Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 54: Emergency

The next day, when Eisen was walking through the corridors of the castle, he realized that yesterday's Quidditch match had spread throughout the school, and everyone was basically talking about it.

Some young wizards believe that the rules of the Quidditch game should be modified to set a time for each game. Some little wizards also think that the wonderful thing about the Quidditch game is that there is no time limit. If the time is set, the Quidditch game will not be so attractive.

However, just when Eisen thought that the heat of this matter would last for a while, unexpectedly at noon, a piece of news suddenly spread throughout the school.

Hagrid was taken away as a suspect in the attack, and Headmaster Dumbledore was forced to leave Hogwarts.

Since the murderer of the attack and the fact that Voldemort's Horcrux was found had not been made public, most of the young wizards agreed that Hagrid was the murderer through their associations.

But obviously, the truth of the matter is not the case.

"Professor Eisen, Hagrid has been taken away by the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, and Headmaster Dumbledore has been deposed!" Hermione said anxiously, with a deep uneasiness on her face.

Ron stood aside, looking at Eisen with the same worried expression.

"As I said, Malfoy must have told his father about the attack at the school, and his father will definitely come to the school to make trouble!" Harry turned pale.

"Don't worry, we both know that Hagrid and Professor Dumbledore had nothing to do with the attack, they will be fine!" Eisen waved his wand, and a little light fell on several people's heads.

"That's right, Professor Eisen, they'll be fine." Harry calmed down and nodded.

"I think that if we can find the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets and find out the basilisk and deal with it, then Hagrid and Dumbledore will definitely come back." Eisen stood up and paced, and after a moment he gave each other a nod.

"That's what I thought. I said earlier that if the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is not found and the problem of the basilisk is not solved, Professor Dumbledore will be in trouble!" Harry's eyes lit up, and he immediately expressed his attitude.

"Where do you think the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is?" Eisen pondered for a moment, then asked directly.

"Then who knows? Since Hogwarts Castle was built, there have been too many hidden places, and no one has been able to figure out all the secrets." Ron spread his hands, and this question was placed in front of several people again.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"I have read in the library that the size of the basilisk will become very large and it can live for a long time. Moreover, the basilisk not only has deadly fangs, but also has this deadly stare ability, as long as you talk to it Eye contact kills. Spiders run away when they see a basilisk, for the basilisk is the spider's sworn enemy, and the rooster's crow is deadly to the basilisk." Hermione had apparently looked up all the information about the basilisk in the library. information.

"Fortunately, Professor Eisen made a plan in advance. If we want to check the entrance of the secret room, these sunglasses can just protect us!" Harry and Ron looked at each other, and took out the enchanted sunglasses that Eisen had given them before, and put them on. on the eyes.

"Cool!" Ron couldn't help giving a thumbs up as he watched Harry change to wearing sunglasses.

"Professor Eisen, what do you think?" Seeing Harry and Ron's appearance, Hermione put on her sunglasses and looked at Eisen.

"Uh, it feels really good!" Seeing the trio wearing sunglasses, Eisen felt very weird for a while, as if the style of painting was completely different.

However, although the style is very strange, Eisen feels that it is necessary to give a compliment for the sake of safety. After all, this thing is still provided by oneself.

"By the way, since the attacks have happened several times, why hasn't anyone seen the basilisk?" Harry fiddled with his sunglasses, as if he suddenly remembered something, he took off his sunglasses and asked anxiously.

Hermione and Ron looked at Harry with puzzled looks on their faces. Eisen looked at Harry, but nodded thoughtfully.

"I mean, Hermione said the basilisk was huge, and the basilisk would have crawled around if the Chamber of Secrets had been opened, but if a big snake appeared in the castle, someone would have seen it! But no one saw the snake Strange!" Harry saw the expressions of Hermione and Ron, and continued to explain.

"That's right! Last time we thought so too, the basilisk couldn't be crawling around Hogwarts wearing an invisibility cloak!" Ron suddenly realized.

"In that case, the basilisk must be moving in the pipes of Hogwarts Castle!" Hermione crossed her arms, and although she couldn't see her eyes through the sunglasses, she must have guessed that her eyes at this time It must be very bright.

"No wonder, the voices I've heard several times are all in the walls!" Harry clenched the hand holding his sunglasses, showing a look of surprise.

"Where is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets?" Ron looked uncertain, "You have heard the basilisk in Lockhart's office, and you have heard the sound of the Basilisk in the corridor, but the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets will definitely not be in the Professor's office. Not in the office, not in the hallway."

"Maybe it's in a bathroom—" Eisen raised his mouth slightly, giving a guess.

"The bathroom?" Harry froze for a moment, then exchanged glances with Ron and Hermione.

It seemed that a bolt of lightning pierced the night sky, and aura emerged in the minds of the trio at the same time.

"Moaning Myrtle's bathroom!" Hermione's voice snapped.

"That's right, when the Chamber of Secrets was opened fifty years ago, the basilisk was also released, and it also caused the death of a student. After the crying myrtle became a ghost, she has always regarded the bathroom as her own territory, which shows that the snake That's where she was killed!" Harry followed up with such a guess.

"Mrs. Norris, Colin, Justin, and Nearly Headless Nick were all attacked outside Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, and if the basilisk was hiding in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, then It's normal that everyone can't find the basilisk, because no one usually goes there!" Hermione said, looking at Eisen who was on the side.

"Pretty reasonable, so we need to go to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom." Eisen nodded slowly.

Afterwards, Eisen and the trio walked out of his office, and then walked through the dark corridor to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. After opening the door and entering, Eisen found Moaning Myrtle sitting in the innermost toilet bowl on the water tank.

"I know you—you're the professor of astronomy at Hogwarts!" The weeping Myrtle saw a few people and looked directly at Eisen.

"That's right, I'm the astronomy professor!" Eisen nodded, ignored her, and checked the pool in front of her.

"Are you looking for something?" A voice rang in Eisen's ear, and Eisen turned his head to look, only to find the transparent body of the crying Myrtle floating beside him, seeming to be extremely interested in him.

Looking at the transparent body of the crying Myrtle, Eisen suddenly had the urge to study it. Speaking of which, ghosts in the wizarding world are a very strange species. Judging from the current situation, ghosts become after the death of wizards who are afraid of death and nostalgic for the world.

Like Moaning Myrtle, Almost Headless Nick is like this, but Peeves is very special in Hogwarts, say he is a ghost, but he can have entities and touch objects.

Of course, the peculiarity of ghosts also reminded Eisen of dementors. If you want to say who is more powerful, Dementor or Peeves, it seems that Peeves is better.

Because Dementors can be dealt with with the Patronus Charm, but Peeves, who seems to have stayed in Hogwarts for thousands of years, but no one has ever been able to successfully drive it away!

For example, in 1876, the then administrator of Hogwarts, Ranko Ross Carlpe, used magic to set a trap, intending to catch Peeves with a bell jar that had been cast with various restraining spells. Then drive out of the castle.

As a result, Peeves easily blew the bell, and left with a few scimitars, some crossbows, a musket and a small cannon. Afterwards, Peeves started shooting randomly for fun, and the lives of the students were threatened. As a result, Hogwarts Castle had to be evacuated for three days.

After that, the then headmaster, Professor Eupracia Moore, had to sign an agreement with Peeves, exchanging some privileges for the weapons in his hands. Privileges include giving priority to choosing moldy bread in the kitchen for littering, swimming once a week in the boys' bathroom on the first floor, etc.

Of course, Headmaster Eupracia Moore, of course, couldn't compare to Dumbledore. But after all, she's also the Headmaster of Hogwarts. But she still has nothing to do with Peeves, which seems a bit outrageous.

"Professor Eisen!" Hermione's voice sounded, with a hint of displeasure in her tone!

Eisen collected his thoughts and looked at Hermione aside. Although she was wearing sunglasses, she could still see her general expression.

As soon as God's perspective of observing characteristics was opened, the whole bathroom came into Eisen's mind. In an instant, Eisen could clearly see the imprint of a small snake engraved on the side of a faucet above the pool.

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