Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 66 Ron And Harry's Surprising Discovery (Part 1)

Seeing the solemn faces of the three nodding heads, Eisen knew that they had listened to his words. This is something that Eisen is very relieved about.

As for how to fight the death curse, Eisen thinks that they can temporarily train their ability to dodge the curse. In the future, they can also train their ability of transfiguration, so that they can use transfiguration to transform into entities to resist the death curse.

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No way, it seems that apart from avoiding the Death Curse, only physical bunkers can resist it.

"Okay, today's actual combat training is here!" Wei Wei hesitated, and Eisen waved to the trio, "By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you!"

Afterwards, Eisen told the trio that in the next period of time, Principal Dumbledore might announce that Voldemort had been completely killed and could never return.

"But, Professor Eisen, we all know that Voldemort is not completely dead, right? That's what Professor Dumbledore told me, why did he do that?" After listening to Eisen's words, Harry looked at Eisen in surprise.

"Yes, Professor Eisen, Dumbledore is the greatest wizard of our time. If he said that Voldemort would not come back, everyone would believe him. Wouldn't it be too dangerous if Voldemort did come back?" Hermione was puzzled asked out.

"You all know about Voldemort possessing Professor Quirrell last year!" Eisen changed the subject and looked at Harry.

"Yes, at the time we thought it was Snape who was going to steal the Philosopher's Stone for Voldemort, but we didn't expect it to be Voldemort possessed by Professor Quirrell." Saying this, Harry showed a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Professor Quirrell went to the primeval forest of Albania to accumulate some practical experience in Defense Against the Dark Arts. There, Professor Quirrell met Voldemort's remnant soul—" Eisen said with a pause, "Voldemort possessed Quirrell After the professor's operation to steal the Philosopher's Stone failed, the remnant soul most likely returned to the primeval forest of Albania."

"So it's like this—" Harry looked surprised, but then looked at Eisen suspiciously, "But what does this have to do with the propaganda that Voldemort has been completely killed?"

Hermione and Ron nodded in agreement.

"Do you know?" Eisen changed the subject, his face became serious, "Actually, since Voldemort's downfall, many of his Death Eaters have been imprisoned in Azkaban, but there are also many Death Eaters. He escaped punishment from the Ministry of Magic on the grounds that he was under the Imperius Curse."

"I know, Dellako's father is like that!" Ron swallowed, and spoke out first.

"Some Death Eaters are no longer loyal to Voldemort, but some Death Eaters are still Voldemort's loyal subordinates. If these people know that Voldemort's remnant soul is still wandering in the primeval forests of Albania, they will definitely try to revive Voldemort— —” Eisen gave the three meaningful glances.

"So Professor Dumbledore thinks that spreading the news that Voldemort has been completely killed is to make those Death Eaters who are still loyal to Voldemort give up their search for Voldemort's remnant soul?" Hermione couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Voldemort was not completely killed, but it is very difficult to be resurrected. If it is not for the help of Death Eaters, Voldemort cannot be resurrected alone!" Eisen nodded, "If you use this kind of propaganda to promote Voldemort The way of being completely dead makes the Death Eaters give up looking for Voldemort, then Voldemort will not be able to be resurrected!"

"What does the professor mean, let's not spread the news that Voldemort is not dead?" Harry finally realized it.

"That's right, as long as you know that Voldemort didn't die completely, but don't go around talking about it!" Eisen nodded, obviously that's what he meant.

After leaving the Room of Requirement, the trio returned to the Gryffindor common room.

The next day, the atmosphere in Hogwarts became lively. A considerable number of young wizards began to believe that Professor Lockhart was not a conspirator, but was slandered by Rita Skeeter.

Perhaps because Rita and Lockhart are well-known people, or because their peers are enemies, their book fans also began to scold each other in the newspapers.

This caused the young wizards in Hogwarts to polarize their attitudes towards Lockhart. Some little wizards or Lockhart fans believe that Lockhart solved the basilisk alone, is a hero of Hogwarts, and is definitely not a conspirator who aims to seize the post of principal.

Another group of wizards believed that Professor Lockhart had no ability to deal with the basilisk at all. Several professors must have dealt with the basilisk together, but Lockhart turned this into his own experience.

But in this regard, the trio did not have the time to express their views. Early in the morning, Hermione hurriedly began to review her homework after having breakfast.

There are only three weeks until the final exam of the second grade, which is already a very dangerous time for a top student.

As for Harry and Ron, they received a note from Professor McGonagall during the meal, which stated that the two of them would go to Professor Lockhart's office at eight o'clock in the evening to be confined.

For a while, Harry and Ron were not interested in talking about Lockhart's spat with Rita.

After a day of Potions class, Herbal Medicine class and Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Harry and Ron came to Lockhart's office after asking Hermione to inform Professor Eisen to suspend the dueling team's actual combat training for a day.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Harry and Ron knocked on the door of Lockhart's office just in time.

"What's the matter?" Lockhart looked sickly. It seemed that although his physical injuries had healed, he had suffered a great blow mentally.

"We're here for confinement!" The two faltered, but it was Harry who said the purpose.

"Oh, yes, you two little bastards!" Lockhart's mood was even worse when he thought of the two men pointing their wands at him and forcing him to the entrance of the second-floor bathroom back room.

"Come on, let me think about how to punish you, so that you will sincerely repent, thank you Gilderoy Lockhart for his greatness and generosity!" Lockhart dragged the two into the office, chattering boastfully.

Harry and Ron stared at Lockhart dumbfounded, with a sense of horror.

"Ah! I figured it out!" Lockhart didn't care about Harry and Ron's attitude at all, he took out a thick stack of envelopes from a cabinet on the side of the desk, and placed them in front of them.

"This is—" Harry and Ron looked at the thick stack of letters in front of them in confusion, and after looking at each other, they had a sense of foreboding.

"Haha, these are some letters of support from fanatical fans. Now, you need to transcribe them all!" Lockhart swept away his previously sluggish look and became energetic.

Harry opened an envelope, and the letter inside read: Dear Gilderoy, I am your loyal reader Lisa, I sleep with your book every day, I am absolutely sure that you are not a conspiracy, you are a great adventure Family……

Ron stared at the envelope in his hand in a daze. The content on the letter paper was as follows: Dear Gilderoy, I am your loyal reader Abilard, don't be influenced by that shameless woman Rita Gist In a good mood, I will stand behind you all my life, you are so charming...


After Harry and Ron looked at each other, they almost threw up their dinner.

"Hurry up and start copying, this is your punishment for attacking the professor—" Lockhart sat behind the desk and yawned, then looked at the two and continued: "Although you have seen how I solved the basilisk alone Yes, but I still want you and my readers to feel my greatness!"

The two of them had no right to choose to refuse. In desperation, they could only hold back and start copying without using their brains.

"Rita Skeeter, that damned woman, knows how to slander the great Gilderoy...I must let you know how big my readership is..." Lockhart spread out a piece of parchment, dabbed it with a quill The ink was writing something on it, and he was muttering while writing, it seemed that he was very angry with Rita's article.

Harry and Ron looked at each other without speaking, just copying quietly.

ho - ho -

The sound of snoring did not know when it sounded, Harry and Ron glanced at the clock on the wall only to realize that it was already midnight.

Seeing Lockhart lying on the chair and snoring, the two looked at each other.

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