Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 59 Displaying The Basilisk Corpse

When Eisen and the others stood again on the wet floor of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, the sink that covered the plumbing channel slid itself back into place.

Looking at the mud and slime on Lockhart's body, mixed with mottled blood, Professor McGonagall directly cast a cleansing spell on him. Then ordered Harry and Ron to take him to the school hospital.

As for Snape, it was arranged to display the basilisk corpse in the foyer, in order to spread the word that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets had been killed.

After making simple arrangements, Professor McGonagall left. Eisen guessed she was going to call Dumbledore. As for Eisen himself, he quietly came to the library with the attitude of "hiding merit and fame".

However, to Eisen's surprise, Hermione actually followed him all the way to the library.

"Is there any problem?" Looking at Hermione who was sitting next to him and looked at himself with a smirk, Eisen used the cards to transform into a mirror, and didn't find anything wrong with him.

"Professor—" Hermione suppressed her smile, leaned close to Eisen and whispered, "You killed the Basilisk, didn't you?"

"How is it possible—" Eisen shook his head, "As you can see, Lockhart cast a powerful spell to defeat the basilisk!"

"But Professor Lockhart had passed out by then!" Hermione wasn't that kind.

"Hmm—" Eisen had a hesitant look on his face, then waved to Hermione.

Hermione's eyes lit up, and she put her ear next to Eisen. The faint fragrance penetrated into Eisen's nose, but he didn't have any other thoughts at the moment, he just said solemnly, "There is a special talent in the wizarding world called 'killing in dreams', and there was a man named Cao Cao in history. Wizards have this kind of talent, and I think Professor Lockhart has this kind of talent, so he can cast powerful spells while unconscious!"

"Is that really the case?" Hermione looked suspicious, obviously not believing Eisen's words.

"I'm not sure. I only know that Cao Cao seems to be a wizard in Asia. He was very famous in history and almost unified a country." Eisen shook his head solemnly.

"Okay, I see!" Hermione looked at Eisen with a 'I believe you'.

"By the way, let Harry and Ron know when you go back, take a good rest tonight, and the dueling team's actual combat training class will be suspended for one day!" Eisen smiled slightly, and then, as if remembering something, he gave instructions directly.

"Okay, that's right, Professor, you don't need this thing!" Hermione nodded, then raised her head, and while looking at Eisen, a tape recorder appeared in her hand.

"In the Chamber of Secrets, when Lockhart was dealing with the basilisk, why didn't you take this out?" Eisen said with a weak tone.

"Forgot—" Hermione showed a little embarrassment on her little face.

"Uh, okay! It's really useless, you can dismantle the research by yourself, I think it will be helpful for learning alchemy." Looking at the snoring recorder in Hermione's hand, listen to her answer , Eisen felt that Harry and the others should have forgotten it too.

In fact, this thing was originally intended to deal with the basilisk, but since Lockhart is showing his skills to face the basilisk, and there are several professors standing in front of it, it is understandable that the trio forgot to take out the snoring recorder. up.

That night, on the opposite side of the foyer leading to the entrance of the auditorium, the corpse of a basilisk more than twenty feet away lay quietly there.

Every little wizard who passed through the hall could see this huge and terrifying monster. Although the basilisk has been killed, the young wizards still think it is very scary.

"It's terrible, how could Hogwarts have such a big snake?"

"I'm sure it must be the scary monster in the Slytherin Chamber!"

"So, the legend of the Chamber of Secrets is true?"

"Didn't you notice? The monster in the secret room was killed, which means that the attack will not happen again?"

The little wizards coming and going were whispering, and things quickly spread throughout Hogwarts.

Eisen, Professor McGonagall, Snape, and Professor Flitwick were standing next to the corpse of the basilisk. Professor Flitwick saw the basilisk for the first time. Although it had been decapitated, it still made him gasp in amazement.

"Judging from its size, it has lived for at least a thousand years!" Professor Flitwick said.

Eisen stopped in front of the basilisk's head, which was stained with black blood and looked extremely hideous. However, Eisen didn't pay attention to other things, but touched the two light bulb-sized eyeballs with his fingers.

Truth be told, Eisen was intrigued by the basilisk's innate ability to stare deadly. Of course, this is also the most frightening thing about a monster like the basilisk, apart from its highly poisonous teeth.

Of course, there are plenty of ways for Eisen to avoid eye contact with the basilisk. Whether he puts on the enchanted sunglasses himself, or directly transforms the basilisk into a large sunglasses with the Transfiguration technique, he is confident that he can deal with the basilisk without injury.

However, what made Eisen curious was, if he stared directly at the basilisk, then with the huge magic power in his body, could he be directly immune to the basilisk's stare. Will he be stared to death by the basilisk, petrified, or simply immune?

After all, Eisen was confident that he could swallow a few spells like disarming and stunning spells. While analyzing his own strength, Eisen directly swiped his fingers on the eye sockets of the basilisk, and removed the two eyeballs.

Obviously, as the material of the basilisk, Eisen is most interested in these two eyeballs. Judging from the current situation, after the basilisk died, its eyeballs lost the ability to stare to death.

But Eisen still wants to collect it and study it later to see if he can get any results. The one who moved the same way as Eisen was Professor Snape at the side.

However, perhaps because he is a professor of potions, the blood, scales, and snake venom of the basilisk are all available to him.

"Filius, we should make a good publicity, let the outside world see that we have solved the trouble in the Chamber of Secrets, so that Hagrid can be proved innocent, and Principal Dumbledore will come back." Professor McGonagall naturally knew why Hagrid was taken away , also know the reason why Dumbledore was dismissed.

"You're right, Minerva. Once word of the basilisk's solution spread, Connelly would have no reason to imprison Hagrid. Headmaster Dumbledore's troubles would be gone." Professor Flitwick seemed to agree with this approach.

After the materials were collected, Eisen showed a satisfied smile on his face. Unlike the materials Snape needed, Eisen not only got the eyeballs of the basilisk, but also cut off two of the basilisk's fangs.

Judging from the current situation, the poisonous fangs of the Basilisk are extremely powerful and can directly destroy the Horcrux. If a person is stung by a basilisk's fangs, only the tears of Dumbledore's pet Fawkes can heal.

Therefore, collecting the basilisk fangs, Eisen thought that one day he could research more powerful healing items, or extract the toxins from them to refine powerful toxic items.

Because they wanted to publicize the killing of the basilisk, the professors did not intend to hide the body of the basilisk, but displayed it directly in the hall.

Of course, in order to prevent the little wizard from coming into contact with the corpse of the basilisk and encounter accidents, the professors also applied some protective magic to isolate it.

When Eisen returned to the office, he found that it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

After the third attack, Hogwarts had already imposed a curfew, especially after Hagrid and Dumbledore left the school, the little wizards had to strictly follow the rules of Hogwarts.

Therefore, the castle at Hogwarts was very quiet at this time. But now that the terrifying monster basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets has been dealt with, and its corpse is still displayed in the foyer, it will take a few days for Hogwarts to resume its lively scene.

Sitting behind the desk, Eisen leaned back in the chair, but was still thinking about the Chamber of Secrets.

Slytherin built the Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts Castle, and leaving the Basilisk behind should not be as simple as weeding out students who are not qualified to learn magic.

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He had previously thought that although Slytherin had different ideas from the other three founders, he should not be able to kill Muggle-born students.

So, perhaps the purpose of Slytherin building the Chamber of Secrets and leaving the basilisk behind is to protect some of the treasures he left behind? A few guesses raced through Eisen's mind.

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