After reading this article, the three of them looked at each other for a while.

"This must have been written by that woman, Rita Skeeter. You know that woman likes to make things up!" Ron swallowed his food and was the first to express his opinion.

"But what's written on it makes sense, doesn't it?" Hermione rolled her eyes and made an irrefutable point, "Lockhart used to say in class that the matter of the Chamber of Secrets had been solved by him, the first attack He said that after the incident. If he hadn't planned it for a long time, why did he keep doing it?"

"Yes, that's right!" Harry looked at Hermione in a daze, then seemed to understand her routine, nodded quickly and took Hermione's words and said, "Lockhart said that one person can solve the monster in the Chamber of Secrets, but he waited until Dumbledore was killed." He only made the move after he was suspended, which shows that he had premeditated!"

"Really? I don't think it's possible!" Hagrid showed a suspicious look, "He's just a liar, how can he deal with the basilisk!"

"It seems that Professor Eisen discovered the clue to the entrance of the secret room!" Ron pointed to the section in the article that introduced Lockhart's discovery of the clue to the entrance to the secret room, with a troubled look on his face.

"Maybe the above is a bit exaggerated, but you know, Lockhart's character is like that, he likes to show off everywhere, so it's not surprising that he takes some credit for Professor Eisen!" Harry explained.

"That's right, he's been showing off his book adventures and letting us play the characters in class!" Ron looked dazed.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Just as the trio welcomed Hagrid back, on the other side, Eisen came to Dumbledore's office again.

"Professor Dumbledore, welcome back to Hogwarts! Everyone is looking forward to your return!" Sitting on the chair, Eisen looked at the old man with white beard and hair opposite him, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

To be honest, Dumbledore is like a pinnacle to Hogwarts. With him around, everyone believes that Hogwarts is safe.

Except, Dumbledore was too old. Born in 1881, he is now over 110 years old. Even with the help of Eisen's healing bracelet, he wouldn't have survived for many years without being crippled by Marvolo Gaunt's ring curse.

After all, Dumbledore doesn't have a Philosopher's Stone to make an elixir of life to extend his life. Of course, to Dumbledore, death was just another great adventure.

However, when thinking of these things, one thing made Eisen feel very puzzled, that is, is there a god of death in this world? In "The Tales of Poet Wengbi", is the god of death encountered by the "three brothers" really a legendary god?

If death really exists, why is there no record in the wizarding world. The only thing that mentions the word death is a collection of stories. But how did the Deathly Hallows come about if there was no Grim Reaper?

Of course, in his previous life, Eisen once saw a saying on the Internet that Dumbledore was actually the god of death, or the incarnation of the god of death.

As the story goes, the eldest of the three brothers asked Death for a powerful wand. The second child got the resurrection stone from the god of death. The third child was very clever to get the invisibility cloak to prevent death from following him.

As a result, the eldest was killed by the powerful wand he wanted, and the second committed suicide after resurrecting a woman. Only the third child took off the invisibility cloak and handed it to his son when his life span was about to expire. He greeted the god of death like an old friend, and then left the world with the god of death.

What's interesting is that according to Eisen's reading, Voldemort represents the eldest of the three brothers, who has been chasing a stronger power, while the second is Snape, who has always wanted to revive Lily, and died because of it. Harry is considered the third child, he is brave and not afraid of death.

When Dumbledore handed the Invisibility Cloak to Harry, he said it was his father's. In addition, when Harry encountered the death curse, he saw Dumbledore (the embodiment of death) at King's Cross Station.

Of course, such a statement is indeed a bit far-fetched, at least Eisen has no way to determine the authenticity of this kind of thing for the time being. So, when facing Dumbledore, Eisen just needs to do his job.

"Thank you, Professor Eisen, I heard about the solution to the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets." Dumbledore smiled slightly, "Fortunately, you found the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets and killed the basilisk, otherwise, Hagrid would have been imprisoned in Azka class!"

"Uh, this is really absurd. I just found the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. It was Harry who opened it through the talent of Snakespeak. Professor Lockhart killed the basilisk!" Eisen continued in a flat tone with his lips curled up. .

"No, Severus has already told, I trust his vision!" Dumbledore shook his head, then winked at Eisen, "Also, we all know how good Gilderoy is, don't we?"

Well, there really seems to be no way to hide from Dumbledore. After a slight pause, Eisen nodded and did not speak again.

"By the way, how is Harry? He also went to the Chamber of Secrets, can he control the basilisk?" Dumbledore's expression was slightly restrained, and he continued to ask Eisen.

"I, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Professor Lockhart were all there at the time, so Harry didn't have a chance to get in touch with the basilisk." Eisen shrugged his shoulders, "But I think that Harry has the talent of Oldmouth, so he should be able to control snakes." weird!"

"Professor Eisen!" Dumbledore was silent for a moment, then looked at Eisen solemnly, "During this period of time, I explored Tom Riddle's past and found that he is a descendant of Salazar Slytherin."

"The Gaunt family is the descendant of Slytherin. I think Voldemort is the heir of Slytherin, which is an easy conclusion to draw." Eisen said calmly, with a serious look on his face.

"That's right, but Harry Potter's ancestors were not Slytherins." Dumbledore glanced at Eisen and continued, "Tom inherited the talent for Old Tongue from Salazar, so how did Harry's Old Tongue talent come about?" ? I combed through the past information and found that only Tom had contact with Harry that night!"

"The night Voldemort returned home in front of Harry?" With a twitch in his heart, Eisen understood what Dumbledore meant.

"That's right, the two of them could only connect that night." Dumbledore nodded.

"By the way, there is something I think you need to know." Eisen narrowed his eyes slightly, and said the matter slowly, "Last year Voldemort possessed Professor Quirrell and came to Hogwarts to steal the Philosopher's Stone You still remember."

"Yes, Quirinus is a very good professor. After graduating from Rawen Kerao College, he taught Defense Against the Dark Arts, and then went to the virgin forests of Albania to gain first-hand practical experience. I think, Tom It should have possessed him at that time." Dumbledore was slightly taken aback and then said.

"After Voldemort possessed Professor Quirrell, Harry once told me one thing. During that time, he would have nightmares every night, dreaming that his parents disappeared in a green light. Weird laughter will appear." Eisen's tone was rather flat.

Hearing Eisen's words, Dumbledore's expression became more serious: "You mean—"

"When Voldemort gets close to Harry, the connection between them will become stronger. This kind of close stimulation will remind Harry of things that happened that night, such as that green light, and that laughter—— Eisen nodded.

"Avada Kedavra, and Tom!" Dumbledore said this conclusion solemnly.

"Yes, I think, you should know what happened that night!" Eisen nodded and continued to remind him.

"Tom killed James and Lily, before Lily sacrificed her life to put a protective spell on Harry, that spell caused Tom's attack to leave a scar on Harry's forehead, but his attack was parried and rebounded This destroyed his body, but because of the existence of the Horcrux, the rebound attack did not kill him completely, and his remnant soul wandered in the primeval forest of Albania until it met Quirinus." Dumbledore said, as if Thinking of something, he frowned tightly.

"Last time I remember you said that the method of making Horcruxes is very evil, and you need to split your own soul." Eisen said, showing a speculative expression, "So, when Voldemort used the Killing Curse to attack Harry, he was killed by him. When the protection spell resisted and rebounded on himself, it destroyed his body.

Is it possible that Voldemort's soul was also torn apart in that attack, and then one piece escaped to Albania, and the other splashed on the only survivor at the time, Harry—"

"Tom made Harry a Horcrux by accident, and that piece of soul created a connection between them, and allowed Harry to inherit the talent of Oldmouth from Tom?" Dumbledore stood up and took Eisen's words, with a flash in his eyes With a flash of light, the magic power in his body surged, making Eisen beside him feel a pressure.

"Although this is speculation, it is the most reasonable inference. I don't know the specific method of making Horcruxes, and I don't know if people can be made into Horcruxes, but the connection between Harry and Voldemort does exist Yes!" Eisen pretended to look solemn, but there was no big disturbance in his heart.

"Maybe that's the truth of the matter, but it's amazing!" Dumbledore paced back and forth in his office.

After a while, Dumbledore looked at Eisen: "Professor Eisen, I would like you to keep this conclusion a secret, and don't tell anyone else just yet."

"Of course it's fine, but, can't you tell Harry too?" Eisen nodded, and then asked back.

"No—I don't think he's ready for all this!" Dumbledore cast a deep look at Eisen.

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