Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 12 Welcome Party

Knowing that the handsome guy next to her is a professor, although the other person's attitude is very friendly, Hermione still can't let go. After hastily reminding Harry and Ron to change into wizard robes, she left the compartment where Eisen was.

Time passed slowly, and when it was completely dark, the Hogwarts Express stopped. That's right, this is Hogsmeade, the previous stop of Hogwarts.

Hogsmeade is a purely wizarding village. According to the regulations of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, little wizards are not allowed to come here until they are in the third grade.

Even wizards in their third year and above had to have a guardian sign off to be there on certain Saturdays. This time, after the Hogwarts Express stops here, the little wizards will also enter Hogwarts Castle by boat.

"Okay, first-year wizard, please follow me! Come on, first-year wizard, follow me." After the Hogwarts Express train stopped, a voice sounded quickly.

That's right, this is Hagrid who oversees first-year admissions. Holding a lantern, he was busy greeting the little wizard who got off the train.

"Hello, Harry!" Hagrid greeted Harry after seeing Harry. Ron on the side, seeing Hagrid, was also amazed at his height.

The little wizard's luggage is still on the train, there is no need for the little wizard to carry it, someone will help them to school.

"Good evening, Hagrid!" Eisen, who came down behind, stepped forward to say hello.

"Good evening, Professor Eisen." Hagrid was clearly pleased to see Eisen also get off the train.

The little wizard enters school, and then goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by boat on the Black Lake. Amidst the amazement of the young wizards, Eisen also boarded the boat.

Although it was already night, under the moonlight, one could still see a tall castle standing at the end of the Black Lake.

The castle is majestic, the minarets stand tall, and every window reflects luster. Not only does it not have a gorgeous feeling, but it makes people feel more mysterious.

The boat carried the little wizards forward slowly, and after passing through a dark tunnel, they finally came to a pier. After crossing a flat grass, Eisen and the little wizards came to the gate of Hogwarts Castle.

After climbing up the steps, a tall long-haired witch stood in front of her. Seeing her in emerald green robes and serious look, she is obviously the vice-principal of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts! After you enter this door, you will gather with other students." Looking at the little wizard who stopped, Professor McGonagall began to speak.

"But before you can take your seats, you must assign houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Lawen Klaw, and Slytherin, respectively.

If you perform well, points will be added to the academy, and if you make mistakes, students will lose points. At the end of the school year, the college with the highest score will win the college cup! "

After speaking, Professor McGonagall was about to turn around and enter the restaurant.

"Good evening, Professor McGonagall, I hope I'm not late!" Eisen, who was at the back of the crowd, took the opportunity to walk up to McGonagall to say hello.

"Good evening, Professor Eisen, I thought you would be late for the dinner!" Looking at Eisen who appeared in front of him, Professor McGonagall nodded, but his expression remained unchanged.

"Just to experience the Hogwarts Express, but I have to say, the scenery along the way is very beautiful." Eisen shrugged his shoulders.

After entering the auditorium, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. In the magnificent hall, hundreds of young wizards sat on both sides of four long tables. The ceiling above the head is extremely high, but it is enchanted, and it looks as if the starry sky is right in front of you.

Strangely, although there are only candles in the entire hall to provide light, it does not appear dim.

Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of young wizards, Eisen walked towards the professor's seat on his own. He was then placed next to Hagrid by Professor Dumbledore.

"That's the new professor!"

"too young!"

Eisen, who appeared in front of everyone, caused quite a stir because of his age. But then, with the arrival of dozens of freshmen from Professor McGonagall, all attention turned to them.

Soon, the sorting ceremony began. Under the roll call of Professor McGonagall, little wizards sat on chairs one by one, and then were covered with black shiny hats, and were assigned to colleges one by one.

There were no disturbances. People like Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all assigned to Gryffindor. Of course, other people also had their own places to go. For example, Dellaco Malfoy, and even the few little followers around him, were assigned to Slytherin.

Of course, Eisen was quite impressed with Malfoy. Because when he watched a movie in his previous life, he seemed to remember that this guy's name was translated as "Drag Brother Horse Manure", and Eisen almost peed laughing at that time!

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However, when he saw the Sorting Hat, Eisen's expression became serious again. Because he suddenly thought of a question, that is, is the Sorting Hat a magic item or a magical creature?

It is said that it is a pure magic tool, but it obviously has thoughts. Let’s say it has thoughts, but it is only a magical method used by the four founders of Hogwarts to give birth to thoughts, and this kind of thoughts is actually It just represents the thoughts of the four founders on how to choose the little wizards for admission.

So, is Gold Finger useful for the Sorting Hat? However, after thinking about it for a while, Eisen felt that even if it was useful, he probably wouldn't waste a miracle attribute for it, because the ability of the Sorting Hat was really useless to Eisen.

Whenever a little wizard is assigned to their respective colleges, the senior students will cheer and welcome the little wizard at the dining table of the corresponding college.

Soon, the sorting ceremony was over, and Dumbledore began his routine speech.

"I would like to announce to you some things that you must pay attention to in the new semester." Dumbledore stood up. Although he looked trembling, no one dared to underestimate him. Because, he is currently the most powerful white wizard in the wizarding world.

"First, first-year freshmen, all trees and forests on campus are forbidden to enter." Dumbledore warned the newly enrolled young wizards with a particularly serious word.

"Secondly, the administrator, Mr. Filch, also asked me to remind everyone not to cast magic in the corridor between classes. Thirdly, I must tell everyone not to step into the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor, unless you want to encounter accidents. Die in agony."

"By the way, finally, I would like to introduce to you, this is the new astronomy professor——Eisen Turner. Welcome!" Before sitting down, Dumbledore seemed to think of something, after warning the little wizard , introduced Eisen.

Following Dumbledore's words, Eisen stood up and nodded, then sat down again.

When Dumbledore said "The banquet begins", densely packed plates appeared on the four long tables immediately, and they were full of food.

Grilled sausages, turkey sandwiches, scones, etc., seem to be magically conjured by Dumbledore, but in fact these are all prepared in advance by Hogwarts house elves.

But in any case, the magic of turning food around is still very cool. Looking at the food in front of him, Eisen was surprisingly full of appetite, and immediately began to eat it.

After eating and drinking, Dumbledore began to direct all the teachers and students to sing the Hogwarts school song. But the weird thing is that it's up to you to choose which tune to sing.

So, Eisen, who really couldn't stand it, closed his ears by casting spells silently and without a stick, and then the lake moved over.

After the school song ended, the newly enrolled young wizards returned to their dormitories under the leadership of their respective college prefects.

Both Hufflepuff's and Slytherin's dormitories are located in the basement of Hogwarts Castle. One is next to the kitchen, and the other is in the basement of Black Lake. Gryffindor's quarters are in the Gryffindor Tower, with the entrance behind the Fat Lady's portrait. Ra Wen Klau's dormitory is at the top of Ra Wen Klau Tower.

As for Eisen, he was placed in the faculty dormitory. Of course, since Eisen's astronomy class is only held on Wednesday nights, Eisen's days at Hogwarts should be very leisurely.

For this reason, before leaving, Eisen made a request with Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, that is, he wanted to observe the lecture.

Although Eisen has mastered many spells, he still needs to learn some spells with high difficulty skills. Moreover, Eisen didn't plan to audit the sixth and seventh grade classes directly, but planned to start from the first grade.

After such a systematic study, Eisen should feel better.

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