Hogwarts on the Tip of the Tongue

Chapter 1113: Too impulsive

The story came to an abrupt end here.

Agha Hasyan stopped and took a sip of tea.

"What happened later? What happened after this?" Arkhipovna asked anxiously.

"I was stunned by your husband, dear madam." Aghahiyan spread out his hand and said helplessly, "Although the guy in Lockhart said it was the spell of Forgotten Charm, he actually got it from him. The magic wand casts a coma spell...I will see you when I wake up again."

"Then where might they be now? Do you have any clues?"

"Probably in the forest," Agha Hasyan sighed helplessly. "From the woodland outside the town, it spreads to Azerbaijan. Their settlement may be anywhere in that mountain forest. If this is also If it's a clue"

"How long have they been away?" Elena asked.

"I think..." The old wizard glanced at the vertical pendulum clock on the corner of the stairs. "At most three hours."

"Are you sure they must have entered the forest?" Arkhipovna asked.

"Well," Old Hash nodded firmly, "They can only go there. There used to be werewolves hiding in the town and transforming. Some werewolves would lock themselves in the room and wait for the full moon night to pass, but recently it's impossible. All countries magic The Ministry started hunting down the werewolves. If they were blocked by the Aurors when they deformed in a closed room, there would be almost no chance of escape. Besides, there are too many of them, and they must return to the woods before the moon rises."

"So," Elena said, "If we want to find a place for werewolves in the forest, do you have any suggestions?"

"I suggest that you better wait until the morning, and for safety's sake, it's better to hand it over to the experts at the Ministry of Magic."

Agha Hasyan said, turning his head and looking at the quiet and dark street outside the window, and said solemnly.

"There are still dozens of minutes at most. When the moon rises to its highest point, the forest outside will become the most dangerous place in Europe."

"Even if they have logic and reason in human form, when the werewolf is in the form of a wolf, they will completely lose human judgment of right and wrong."

"Obviously, those guys cannot have enough wolf poison potions. And if they don’t get treatment, the werewolf’s transformation process will be very painful every month, and will remain pale and weak for the next few days. You know what I mean. Right? I understand very much of your current mood, but rushing into the dense forest with werewolves roaming around on the night of the full moon is no different from suicide."

The werewolf in the wolves state will have a significant increase in magic resistance, physical resistance, and movement speed.

According to the famous magical zoologist Newt Scamander, the wolf-like werewolves belong to the highly dangerous existence of the eight-eyed giant spider, the fire dragon, and the three-headed dog. Unlike other magical animals, the wolf-like The werewolf will actively search for and attack any humans in his vicinity.

Most of the victims will die from their injuries when a werewolf attacked, and a few who survived will become werewolves.

Aghahiyan knew very well that if Lockhart had not taken the initiative to lead the werewolves away, and when the moon rose to its highest point, those idiots who tried to find hope in it would turn into bloodthirsty beasts. The town will become a werewolf town overnight.

Of course, the greater possibility is to turn into a purgatory on earth.

Under the attack of dozens of crazy werewolves, there will hardly be any survivors in the town.

Agashiyan looked away and stared at the flames in the fireplace, deliberately not looking at the two women, big and small, who had broken into his home.

The old man thought that nothing was more tormenting than when he woke up and found himself alone in the room, but he was obviously wrong.

Guidro Lockhart that **** bastard, he never said he was married and had children!

Rather than answering the two women who are about to or have lost their husbands and fathers in the room, Aghahiyan would rather those werewolves rush into the room again, at least he can take his wand to prove himself instead of sitting in the fireplace On the side, helplessly waiting for the tragedy to happen.

The old wizard sighed long and waved his hand tiredly.

"Don't worry, I will set off at dawn tomorrow, and do my best to help you find that stinky boy"

"But you still didn't tell us how to find the werewolves in the forest."

Before Agha Hasyan finished speaking, Elena raised her head and stubbornly repeated her first question.

The bright brilliance in the lake-blue eyes of the girl Canruo Xingchen reminded Aghahiyan of the time when Ivanovich was the principal of the magic school, when he went to the school to visit old friends, the school wizard Their clear, stubborn, pure eyes like a newborn calf.

"You don't need to look for them," Old Hashi said. "When the moon is fully up, they will come to you."

"Before that?" Elena asked.

"Well, if it is a werewolf tribe with a large number of people, then they may hide in caves or wood huts."

Aghahiyan shrugged, "After all, except for the night of the full moon, they are no different from ordinary people most of the time, and even weaker than ordinary people. They have to find a place to shelter themselves from wind and rain. , But you have to wait until dawn to find it..."

"Will the werewolves remember what they went through during the transformation process after transforming back into a human form?" Elena continued to ask.

"I think so. This is also because the number of werewolves is extremely rare."

Agha Hasyan said solemnly, “Werewolves cannot choose whether to transform, and will forget their identity after transforming, and will even find a chance to kill their closest person. Even so, they will still be transformed into a human form. I can recall everything he went through during the transformation. But if Lockhart is lucky enough, he is still very likely to come back alive. Most wizards can save themselves, provided that he wants to live..."

The vast majority of wizards bitten by werewolves would rather die than become werewolves. Agha Hasyan witnessed such a tragic story with his own eyes.

"Um, so... well, I roughly understand it. Then the situation is quite clear now."

Elena wrapped her hair thoughtfully and said softly.

"Now we have two choices. Either find a hut or cave hidden in the forest before the werewolf transforms, and find a way to rescue the daredevil in advance. If we don't find them before the moon rises to the highest point, wait until the werewolves start to transform. , We can also follow the howling of the werewolves to lock their positions directly and, after cleaning them up, wait until they are back in human form and remember the lesson."

Agha Hasyan was delighted.

He should have known long ago that children of this age tend to be polarized.

Either they will be easily frightened by the monsters in the story, or they have unparalleled courage because of ignorance. Considering that this little witch can go to a strange town with her mother to find her father, this little guy named "Xier" obviously belongs to the latter.

But when the mature woman not far away also stood up and picked up the huge gun again, Agha Hasyan's smile disappeared.

"This...well, Mrs. Lockhart, where are you going?!"

The magic wand in the old wizard's hand flicked dexterously, and the door was locked with a click.

"I'm very sorry, you and your daughter can't go anywhere tonight. I will help you clean up a room upstairs in a while. Tonight you will have a rest with me first, and I will accompany you tomorrow morning. Looking for Guidro Lockhart, it's dangerous outside."

If nothing else, the guy Lockhart should be more ill-fortuned.

Even if he can use his three-inch tongue to deal with it temporarily, but as the moon gradually rises to the highest level, those werewolves who have turned into beasts will never let go of the prey that is close at hand. When the sun rises again tomorrow, Guidro Lockhart's best ending is to become another werewolf.

Under such circumstances, the only thing Agha Hasyan can help Lockhart do is to take good care of his wife and daughter.

At least not to let these two emotionally dizzy women rush into the werewolf forest recklessly in the dark.

"This door can't stop us. Please solve the curse. You don't want your door to be broken, do you?"

"Of course, but I don't even want a second victim to appear tonight."

Agha Hasyan nodded, casually picking his wand in his hand.

Without any chanting, a dazzling red light flashed, and Arkhipovna staggered suddenly.

The Remington M870 in Arkhipovna's hand flew high, over the sofa in the living room, and landed on the side of the cabinet full of debris.

"You are not alone now! Mrs. Lockhart. Think about your daughter..."

The old man became a little angry, his expression became serious, and his voice said sternly.

"Muggle guns may be so powerful, but they are not enough to fight dozens of werewolves in the forest. In front of a wizard, there is no difference between a Muggle holding a gun and a soldier holding a crossbow. And a wizard, yes There is no way to break through the blockade of dozens of werewolves and save people from under their noses! If you still can’t calm down, I may have to force you to rest.”

The old Armenian wizard raised his wand high and looked at Arkhipovna who was barely standing still.

Maybe he can't compete with dozens of heavily armed, young and powerful werewolf boys.

But if the opponent is replaced by an ordinary woman holding a gun, and an eleven or twelve-year-old little witch...

Under such circumstances, if he still can't control them in the house and let them stay steadily until the sun rises the next day, then he can be regarded as living a dog at almost his age...


Before Agha Hasyan's thoughts could finish, a clear voice came from the door.

I saw that little witch had already pulled the suitcase and walked to the door, but in her hands, the door handle that had just been repaired was pulled down again, losing the lock of the door, and the door opened with a light push. Then, the cool night breeze quickly poured into the house.

"The situation is almost understood, let's move separately according to the original plan."

Elena glanced at Arkhipovna and said calmly.

"You go back to the hotel and take care of it, plus explain the situation. As for Lockhart's side, I'll be in charge..."


Agha Hasyan shouted hurriedly, aiming the wand in his hand at the little guy who seemed to completely ignore her.

"Don't force me to curse at you if you go one step further...damn..."

Is Lockhart's family's brains all made of stone? !

The old wizard cursed inwardly, without hesitation, another dazzling red light flashed.


Just as the curse was about to hit Elena, a semi-transparent magic barrier suddenly emerged automatically.

The imposing curse stagnated for a moment in mid-air, and then bounced back along the original path at a faster speed. After several months of improvement, Grindelwald gave Elena the "Death Saint". "Amulet" has been updated in more than a dozen versions.

"Hey, these old people are so impulsive."

Elena looked reluctantly at the old wizard who fell into a coma again ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ms. Arkhipovna, I thought for a while, for safety reasons, after I leave, you directly call him Wake up, then accompany you to the hotel to find food reserves, and then go back to this place. I allow you to reveal to him the content below the C-level permission. "

"Correspondingly, the teleportation location of the Huberian will be changed to the fireplace on this side accordingly."

"At least this old man is here. I think your safety should be guaranteed."

"What about you?" Arkhipovna frowned.

"Me? Of course I'm going to get Lockhart back, otherwise what else can I do?"

Elena shrugged, put her wand lightly on the box beside her, and whispered.

Valkyrie, start!


(End of this chapter)

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