Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 41: \"The Owl\" Hermione

"By the way, where's Hermione?" Eisen intentionally showed a curious look, but in fact, from the perspective of God, Hermione was lying on the hospital hospital bed, and he had seen that "cat-headed person" appearance a long time ago.

"Ahem—he—here, when Hermione was with us, something happened..." The two looked at each other, and finally it was Harry who stammered out the ins and outs.

"In other words, Hermione was going to add Millicent's hair to the Polyjuice Potion, but she added a cat's hair into it, causing her head to become a cat's head?" Although she knew what happened, but after listening After Harry's words, Eisen was still speechless.

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"Uh, yes, Hermione is really unlucky." Ron said, and there seemed to be a hint of schadenfreude on his face.

"But, the heir to the Chamber of Secrets hasn't been found yet, what should we do?" Harry's face was full of worry. There was no way, originally he thought he could find evidence from Malfoy to prove that the other party was the heir to the Chamber of Secrets, but it turned out that he was not.

Of course Harry knew that he was not the heir to the Chamber of Secrets, nor the murderer of the attack, but this meant that the murderer was hiding something deeper.

"Okay, don't worry. Dumbledore will arrange for the professors to conduct a big inspection. Be careful and don't run around!" Waving his hand, Eisen gave a warning while comforting him.

When Harry and Ron left Eisen's office, Eisen noticed that their expressions were not too conflicted. Looking at the "Alchemy Experience" in his hand, Eisen closed it and put it away.

It has to be said that Dumbledore's attainments in alchemy have indeed reached the level that Eisen still needs to look up to. After just flipping through it for a while, Eisen felt that he had gained something.

After coming out of the office, Eisen paused, turned and walked towards the school hospital on the second floor. Anyway, Hermione is also his little fan girl, since he already knew what happened, how could he ignore it?

It was very quiet in the hallway because all the little wizards went home for the Christmas holidays.

Changing his gaze, Eisen noticed that there was no one around, so he disappeared in a flash and appeared at the entrance of the school hospital at the same time.

After pushing open the door, Eisen saw a hospital bed blocked by a curtain at a glance.

Apparently, if nothing unexpected happened, Hermione was lying on it, and she just covered herself with the curtain because she didn't want others to see her situation.

"Professor Eisen?" Madam Pomfrey next to her was fiddling with some herbs, and when she saw the door was pushed open by Eisen, she stepped forward and asked, "Are you here to see Hermione?"

"That's right, according to Harry and Ron, something happened to Hermione, I'll see if she's okay!" Eisen smiled and nodded at Madam Pomfrey, but his gaze directly penetrated the curtain and saw the woman on the hospital bed. Hermione.

As if hearing Eisen's voice, Hermione trembled with the cat's head on her head, and quickly buried herself in the blanket.

"That's not very serious, but it will take a while to recover!" Madam Pomfrey was very calm, and she didn't seem interested in knowing what Hermione did. After speaking, she looked at the bag in her hand Herbs, turned around and entered the side compartment.

"Hermione?" Eisen went straight to Hermione's hospital bed, lifted the curtain and sat down. When he saw that Hermione was still wrapped in a quilt, Eisen reached out to lift it up.

"No, Professor Eisen—I—I look so ugly!" Hermione clutched the quilt tightly, and a slightly crying voice came out, obviously not wanting Eisen to see her appearance.

"Well, don't worry about Hermione, Madam Pomfrey just said that she will recover after a while." Seeing this, Eisen withdrew his hand.

While thinking about it, the healing bracelet just made appeared in Eisen's hand. Then, he was going to give Hermione the healing bracelet.

But then, Eisen's movements stopped. Because he suddenly discovered that the healing bracelet might not be useful for Hermione's current state.

After all, the effect of the healing bracelet was to be able to deal with injuries or some minor hexes and curses, but Hermione's problem was an act of voluntary transformation with Polyjuice Potion, not damage or curse damage.

Therefore, healing bracelets should have little effect.

So, can you restore it to its original state with your own Transfiguration skill level? Eisen thought for a moment and thought there should be no problem. However, since Hermione's animal transformation state was caused by the wrong use of compound decoction, he felt that it would be better to wait for the effect of the potion to dissipate slowly, just to be on the safe side.

After all, he had never dealt with this kind of problem before, and it would be even worse if he got it wrong and turned Hermione into something weird.

"Professor Eisen, my plan has failed!" Hermione's tone was full of frustration, "Harry and the others found out that Malfoy is not the heir to the Chamber of Secrets!"

"Don't worry, Professor Dumbledore already has a plan, and the chamber of secrets will be found soon, and then as long as the basilisk is dealt with, no one will be attacked again!" Eisen comforted Hermione, but his thoughts spread.

He was thinking that maybe he could take advantage of this big search and tell Dumbledore the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. But he dismissed the idea as soon as it came up.

You know, Dumbledore has basically guessed that the key to opening the Chamber of Secrets should be Oldmouth. Therefore, if Eisen directly told Dumbledore about the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, he would have no way of explaining how he knew about it.

Therefore, he had to wait for an opportunity!

"Thank you, Professor!" Hermione seemed to calm down, and then she seemed to be groping for something. "This is, I wrote it myself, I don't know if it will be useful?"

A small hand stretched out from under the quilt, holding a few pages of manuscript paper.

"Let me see—" Eisen took the manuscript paper from Hermione with a slight smile, and after a quick look, there was a strange look on his face.

"Is this—a movie script you wrote?" After flipping through it, Eisen couldn't help asking.

"Yes, Professor Eisen." There was a little embarrassment in Hermione's voice, "You said that I am an employee of the film company, but I don't know what to do. I watched the company's "The Man From Earth". movie, so I wrote a little bit, I don’t know if it will be useful?”

"Uh, it's great, Hermione, you've really helped me a lot!" Eisen's face was a little hot, but he didn't have the nerve to tell her directly that the film company he opened in Diagon Alley had closed down.

But it's okay, anyway, the film company he opened in London's Muggle World is operating as usual, and it will be fine to revise the script and hand it over to the company for filming.

"However, Hermione, you are a wizard. You can write some movie scripts if you have time, but you can't delay your studies, you know?"

"I see, Professor!"

"Okay, I'm leaving first, you have a good rest here for a while!" Simply, there was nothing else to do, and Eisen planned to leave.

"Well, goodbye, Professor!" Hermione waved her outstretched hand, but kept her head from showing.

Smiling, Eisen didn't care, and left the ward straight away.

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