.

Leonard was a little puzzled, and walked in the golden curry following the guidance of the ancient sprouts, and soon he came to the end of the vault, an ordinary wall.

The wall was empty, but the buds stretched out as if they wanted to touch something.

"What are you doing?" Leonard asked suspiciously.

The bud twisted twice, and the leaves on both sides curled up, forming the shape of eyes on both sides.

Eye? Magic vision?

Leonard understood in seconds, and connected to Niaoya's magic vision with doubts.

The moment the vision was connected, the wall in front of him changed dramatically. In the center of the wall, a mysterious flame-like pattern composed of two lines appeared, and a square gap appeared at the edge of the pattern.

This is a door!

Leonard was taken aback, and subconsciously stretched out his hand when he saw the ancient sprout who couldn't wait to get close to the strange pattern.

The moment his finger touched the symbol, Leonard felt a large amount of fragmented knowledge pouring into his mind, and these memories hooked the knowledge deposited in Leonard's mind from the ancient buds.

A lot of knowledge is spliced ​​with knowledge, but more knowledge is deposited again. In the end, these messy knowledge only form a complete piece of knowledge that can be read.

Leonard subconsciously took two steps back. He was so dazed that he almost fell on the Galleons all over the floor and was buried alive by gold coins.

Fortunately, Midgard caught him in time.

"Leonard? What's the matter with you?" Midgard's concerned voice came, but it seemed to come from a distant horizon.

Leonard's attention was all attracted by the complete knowledge, and as the knowledge gradually integrated into his brain, an ancient magic with a strong historical flavor appeared!

It was magic that Leonard had never seen before, and it didn't have any resemblance to the magic he had learned.

But Leonard knew that it was definitely not the first time he had seen this magic. The last time he saw it was when he was strengthening the ancient sprouts.

ps: I didn't come today, thank you for your support

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