Hogwarts Outsider

Chapter 149: By the campfire

There was a thrilling trip to Hogsmeade, and in this way, it finally ended.

At the top of the castle's stairs, Matthew Wickfield bid farewell to two friends, and then began to return to the Slytherin common room.

Whether it was Hermione Granger or Neville Longbottom, they regarded the previous events as a terrible "Oolong Incident"; they didn't say anything before they parted.

It wasn't until he was sitting next to the campfire in the Slytherin common room that Matthew barely felt some warmth.

He vowed never to go to Hogsmeade again...

I went there two times before, and both had such bad experiences... That village is really bad!


There are very few people in the Slytherin common room.

After all, today is the first time to go to Hogsmeade this semester, and it is still Sunday.

Matthew was lying on the soft green armchair, feeling the warmth of the campfire in the fireplace, and thinking about what happened today...At the same time, he was thinking about what he should do!

I have to say that the experience at Hogsmeade this time was too bizarre... Even if he racked his brains, he couldn't figure out why.

"Wickfield!" At this moment, a familiar voice sounded from behind.

Matthew froze for a moment, and responded: "Miss Lestrange, good noon..."

"It's still morning..." Agnes Lestrange said coldly.

She came over, came to the campfire, and sat not far from Matthew.

"Okay... My concept of time is a little bit off..." Matthew looked down at his watch awkwardly.

Miss Lestrange was right, it was only ten thirty in the morning...

On the surface, he seemed to have stayed in Hogsmeade for a long, long time...There were so many "accidents" there that his mental state was a little bad.

But in fact, less than two hours have passed since he left Hogwarts in the morning.

"Didn't you go to Hogsmeade," Agnes Lestrange asked as she stretched out her hand to cook on the fire, "I saw you and Gryffindor’s Longbottom and La Granger of Wenclaw passed by... why are they back now?"

"Yes, then I felt a little uncomfortable, so I came back..." Matthew explained with a light cough.

There seemed to be a brief silence between the two.

Matthew didn't know what to say.

As for Agnes, she pressed her lips, as if looking down and thinking about something.

"So..." she said softly, her tone was not as cold as usual, but softened a lot, "Don't you like dementors?"

"Don't like dementors?"

Matthew quickly realized that the girl seemed to have misunderstood something.

I went to Hogsmeade early in the morning and came back so soon, and I was on fire by the bonfire of the fireplace... In addition, her face was very ugly and her mental state was depressed... So she mistakenly believed that she was under the influence of Dementors ...

But Matthew didn't want to explain too much about this, he couldn't explain it either.

Moreover, this seems to have found a suitable excuse for not going to Hogsmeade in the future.

After all, the previous "Oolongs", he believed that Neville and Hermione, and even Professor "Severus Snape" would not publicize them.


Yes," he sighed, seemingly touched, "Those things are like monsters from hell... the peace, hope and happiness in the air seem to be sucked up by them... as soon as you get close to them, you feel It’s cold and painful... I hate them, very hate..."

Matthew hasn't finished talking yet--

Agnes Lestrange suddenly lowered her head, her hands tightly covering her face.

She seems to be crying...


To be honest, this made Matthew a little uncomfortable.

Agnes Lestrange had always been extremely cold and fierce in his impression... It was the first time that she showed such a fragile appearance in front of Matthew.

However, Matthew didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only wait.

I don't know how long it took before the silver-haired girl raised her head again.

Her eye circles are still red.

"Sorry, I lost my mind..." she said softly, "I thought of something unpleasant..."

"It's my fault, I shouldn't mention the dementors..." Matthew said quickly.

"It's okay," the silver-haired girl smiled bleakly, "It seems that we all have a past that we don't want to think of..."

Matthew nodded vaguely.

Fortunately, at this moment, an owl flew in from outside, alleviating Matthew's embarrassment.

The owl threw a letter in front of Matthew, and soon flew away.

On the other side of the letter, there is a picture of a huge slug, which is very eye-catching...

Undoubtedly, it was sent to him by Horace Slughorn, a potion teacher.

Matthew opened it unhurriedly. There was not much content on it, but Slughorn reminded him that he must attend the slug dinner at night.

After that, he threw all the envelopes and letters into the fireplace, making them part of the fuel.


"Did Slughorn send it to you?" Agnes asked suddenly.

Her voice is very careful.

And Matthew noticed that when she called the Dean of Slytherin, she didn't use honorifics.

"Yeah..." Matthew nodded.

"I suggest you stay away from him...Horace Slughorn is a dangerous man!" the silver-haired girl said solemnly.

Matthew couldn't help frowning slightly.

This is the second time Agnes Lestrange has issued such a "warning" to Matthew.

The previous time was Christmas last year...Although Professor Horace Slughorn never showed any "danger" since then~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Matthew believes that Miss Lestrange There is no need to deliberately deceive him in this place.

"Why?" Matthew asked softly.

"The small circle of Horace Slughorn... the members, the wizards of Muggle origin... almost all of them ended up a bit bad..." Agnes hesitated for a moment and explained. ,

"Of course, I just heard..."

"...In addition, Slughorn has a very close relationship with some off-campus wizards who are not well-known... such as Lucius Malfoy..."

"So..." Matthew nodded solemnly:

"Thank you!"

He squinted and lay in the armchair again.

At the same time, I started to think about the things that happened before.

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