Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 57: Lockhart Vs. Basilisk (Part 1)

Everyone didn't stay long in front of the snake slough, and continued to walk through it.

Turning one tunnel turn after another, stepping on wet standing water, Hermione's shoes were soaked by the time Eisen and the others encountered a solid wall. In contrast, Eisen and others were not affected by stagnant water at all.

Of course, Professor Lockhart's shoes were as wet as the trio's, which did not surprise Eisen.

"This is—" Hermione came to Eisen's side and tugged on his sleeve.

"Looks like a sign for the Slytherin Chamber!" Eisen said, looking at Snape.

"Obviously, that's it!" Although Lockhart looked embarrassed, he was in good spirits. He went directly to the wall and patted the round door inlaid on it.

This gate was unlike any other in the castle, for it was carved with two intertwined snakes, and large, shining emeralds set in their eyes.

"That needs to be opened!" Snape said coldly, stepping forward to stroke the twisted snake on the door.

"Then you need—" Eisen said, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and his face became serious, "You need a password or forcible destruction."

Saying this, Eisen did not step forward, but quickly shifted his gaze to the rear. Because Eisen suddenly realized that the basilisk should be unlikely to be inside.

You know, when the Chamber of Secrets was opened for the first time, the basilisk's range of activities had always been in the pipes of Hogwarts Castle. But the fourth attack never happened because of Eisen's interference. Even the Horcrux, the Journal, had been given to Dumbledore.

Whether this Horcrux was destroyed by Dumbledore, Eisen didn't know, but it was predictable that Voldemort would never have a chance to open the door in front of him.

This also means that the basilisk has no chance to drill back at all, but has been wandering in the castle's pipeline. As his thoughts turned, Eisen had already brought to mind all the intertwined tunnels and pipes beneath Hogwarts Castle.

Immediately afterwards, a snake more than 20 feet long appeared in Eisen's sight. Judging from the location where the basilisk was crawling, the tunnel that Eisen and the others walked just now diverged a lot, so everyone walked along the way and did not see the basilisk.

However, perhaps it was the movement of the people walking in the tunnel that attracted the attention of the basilisk, and Eisen found that the basilisk was crawling in the direction of where the people were.


As soon as the explosion sounded.

While keeping an eye on the basilisk, Eisen noticed that Snape swung his wand and cast an invisible spell that hit the door, causing the explosion.

When everything returned to calm, the gate carved with two snakes appeared to be intact. Obviously, Snape's spell hadn't worked.

Lockhart was overjoyed when he saw this, stepped forward and stroked the twisted snake on the gate, and then said complacently, "Of course I can break through it, but this tunnel can't withstand the destructive power of the spell, and you can't do it either." I don't want to be buried here!"

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Eisen noticed that almost as soon as Lockhart's voice fell, everyone present showed extremely disdainful expressions on their faces. Even Hermione, who was standing next to Eisen, couldn't help rolling her eyes.

However, Eisen didn't step forward to try to force open the door. Instead, he was thinking whether to wait for the basilisk to chase him outside, and then deal with it directly in the tunnel, or to enter the secret room and introduce the basilisk into the secret room to deal with it.

After pondering for a moment, Eisen felt that it would be more appropriate to introduce the basilisk into the secret room. After all, the secret room must be enchanted, and its firmness must be much stronger than the tunnel.

Moreover, although the tunnel can accommodate everyone to shuttle through, the space is inevitably a little smaller, and they cannot let go of their hands and feet during battle.

"Harry—" After thinking about it, Eisen gestured to Harry.

"Uh, yes, Professor!" Harry seemed to understand something, glanced at the expressionless Professor McGonagall, and then walked to the door step by step.

Looking at the two snakes wrapped around the gate, although Harry felt that the professor was by his side, he couldn't help swallowing. Looking into those emerald eyes, Harry felt like they were alive.

"Open." The low, hoarse hiss sounded, giving people a creepy feeling.

But as Harry's voice fell, the two snakes on the door twisted and quickly separated. Immediately afterwards, the door was opened.

"Professor Lockhart? What are you doing running behind?" Professor McGonagall glanced at Lockhart who had run behind, showing suspicion.

"Ha - I think there may be some danger in the back, I have to take care of Ron and the others!" Lockhart gripped his wand tightly, pushed Ron in front of him, and put on a brave face.

With a sneer on his face, Snape headed inside first. Afterwards, everyone crossed the round gate and went deep inside. As for Lockhart, he got his wish and landed in the last place.

After entering, what caught everyone's eyes was a long, dimly lit space. On both sides of the aisle in the space stood stone pillars engraved with coiled snakes, and the towering stone pillars propped up the ceiling that melted into the darkness.

Everyone walked forward in the aisle, and in the silent room, the sound of footsteps was particularly conspicuous. At the end of the passage was a wide open space, and at the end of the open space was a statue as tall as the room, which was pressed against the dark wall behind.

Eisen has a God's perspective, so he can clearly see the whole picture of this statue: it is an old, monkey-like face, with a long sparse beard that almost reaches the hem of the wizard's robe carved in stone, Two big gray feet stood on the smooth floor of the room.

Apparently, this is the builder of the Chamber of Secrets and one of the founders of Hogwarts, Salazar Slytherin. In addition to here, Eisen has also seen his image on some books in the library.

Around the clearing, though, as Eisen saw it, there was no sign of the basilisk.

"The basilisk is not here!" Snape's cold voice sounded, and then he looked at Harry with intriguing eyes.

"Ha, I knew it, the basilisk must have known that I was going to deal with it, so it had already escaped!" Lockhart, who was standing behind, began to boast again.

"Professor Eisen—" Suddenly, Hermione seemed to remember something, looked at Eisen with a startled expression, and then looked behind her. Immediately afterwards, Harry also looked behind him in the same horror, and hurriedly retreated to Eisen's side.

Obviously, they who knew part of the truth also guessed the possibility that the basilisk was still wandering outside.

"Uh, what's the problem?" Lockhart watched Harry's movements, turned around with some doubts, and found that there was nothing unusual.

Rusting sounds came from outside, and Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape turned their heads to look in the direction of the round door.

After a moment, Eisen noticed that the basilisk had wandered to the gate. Its heavy body slid through the wet earth and entered through the round gate.

"Gilderoy, I leave the basilisk to you, everyone be careful!" Professor McGonagall waved his hand, and several rays of light enveloped everyone, adding a layer of protective armor to everyone.

"Yeah, just a - just a basilisk, I - of course I can - can deal with it!" Lockhart stammered, wand in hand, a particularly ugly grin on his contorted face.

After sneaking into the secret room from the outside, the basilisk immediately noticed everyone. The already extremely hungry basilisk rushed towards Lockhart without any extra movement.

Fortunately, everyone is wearing enchanted sunglasses, basically ignoring the basilisk's deadly stare ability to a large extent.

"Bones to pieces—" Lockhart pointed at the rushing basilisk with trembling fingers, casting the highest level of attack spells in his life.

As the sound fell, a red light flashed from the wand in Lockhart's hand, hitting the basilisk. But unfortunately, the basilisk was not affected in the slightest. Its huge body was entangled between the stone pillars, and then it raised its head high and rushed straight towards Lockhart.


A roar sounded, and the buff added to Lockhart by Professor McGonagall was completely broken. Lockhart was hit hard, and was knocked several meters away, falling to the feet of the Slytherin statue.

"Ouch—" Lockhart vomited a pool of blood and wriggled without getting up. It appears that the body has been severely injured. But the basilisk would not wait for him to stand up, and swept over with its long tail.

"Professor—" Hermione screamed, grabbing Eisen's arm tightly. Harry and Ron next to him turned their heads away, as if they couldn't bear to see the tragedy that happened next.

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